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 Oct 2014 Momart
elouazzani kenza
If i'm trying to say something
Come out of my mind.
If i'm trying to write a poem
Come out of my heart.
 Oct 2014 Momart
Jack Kerouac
The low yellow
moon above the
Quiet lamplit house.
 Oct 2014 Momart
Affaire De Coeur
 Oct 2014 Momart
Intoxicated* by the sweet juices of your lips,
I slurp your affections
having them flow into the fjord of my mouth
As your tongue seeks refuge.
I wallow slowly into your seductions
blushed with moonlit lavender and ****** secrets
yearning for an escape through your ecstasies
 Oct 2014 Momart
 Oct 2014 Momart
Love does not give flowers.
Love does not speak in
Or rhymes.
Love is a sigh
That makes you whole.

— The End —