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Madison Oct 2016
C'est la vie
and I feel free,
but I don't feel alive.
The world spins
and I'm standing still,
but I don't want to try.
Madison Sep 2016
There's poetry in symmetry;
you're the other half of me.
There's something about chemistry;
chemicals running through our bodies.
We can't forget history;
the war between our hearts of two.
I can't think of anything
to keep myself away from you.
Madison Sep 2016
I don't care where we go.

I've finished my drink;
You're thinking about
what's underneath my clothes.

So take me home,
and you can stay in my bed
until the moon becomes the sun instead.

Please be gone in the morning.
Madison Aug 2016
I don't want your pills,
but yes I want to die.
Did you write that down?

My leg is shaking,
maybe you should write that down.

No, I haven't slept.
No not for a few days now.
Write that down.

Bipolar? Depressed?
You're not sure?

Write that down
and let me know later.
Madison Mar 2016
shaking feet,
fist fulls of sheet,
fill me until
I feel complete.
Madison Mar 2016
You are second-hand store clothes;
a night alone in a strangers home.
I wish for more familiar things.
Madison Feb 2016
He stayed in my bed when I told him to leave
and he would not listen.
He grabbed the hair I should have cut
and his fingers felt like thinning shears.
He kissed the lips I wished were poison
but he did not wither (only I did, under my now filthy white sheets).
He undressed me, taking off the shirt I borrowed from my best friend,
and did not understand why I wanted to crawl out of my skin.
He stayed in my bed when I asked him to leave, again,
and he would not listen.
His hands trespassed on holy land.
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