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Dec 2014 · 550
Cheval Glass
Peering at the luminous cheval glass stands a wide eyed girl.
Porcelain powder conceals
  the freckles that she hides.
Flushing cheeks with rose before she enters the side—
Of the stage on which she plays every day.
Lips of scarlet
Lashes black as night
Face framed with golden locks curled tight.
As the curtain rolls back
The crowds will applaud
   not because of her image.
For Vanity is flawed.

Kindness in her crystal eyes
Comfort in her smile
Words of encouragement ring throughout the aisle

When the curtain closes
Spectators disperse
It's evident
Her lines are not rehearsed.
Clean face
Frizzy hair
The cheval glass reflects
Gleaming from her left chest.
Montana Modderman ©
Mar 2014 · 5.4k
Ridding the Dark Shadows that lie,
Deep adumbrations of the past;
That lurk within close quarters
Is an ever present cynical task.
By this, I mean, the scoundrels will always be near.
But not to live within us, nor to cause us fear.
Their presence simply affirms that we're living in the light;
Because Shadows are never visible in the dark of night.
Montana Modderman ©2014
May 2013 · 434
Maybe its a dream
Maybe soon I'll wake.
I long to see the sun shine,
through my window pane.
I yearn for a sign
Something that will show me
That this hell is not my reality.
That there's a light in the distance of this dark cave.
That there's hope for those who are brave.
Draw me a map;
Show me a way.
A way to escape this horrific nightmare;
that I live through day after day.
Montana Modderman ©2013
May 2013 · 507
Little Girl.
Little girl, little girl
Scared to sleep at night.
Little girl, terrified of the monsters
They give her such a fright.
Under her bed,
They lurk,
She said.

Little girl, little girl
ever so naive
why wont you ever see
Monsters are only imaginary

They don't exist
in the closet
or underneath your bed.
Little girl, little girl
It's all inside your head.
Montana Modderman © 2013
May 2013 · 814
never turn back
Can we run;
Run far away
Away from the madness that the world Is spewing at us everyday

We could take a boat,
Sail from sea to sea;
Or Pick a road and go,
Just you and me.

With every mile,
As we bid complication goodbye.
As we say farewell to ridicule.
As all of our deepest fears seem to die.

Can we run;
Run far away.
Montana Modderman © 2013.
May 2013 · 442
It comes out of no where
Like a storm on a sunny day.
And once it comes,
It never goes away.
Like a guest that over stays his welcome.

When I'm on my way to victory.
It seeks to destroy me.

And before you know it,
I give in.
I'm just not strong enough to win,
In this game of tug-of- war.
I've lost every time before.
Montana Modderman © 2013.
May 2013 · 857
My pillow feels my tears
My walls hear my cry.
But really they don't know why.
Why I hurt
Why I Cry
Why I scream
As I lie,
In my bed, but not alone.
See my thoughts are always with me.
And it's a constant fight.
Wish they would leave and
Not haunt me tonight.
Montana Modderman © 2013.

— The End —