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May 2018 · 250
Ephemeral illusion
Misha garg May 2018
I roam and roam
Around in circles
In this circus
Of life.
A joker laughs
On the joke
That is
Life .
Lion roars in cage
Telling tales
Of prison
That is
A momentary dream
In the books
Of stars
Is life
May 2018 · 218
Misha garg May 2018
Sometimes i wonder , deep in slumber,
What is the purpose you pose in my life ?
Are you an anchor to my wings , an obstacle
Or the Gust of wind , giving spur to my wings ?
Are you a dulcet illusion , Masquerading *****,
Or a Sour panacea , Healing awry heart ?
Are you an ephemeral dalliance , parting at dawn ,
Or an eternal essence flowing in my veins ?
May 2018 · 210
Sweet deceit
Misha garg May 2018
Impulsive lies
I uttered
In my endeavour
To hide
The tides soaring
In my heart
Vanished in dust
Layer by layer
In your eyes
May 2018 · 247
Farmer in Drought
Misha garg May 2018
He stood under sun
Prespiring hands
Adorned with scars
Of the battle fought
With barren land
May 2018 · 189
Misha garg May 2018
Crushed leaves in brisk footfall,
Shatter in soltitude in hectic crowd.
The broken dreams in swift society,
Weep in daylight , transparent to eyes.
May 2018 · 202
Deception by five senses
Misha garg May 2018
Honeyed in deceit
Those words
Whispered softly
In my ears
Pretense of intimacy
In his touch
Alluring my soul
In his arms
Layers of rosy spell
Of his scent
Engulf my senses
In a trance
Taste of dewy lips
In his desire
Carves on my heart
Scars so deep
Swindled by depths
Of his beauty
Lost in this abyss
Of his eyes
May 2018 · 193
Separation by fate
Misha garg May 2018
Melody spun by threads of fate
Dirge brimming with tears flows
Melancholic harmony sung in a forlorn tune
Each bit of this song reverbates with him
Caged in the throat a scream of his name
Withering verses of her youth in his thirst
Lost in midst of cacophony of orthodox shrieks
Binded in chains of clamor of rank
A nighingale sings to the flute of his love
Blood in her veins dance to his symphony
Stolen by noise of deceit in tunes of destiny
Soul now sings hymns of love in heaven
May 2018 · 187
Selling her
Misha garg May 2018
Led astray by dulcet words,
A naive soul in the market of sin,
Bonded in cage guarded by swords,
A life in hell bestowed by her kin.
May 2018 · 217
Misha garg May 2018
A path of monk with a vow of soltitude,
Soul gone astray with an enchanting smile,
Earthly desires bloom as I abandon journey,
Curse my soul for an illusion stole it .
May 2018 · 478
First love
Misha garg May 2018
Frisky zephyr tickles my senses in mischief of fate
Dulcet melody intoxicates my heart in hues of love
Season of spring swirls me in storm of hazy desires
A tinge of red in my face as i steal those  furtive glances
Novel emotions flowing in river of love seeping in me
Burning in these flames I die alive to refect in your eyes
Like a phoenix , I am reborn , Colored to suit your whims.

— The End —