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Nov 2020 · 73
Unchain Me
Maja Malhotra Nov 2020
I'm going to tell you my story,
My name is Ellie.
I'm fat and round,
When I move I shake the ground.

My body is enormous,
But I walk with calmness.
I have the largest ears,
And can live for many years.

I have soft hair on my head,
And carefully tread.
I have a long trunk,
When I eat, its chunk by chunk.

My eyes light up when I see sugarcane,
I can eat them again and again.
Bananas are another favourite treat,
I find them so delicious and sweet.

I love being free,
And can live in the wild happily.
But sadly I'm not allowed to,
Because the ones who care are very few.

I'm taken much against my will,
For another's thrill.
I'm chained and beaten,
And given no affection.

I have no voice,
Nobody gives me a choice.
My tears go unnoticed,
I'm at my lowest.

I too feel pain,
I feel the harsh cane.
My skin burns,
But nobody learns.

Please allow me to live,
All those who harmed me, I shall forgive.
Is a little compassion too much to ask for,
Love me just a little and I will love you forevermore.
wrote this for kids to understand from a young age not to be cruel to animals and always show affection.
Nov 2020 · 233
I See A Rainbow
Maja Malhotra Nov 2020
I see a rainbow,
Just after the rain.
As the water droplets, clear up, on my window pane.
As vivid as can be in its array of hues,
As glorious as ever, any colour we can choose.

I see a rainbow,
Seems like ages ago.
Since she last paid me a visit,
Only to quickly make a transit.
Back to the dreamworld she belongs,
Where she sings beautiful songs.

I see a rainbow,
Ah! How bright and beautiful as she,
What a spectacular show she has put up for me.
Steady and calm she is so full of poise,
And then hides her face without any noise.

I saw a rainbow,
Now again I shall wait
For the day I shall spot her I will be glued to my gate.
Looking up at her with a transfixed gaze,
I will stand still in awe totally unfazed.
Nov 2020 · 110
I Feel Choked
Maja Malhotra Nov 2020
The feeling of being choked is not so nice,
If and only if I had a voice.
Many a time I tried to explain,
Through fierce thunder storms and heavy rain.

I tried to say in my own simple way,
To pay some heed and not let me slip away.
I tried to say by showing some anger,
But alas the problem seemed to linger.

*******, plastic and a sharp metal edge,
Wood pieces, rubber and a glass wedge.
Choked my insides and caused me to dread.
Did anyone ever notice the pain in my head.

For years on end I have suffered abuse,
And been made to feel I have no use.
But without me life will cease to exist,
And the haughty mans face will show a twist.

Mother earth was given to us for a reason,
Not to harm and subject to treason.
Its time we wake up from our deep slumber,
Lest we will have nothing left but to ponder.

I wish I had woken up before,
Is all we will be able to say if we ignore.
Its never too late to bring a change,
Let's hold hands and set the stage.
A new beginning  we shall rejoice,
And put mother earth before our own lives.

— The End —