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 Sep 2014 Mikayla Wambet
I saw him
He saw me
He looked away
Before I could say
How sorry I was
For breaking his heart
It wasn't my choice, but I had to let him go
Because if I didnt
My mother would let me go
I love them both
But I had to choose
The woman who raised me
Or my love and my muse
I don't feel I've made the right decision
But it's too late now
I just wish I could still say sorry somehow
He's still in my heart
I hope I'm still in his
Because if I'm not
My heart will shatter into a million pieces
I hope he still knows that I love him
That it wasn't just a game
If time would just reverse
I would change what I had to say
I would tell him I love him
I would tell him he completes me
If only
 Sep 2014 Mikayla Wambet
The familiar sting calms me down
From the panick that built up in my chest
In my head I know this is wrong
But there's no way to stop
It temporarily takes away the pain that will
Forever last in my soul
From the day I was born
To the day I leave this Earth
I felt like I've been to hell and back
I fall asleep and wish to never wake up
Though the next day
I am disappointed to find myself getting up
The fake smile on my face is for my friends
Because they're the only ones who understand
Life can be heaven but it can also be hell
I just wish that these flames of hell would somehow evaporate
And my life will go back to the peacefulness it was once before
Just something I decided to write
 Sep 2014 Mikayla Wambet
summer nights
fairy lights
women rights
skinny tights
we ended up with
lovers' fights

plain as day
you took away
a sunshine ray
left me with
no words to say

feelings fade
a girl's parade
to hold her head high
and hide the mess you made

— The End —