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 Aug 2020 Luna Pan
 Aug 2020 Luna Pan
I wouldn't have ask you to smile back
with your front teeth showing
nor to say good morning
or chat me at night

I didn't ask you to make a move
or say I'm beautiful, or call me back
to be here with me, to hug me always
or to kiss me on the forehead

I wont even ask you to like me back
Because if I did

I wouldn't have want it
 Aug 2020 Luna Pan
Ashly Kocher
Ocean waves in your eyes
Crying begins at high tide
Tears are crashing
Emotions high
In your crystal
Ocean eyes
 Aug 2020 Luna Pan
John Destalo
she prays to
the fresh flowers

in the field
of dreams

asking them
for beauty

she wants to
grow into

and admired

she wants to
be inhaled

and held tight
by someone

desperate for her love

feeling luxurious
like the

fresh flowers
in the field

of dreams
 Jun 2020 Luna Pan
Heather Lea
I know that he still misses her;
I see it in his eyes;
The girl he met so long ago
That made him feel alive.
I can tell he sometimes thinks of her,
I shouldn't be surprised,
She's younger, more carefree than me;
She yearns him in her eyes.
I know he sometimes misses her, she was desperate to be held;
Why would he not want her still?
She was in under his spell.
But can he not look deeper
And see her hidden scars;
Her need to please him all the time
Was bruising her own heart.
Maybe soon he'll understand
Why it could never last,
And love like that is too extreme;
Its why she's in the past.
I'm here right now, in front of him,
This love will always last,
But I know that he still misses
The old me from the past.

Heather Lea
 Feb 2020 Luna Pan
Yassy T
 Feb 2020 Luna Pan
Yassy T
men find the beauty
then want it to decrease
or bury it in eternity
where it begins to decease

men see the riddle
and show no act of solving
they try to escape it with a giggle
that only causes another riddle
 Feb 2020 Luna Pan
Yassy T
 Feb 2020 Luna Pan
Yassy T
i fear, mostly
though i welcome you time to time.
i feel, unceasingly
and yet i wish the contrary.
 Feb 2020 Luna Pan
Yassy T
silly boy
 Feb 2020 Luna Pan
Yassy T
I am the silly little boy
in between of feelings
and you are the source
of all these unendings
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