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486 · Jan 2014
All About The Courage
Love Jan 2014
How much courage does it take
to make that first step,
into something new
and unfamiliar to you?
Knowing that you'll come back changed,
and be a different person
with a new outlook on life.
Have a new
and dazzling smile.
A giggle and a hair flip.
You'll say,
"I dont know what was going on,
but I'm better now."
Smile again,
and walk away.
All the while still wishing to die.
Wishing to drag the cool blade across your skin,
and watch the blood pool up.
Its not "better now",
You just learned how to act.
So in the end,
the actions will be finished,
and you'll be cured.
But you'll still be the same
broken person
that you were before.
Is it worth that first step,
or should you say no,
and just jump
into oblivion
486 · Oct 2014
Ribbon (20w)
Love Oct 2014
Love is like a ribbon.
In order to make a bow you have to have the other side there too.
481 · Nov 2013
Bye Bye
Love Nov 2013
You have no idea how badly I just want to stop,
Stop everything.
Today is one those says that I honestly feel like everything would be ok,
If I was to just stop.
Stop walking,
I'm thankful for my life,
But I feel like I don't deserve it.
I've never felt like I deserve it.
But I was given it,
And I cant give it back,
There's no receipt.
So I'm stuck.
I'm like an annoying teenager on the phone,
Who keeps saying bye,
But never hangs up.
Well I'm still taking up the line.
**** it,
I'm not going anywhere am I?
479 · Jan 2015
Pattern of Death
Love Jan 2015
Enough is enough
I've been around the block one too many times
I shouldn't have came back this time
But for some reason
Here I stand
I'd **** myself
But I'd just come back all over again
I have a pattern of death
Dying at 18
A girl of 17 shouldn't fell older than the woman of 68 sitting beside of her
How many times do I have to come back
Why this time thrown in a batch of strangers
I screamed for 3 months after I was born because I knew this was wrong
In a loop of my own hell.
I turn 18 in 10 months.
Love Nov 2013
I have so many emotions,
So many things going around in my head.
For over 3 years...
I've felt like there's been a constant tornado...
In my head...
And in my heart...
Swirling around,
Leaving nothing but destruction.
478 · Nov 2020
Love Nov 2020
I drink so I don’t want to **** myself.
I drink to forget the day.
My sorrows are washed away with each sip I take
Of that magical nectar.
Sobriety is hard.
When the alcohol is like a siren
Calling out for just one more date
It’ll be the death of me one day
But at least it won’t hurt.
477 · Dec 2014
Lost Cause
Love Dec 2014
The moment comes when you lose all hope
You stop wishing for that time machine
You stop praying every night for some kind of miracle
But you never stop dreaming
Of how it felt
To have her in your arms
But the moment has come to where I've lost all hope.
475 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
Fake a smile,
And fake a laugh.
Hide your tears,
And hide your cuts.
Polish your pain off with sparkling eyes,
And dazzling teeth.
Don't let them see whats going on in your head.
Don't let them know all the times you've cried,
How you cant stand to look at yourself in the mirror,
How you feel guilty every time you eat.
They cant know.
For all they know,
You're the happiest person alive.
468 · Nov 2013
I'm Done
Love Nov 2013
"I'm done."
Typically when I say this,
People start to freak.
They think that I am done with life,
That I am done with living...
But I'm not.
I'm going in the opposite direction.
I'm done.
The blades,
The ones I held so dear...
I've said goodbye to.
I'm done.
No more.
467 · Jan 2014
Darkened Eyes
Love Jan 2014
She darkens her eyes,
With another ring,
Another line,
While her soul inside screams.

They say that the eyes are the window,
To what we hold inside,
But its only what we let show,
And let the rest subside.

That girl with the darkened eyes,
Shes me.
Shes the girl with so many lies,
That she hides so that no one can see.

She has a gentle smile,
And kind a soul,
But a dark one all the while,
Wishing to curl up and die in a hole.

You can be one of good intentions,
But if you darken your eyes, and darken your clothes,
People with view you from a different dimension.
So let the blood come, and watch it flow.

Whats the point of anything anyways,
If you're viewed in that light?
Your life becomes a haze,
And then you slip out of mind, out of sight.
466 · Nov 2014
Depression in Hell
Love Nov 2014
What evil sin did I commit
To deserve this hell?

If I **** myself tonight
Maybe no one would notice
Everyone who cares
Is either gone or dead
And let's face it
I'm living in hells subbasement
But I can't
And resistance comes with the price
Of my blood and alcohol
As if my mind wasn't dark enough.

We resent pain
And yet we inflict ourselves with it
The pain we can cause ourselves over rides the pain that's been given to us on a silver platter.
We want the pain to end
But we always want to hurt more.

I feel like my blood has been replaced
With alcohol
my thoughts, torment
Being tortured by
That only I can see.

