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Mims Feb 2020
Your hands
Feel nothing like his hands
And it scares me
Your eyes
Look nothing like his eyes
But somehow that excites me
Everything about you is
Unfamiliar and new
You are dark where he was light
Your skin is caramel
And your hair comprised of tiny tight curls
That I just want to tug on softly all day
Unravel you
You have no strong opinions
About anything
Relaxed, laid back,
You make me laugh so hard it makes me a bad driver
And you hold the dashboard dramatically
You didn’t say anything as I drove miles under the speed limit on our way back to your house
Only us on the road anyways
And I wanted it to just be us for
A little longer
A former lover no longer lingers in our conversations
They are only ours
And you are different
And yet we are so good together
And yet

And yet

Any moment
A glance
Or a cologne
Or a break in our shared laughter
And the ghosts
Of our past loves
Settle between our knees
Not touching but so close
Keeping me away from you
And you away from me.
Right person maybe, wrong time.
Mims Feb 2020
The conversation
was a long walk off a short pier
But I was just happy to be falling for you again
Dangerous words
Mims Feb 2020
All that stupid poetry
Makes sense to me
Tell me everything
Lose your shirt
Like your dignity
Get an answer out of me
**** me with poetry
Like that pain
Behind your eyes
Tell me why
I don't
Or did
Or do
Mean anything to you
***** me
**** me

Push me
Tell me why you couldn't love me

But you could **** me


And over

Tell me

**** around
Don't make a sound
Choke an answer out of me
Lose your mind like your

I can tell
You didn't give it to me

**** me with your stupid
Melancholy poetry

Tell me why you didn't love me

Tell me
You do now
You can't have me.
Mims Feb 2020
face inches from mine
"Do not do something you will regret"
you back away
"That's what I thought."
Mims Jan 2020
Suffocating under the duvet

I hope the comfort kills me

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