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It's about time to have your mind blown
courtesy of the refined drone
in a rhyme zone
my lines hone

i'm about to hit you with a sublime stone
you're not even in my time zone
i find clones
resigned moan

i'm the one who makes the slime known
from a velvet lined throne
the blind's shown
divine known

enough reality to make a mime groan
words from my mind's own
the sign's bone
design prone
London City is the name of the game,
Where no two lives are ever the same.
Every corner Every turn,
Every young person will cause concern.
Life of crime or life of hate,
Watch your back on every estate.
Busy buses and busy streets,
Liars, Thieves, Haters and Cheats!
London City aint no Paradise,
Your luck can change when you roll the dice.
Take a step wrong or right,
No matter if you’re black or white.
Life is life and death is death,
Right down until your very last breath.
Fights and gangs, Knives and guns,
Cursing on daughters and curing on sons.
Using weapons small or big,
Whether you’re drunk or had a swig.
No matter what path you choose to go down,
London City is always your Home town!
Society fears
Us looking in mirrors
And liking what we see
Posting 'selfies' online
Is a narcissistic crime
Because we're not allowed to be
Proud of how we look
'Cause in society's book
Insecurity plus jealousy equals pay
And when we cry
We're likely to buy
And the world wants us that way
she's the last rose left in my garden.
I check on her each day since the season has changed and she continues to die and the petals I loved so much fall and fade away, but I will always look at her in the fullness I first set my eyes on. she says I annoy her and look at her weird each time I visit, yet I still think she's beautiful even when she thinks she isn't. hope she doesn't forget the beauty her stigma holds, hope she doesn't forget I'll be out there with her even when it's cold.
the last visits have been hard and she says I'm the reason her existence fades, but maybe her thorns are what's getting in the way. I'm the reason her petals grew. I seem to always destroy what I create..
maybe someone else visited her..touched her petals with poison tips. maybe someone else visited her, wanting her for my favorite fruit, her lovely rose hips..
You're the reason I write
I write for you
Listen to my words
Let them sink in
Listen to my cries
I'm in trouble
This love thing
Crazy love
I'm hooked
No turning back
The ship has sailed
And you left me
You're the reason I write
I write for you
I'm so emotionally tired
I've ran out of gas
I just want to shut down
And turn off my brain
But I mainly want
To turn off my heart
I'm so sick of love
So sick of feelings
I hate myself
For being so weak
I'm done with this
So over it
Looking forward
To finally moving on
Life's telling me something
It's saying to look elsewhere
For what I need
It's given me
More than enough signs
And plenty of signals
It's time to take them seriously
© Peyton 2013
I opened my eyes
And looked up at the rain,
And it dripped in my head
And flowed into my brain,
And all that I hear as I lie in my bed
Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head.

I step very softly,
I walk very slow,
I can't do a handstand--
I might overflow,
So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said--
I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head.
bit by bit

beneath the grasp of your hand
against my neck        the pull
of my hair against my scalp
and the burning gasp
that is wrenched
from the confines of my throat
i will build it
bit by bit
stick by stick
pebble by pebble
and bone by bone
this city        paradise
stretched along the length of my back
a river flowing between
the blades of my shoulders
white fog along the edge
of my skin        blue
and purple flowers blooming
deep within the spaces
of my ribs
while the red crunch of autumn
dries clean and crusted
between my lips

and in the end
this is perfect        regardless
of your absence i
am still building
and growing and
constructing and colonizing
and reclaiming the land
you took
away from me

bit by bit
i'll pave over
the remainders
of your presence
Forthright in my chosen stance
Deliberate in the steps I dance,
I seek to make my time fulfil
Attainment, while I wish no ill,
To others who would tread my path,
(though this may cause some friends to laugh),
“Uniquely” is the phrase I use
To walk the walk of life I choose.
So different from the milling herd
To make some other choice….absurd!
Forthright is my chosen stance
Therein, I dance the dance…. I dance.

“Foxglove” Taranaki NZ.
16 November 2013
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