This deadbeat just wants peace
With the sound of a flat line.

Which way to go
The pills calling my name
A knife
A gun
A rope and a chair
Or slowly with one drop at a time
With poison
That took the name of liquid courage.

I wonder why they called her ****.
Meant to be a song.
464 · Nov 2013
Beat it out of me?
Love Nov 2013
You don't like me?
So you shove me up against the lockers,
You push me down the stairs,
Or you trip me in the halls?
You try to beat the gay out of me.
Its not working.
I don't like me either.
I've tried the same...
Just not with fists...
463 · Oct 2020
Because you like hikus
Love Oct 2020
I want you to know
You are stronger than you think
You will be okay

Even with me gone
Hold close to our memories
They’re all you have left

Thanks for the flowers
And the bruises you left me
May they never fade

I want you to know
I loved you in so many ways
But I’m letting go

So goodbye to you
My dearest almost lover
My heart still awaits
463 · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
A penny for your thoughts?
Oh please,
Whats going through your head?
No need to be sad,
It just needs to be said.
And maybe when you see the marks there on my wrist,
You might realize that you really will be missed.
Uh oh. Uh oh.

Its not worth it,
Take one step back.
Look at all the beauty around you.
Please put down that razor, that knife,
Dont go away, just continue with this life
In the tone of "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry. Its no where near finished but I'm happy for now.
445 · Sep 2014
That's How Its Always Been
Love Sep 2014
"That's how it's always been"
They say
"It's biblical. That's how it's always been done and that's how it should be."

Excuse me?

According to you we must follow the bible?
Have you followed the bible? Uhh no.
The enlightenment was a long time ago.
Get with the program.
444 · Nov 2014
Little Girl (10w)
Love Nov 2014
She's a pretty little girl.
Not a good little girl.
443 · Dec 2013
If I Were A Boy
Love Dec 2013
"If I were a boy,
Even just for a day."
What if I was?
Would I finally feel comfortable?
I like guys clothes.
I like guy music.
I like girls (and guys).
I sit,
And stand like a guy.
I don't like make up,
And as a kid,
I was the girl playing with action figures.
I know I'm a girl,
And I dont want to be a guy,
Im fine with who I am,
But I just wonder...
What would it be like,
For all those things to be normal?
"If I were a boy,
Even just for a day."
But I'm not.
I'm a girl,
And not just for a day,
For a lifetime,
And I'm happy with that...
But still,
I wonder.
"If I were a boy."
If I Were A Boy - Beyonce Knowles
442 · Nov 2013
I Messed Up
Love Nov 2013
I messed up.
Big time.
I really did,
But whats done is done.
I can't go back an change it,
And even if I could,
I wouldn't.
I'm sorry,
But I'm not sorry for what I did,
Because it felt so right.
I don't regret what I did,
My only regret is that you had to be with me through all this.
I'm only sorry that I hurt you.
441 · Sep 2014
Love Sep 2014
I see you staring from across the room
You think as of I don't notice
But what you have yet to figure out
Is all the while you've been staring at me
I've been staring at you.
439 · Dec 2013
Thank You
Love Dec 2013
Thanks for being there for me,
But I don't need you anymore.
Thank you for trying,
But I'm tired,
And done.
It means a lot to me that you try,
But I'm done.
I cant be saved,
Not anymore.
But know that you warmed a special place,
Within my stone cold heart.
439 · Dec 2013
Blood On The Moon
Love Dec 2013
I walked out,
Just before dawn.
It was light enough to see,
But the moon still shown.
It was peaceful,
Right up until the moment I noticed something odd.

The moon seemed to be glowing red,
A red ring circled it,
And then bled to the inside.
On the moon.
Danger is coming,
Its on its way.
Its a warning,
That few understand.

I got to school,
And right as I walked through the doors,
A broom fell.
Trouble is coming,
And its coming my way.
Oh what a wonderful day,
For destiny is set.
Its on it way,
Time to prepare,
For the possibility of disaster.
438 · Oct 2014
Dear Katlyn
Love Oct 2014
To the girl my life revolved around
The girl I love to death
And miss more and more each day
With every passing breath
Every time my heart beats
It aches a little more
For your touch
Your kiss.
I'm so NOT over you.
436 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
People cry,
I cry.
Its what we do,
And its okay.
We cry because we have pain.
And we just need to let some of that pain go.
We don't cry because we're weak,
But we do it so we can continue to stay strong.
We cry because we've been strong,
And holding on too long,
That we just break down.
And thats okay.
Its all okay.
436 · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
I'm tired,
And weak.
There are bruises on me,
Ones that seem to come from no where.
I'm always achy,
And my head never seems to stop hurting.
I sleep more.
I eat less.
I'm tried,
And weak,
But more than any of that,
I'm scared.
435 · Jun 2014
Love Jun 2014
You shout those names
And call me a sin,
As if a sin is all I hold within.
Can't you see I've tried to change
With no prevail,
I try time and time again
I only fail.
I wish you would understand,
That I'm drowning in my thoughts
My feet aren't set on dry land.
I want you to be able to see,
How conflicted the thoughts are within me.
I'm no ****.
Not even in the dark secret of the night.
I'm just a girl with a conflict
A war beneath my skin,
And all you can see is my sin,
As if you were perfect.
432 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
I am blind.
Not completely,
But it feels like it.
Without my glasses I am.
But I dont see this as a curse,
I see it as a blessing.
For I can take off my glasses,
And hide.
I can hide from the world.
All the hatred,
And all the ugliness,
Its a bliss feeling.
To be able to sit there,
And not see anything,
And be separated from the world.
But when you want to be part of the world again,
All you must do is slip on those glasses.
It feels like you have control over the world.
431 · Nov 2013
An act?
Love Nov 2013
A new house,
A new room,
A new beginning.
Whats this?
A new family?
Its the same people,
But its like they hit a restart button.
The same bed,
Same couch,
Same clothes,
Different walls.
Different skin.
Same hauntings,
Different ghosts.
Everythings the same,
But nothings the same,
Everythings different,
But nothing has changed.
Whats this?
An act?
431 · Nov 2013
Pretty, pretty.
Love Nov 2013
The pretty,
On pretty,
Thank you pretty little words.
It better than red ugly ones.
430 · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
I made you promise me,
That you wouldn't get into it.
You made me promise you,
That I would stop.

You're important to me,
And I'm gonna keep that promise,
Do or die.
428 · Nov 2013
Stop. Change. Please?
Love Nov 2013
Quit your crap.
Quit saying gay is okay,
Because it obviously isn't.
If it was then it would be accepted,
It would be normal.
Things aren't okay.
It feels right,
But I feel that I'm being brain washed,
My mind being manipulated to think that its bad.
I'm being told its wrong,
That I'm an abomination,
That I need to change.
I don't want to change,
I want society to.
427 · Nov 2013
I Kissed A Girl
Love Nov 2013
"I kissed a girl and I liked it"
I was a little girl,
Of about 11 singing that.
I loved Katy Perry.
At that age,
I had no shame,
And I knew of no hate.
No hate in being gay.
Little did I know,
That would be me.
"I kissed a girl and I liked it."
426 · Aug 2014
Thunder (10w)
Love Aug 2014
We have clouds of lightning and thunder, who needs stars?
426 · Nov 2013
Keep Holding On
Love Nov 2013
I'm strong,
And I've been strong.
I'm strong for you.
I'm trying to show you...
Show you possibilities.
That things can get better.
But you wont watch.
You wont listen.
You're holding on...
But you're not strong.
You're weak,
And I see you slipping.
I reach out my hand to try to help you up...
But you wont reach up for it.
You can't just hold on forever.
You need help,
And you need support,
But you have to let me.
You have to grab my hand,
So I can give you help.
You have to stay with me.
You have to keep holding on,
Not only that,
But you have to stay strong.
424 · Dec 2013
Singing In The Dark
Love Dec 2013
I'm sitting here,
In the dark,
In the corner,
To me,
Its comforting.
But to someone who the scene is new to,
The scene of a child,
Rocking back and forth,
That wouldn't be comforting,
Creepy instead.
423 · Jul 2014
Love Jul 2014
Tears stream down my face
as I text another message
"I'll be okay."
423 · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
I'm just a little bit tipsy,
Just a little,
To get you off my mind.
A few drinks wont hurt anything.
Oh no.
There you are again.
Lets try another.
I'm at my limit,
I've had enough.
I've drank my pain away,
And you went along with it.
But now the buzz is dying,
And you're coming back to life in my mind.
Lets try this again.
Just a few more drinks,
Whats it gonna hurt?

"Cause of death?"
They ask.
"Alcohol poison."
422 · Mar 2014
Must I be classified?
Love Mar 2014
Must I be labeled?
Put into a classification,
Of what I am,
And what I believe?
Can I not just be human,
Or just be a girl?
Can I not believe in gay rights,
But at the same time be pro-life?
Can I not be a Christian,
And love girls?
Can I not want to see a change in this country,
Without being a liberal?
Why must you stamp a label on me,
Put me into a classification,
With a set of guidelines for me to follow,
Can I not just be me,
And do what I believe?
Love Dec 2013
Everything happens for a reason,
Sometimes for a good reason,
Other times...
Not so much.
But from each thing that happens,
You learn.
Each experience we endure,
There is a lesson to be taught.
You can take that lesson to heart,
Or you can completely ignore it.
Its all up to you.
But everything happens for a reason,
So dont dwell,
Dont sorrow,
It will all turn out ok,
In the big picture that is life.
419 · Dec 2013
Kiss You
Love Dec 2013
We sit there,
And talk,
For hours on end.
And the entire time we're together,
I just want to kiss you.
418 · Jan 2014
Letter To Her
Love Jan 2014
Hey darling,
I wrote you a letter,
It bled out,
With the blood from my heart,
And had its own special signature.
I tucked it away,
Its under my bed,
Waiting for the day,
That I bring up the courage,
To kiss you one last time,
Hand you the letter,
And walk away,
As my final goodbye.
418 · Dec 2014
Too pretty?
Love Dec 2014
Everyone says I'm too pretty for him.
I don't care, since when have looks ever mattered to me? And he's not even ugly so take your opinion and shove it up your ***.
Not a poem just my rant of the night.
418 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
"Whats wrong?"
They ask.
I say.
"I'm fine."
"You don't look fine."
They say.
"Then quit looking."
417 · Apr 2014
Week or Weak
Love Apr 2014
A week ago today I got the news,
A friend of mine had been killed in a car crash,
Along with a boy from my school,
And two other friends were injured.
On Wednesday the whole school had a memorial for anyone who wanted to say goodbye.
I wasn't ready to.
And I'm still not. I feel weak.
414 · Nov 2013
My Demons
Love Nov 2013
All around me.
They surround me.
My demons,
They're everywhere.
Some are inside my head,
But others are not.
Some are people.
People who cause me harm,
Or heart ache,
They are demons too.
But they're the ones I cant push aside.
Or make go away.
Because I love them?
Those demons in my head,
They're sometimes my friends,
And my friends...
They're sometimes my demons.
414 · Mar 2014
My Apologies To Her
Love Mar 2014
I'm sorry I'm not the girl you want.
The one who isn't afraid to kiss you with everyone watching,
The one who doesn't hear a small panicked voice in the back of her head every time we hold hands.
I'm sorry I cant be as comfortable with myself as you are with you.
But I do promise you this,
I love you and I want to be with you.
I will always be there,
No matter what happens.
I promise you that I'll be the perfect girl to love,
One who sits there with an open heart,
And a listening ear.
Honey I love you too much for this.
I'm scared.
Text me back.
Let me hear your words again.
Throw away the razors and put down the knife,
When you make a mark on your skin,
It makes a mark on my heart,
Because its my fault.
I couldn't be there for you,
And I couldn't fix it.
But baby,
Please dont go.
413 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
It comes sneaking up on you,
And then it pounces.
Like a cat would on a mouse.
It takes you by surprise,
And it seems to rip your heart out.
It comes out of no where,
Thin air.
You're sitting alone,
Happy and smiling.
Nothing happens,
Nothing to really trigger it,
But there it is.
The pain.
Feeling your heart stop and then go a mile a minute.
Feeling your throat completely close and then open and then close again,
As you're gasping desperately for air.
Feeling the need to rip into two,
And leave part of you sitting there,
And just run,
And never stop,
And never look back.
But you cant.
You cant do that.
You stay sitting there.
You're paralyzed.
You cant move,
Or breathe,
Or cry,
Or scream.
No matter how much you want to.
And then everything relaxes,
But the pain and fear,
They haven't left.
Your body is in shock.
But now you can cry.
Now you can scream.
Now you can move.
But the worst part is over now.
So you just sit there,
Curled up in a ball,
Rocking back and forth,
Scared to death...
By nothing.
413 · Nov 2013
Broken Beyond Repair
Love Nov 2013
I trusted you,
I gave you my heart,
And you broke it.
Its shattered.
Beyond repair.
413 · Mar 2014
Goodbye Sweetheart
Love Mar 2014
Im sorry to say goodbye to you,
But this is just too much,
In such a short period of time,
And I cannot take the stress,
I cant take handle the drama,
That seems to come along with loving you.
That statement is true,
I do love you.
I always have,
Since the moment I laid eyes on you as a kid,
And possibly always will,
Secretly, until my very last breath.
But I am tired of all the ****,
That follows you and your "friends",
And they tell me stories of you,
And some other girl,
That only a bestfriend would know.
I love you.
Oh how much I love you.
Darling I hate to say goodbye,
But you have lost my trust.
411 · Jan 2014
I Miss Her
Love Jan 2014
Last night,
I talked to her,
And I realized how much I truly missed her.
I thought I was over her,
That she was a thing of the past,
But no.
Shes a thing of the present,
And hopefully the future.
I miss her,
And I'm determined to make her mine again.
Don't tell nobody,
But I think I love her.
409 · Sep 2014
Going Home
Love Sep 2014
I'm homesick for a land where I've not yet lived.
I'm yearning for a change to bliss
The kind that's only obtained when the remnants of this life are 6 feet under.
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