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Michael S Davis Jun 2014
Challenges punctuate our lives with question marks.

We ask ourselves, “How long?” So we dream.
We wonder about each other. So we believe.
We concern ourselves with each other’s welfare. So we pray.

We doubt our wisdom. So we trust our hearts.
We second guess ourselves. So we act in faith.
We question our tomorrow. So we cherish the present.

We fear the question marks that have punctuated our lives.
So we build walls;
Walls to hide from our fear, walls to hide from our frustration,
And walls to hide from our feelings.
Let us never build walls that would cut us off from the world,
Or from each other.

Within the circle of our fellow strugglers,
Our thoughts are punctuated with fewer question marks,
And from time to time - a simple period.
Here with each other, it's not as difficult to wait for the answer.
And the walls don't seem as challenging to climb.

Whatever our question,
We can dare each other to dream.
And in this time of testing, we can hope for the answer,
An answer that will be different for every one of us.
An answer that punctuates each of our lives
With an exclamation point!

©2014 Michael S. Davis
I took the original A Punctuated Life and rewrote it after a friend, Susan, found that the first two verses resonated with her and shared those verses with our Vocational Rehabilitation group. This is for all those who struggle with disabilities and are seeking a way to be productive in the work force.
Apr 2013 · 875
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
There you are,
shouting in silence from the ultra sound.
"I am here."

Yes you are,
smiling in the dim warm rosy glow,
changing our lives.

A mere peanut,
nestled warmly in the center of
your mother's being

"How are you?"
We ask as the anxious spots of crimson
spark our fears.

"No, dear God!"
Our hearts scream as your heart slips
from your mothers womb.

Then the terror,
as your mother nearly gives her life
to save your own.

Senseless grief
as we excuse God for our not
getting to know you.

Eternal hope,
as we send your spirit to God
with our prayers.

Precious memories
of a life we held with our love
for but a moment.

We are changed
as we examine just how deeply
you touched our souls.

©2013 Michael S Davis
My precious step-daughter miscarried this weekend after having her first ultrasound on last Thursday. For her, when her grief will let her read it. For me, and all those who have suffered such loss and those this will inspire to pray for a new young mother in grief whose big sister is 5 months along.
Apr 2013 · 914
Presence, Divine
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
What difference do we make,
when a friend we meet to comfort
and to their needs relate.

We sit there often mute
with nothing worth to say,
that provides them anything  astute

Perhaps that’s just the point
they know your limitations;
that their woeful head you can’t anoint.

It’s God that needs to touch them.
They need His Presence, Divine,
And in your caring touch they’ll find Him.

So don’t worry what you’ll say then
It’s your presence that they need
and what they see in you - is Him.

©2013 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 578
Plain Speak (Haiku)
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Language precisely
is an inaccurate device
to communicate.

©2013 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 3.0k
The Way of the Spirit
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
The way of the Spirit is...

Love, the Spirit's essence;
Joy, the Spirit's song;
Peace, the Spirit's rest;
Longsuffering, the Spirit's patience;
Gentleness, the Spirit's touch;
Goodness, the Spirit's manner;
Faith, the Spirit's attitude;
Meekness, the Spirit's strength;
Temperance, the Spirit's control.

©1981 Michael S. Davis
A Commentary on Galatians 5:22-23
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
Step by Step
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Verse 1
Through this maze of life I wander,
Wondering which path I should take.
Questioning, I look for answers,
So many choices I must make.

Verse 2
Through the paths of life I stumble,
Often falling into snares.
Is there freedom from this *******,
Or am I doomed to bleak despair?

Verse 3*
Through this maze I seek an answer.
What is the price and who will pay.
Only Jesus, Lord and master,
Will guide my steps and lead the way.

Step by step, I'll follow Jesus.
Step by step, I will not roam.
Step by step, I know he'll guide me.
He paid the price, He'll lead me home.

©1983 Michael S. Davis
Another song.
Apr 2013 · 570
Just You and Me, Lord
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Just You and me, Lord;
alone a few moments, I bask in Your love
away from all torments.

Just You and me, Lord;
in praise adoration, I now do renew
my faithful devotion.

Just You and me, Lord;
Your Word fresh and new, helps me see things
from Your point of view.

Just You and me, Lord;
we'll walk hand in hand, as I tell Your Good News,
right by me You'll stand.

©1990 Michael S. Davis
Apr 2013 · 755
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
God has given love
through the death of His only Son.
This gift of love
and gift of life
has for me new life begun.

Jesus left heaven's splendor
and gave up every right;
that in my sin
and in my darkness,
I may see the light.

Verse 3
As costly as this was,
all this was given free.
This gift of grace
and gift of hope
has been given now to me.

Freely I've received and freely I must give.
Freely He has given of these riches from above.
Freely I've received and freely I must give.
Freely I must share with you the riches of His love.

©1979 Michael S. Davis
A song. Yes there is music that goes with it.
Apr 2013 · 707
Christmas Without You, Lord
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Though the house will feel empty,
my life will be so full of you,
that, as my arms enfold nothing,
my heart will embrace you anew.
And when I feel lonely,
Your  presence is one with  my soul.
So, that when my heart's broken,
Your love makes me whole.

Christmas without you, Lord
would be more than I could bear
but, with You in my heart,,
Your love I can share.
Christmas without you
having given Your all for me,
is a Christmas without
any presents under the tree.

©1997 Michael S Davis
See "Christmas Without You" a love poem. As is often the case the love and the experiences that grow out of our earthly relationships teach us about our relationship with God. I realized that with just a few changes, that poem would become a poem that gives insight into the true meaning of Christmas.
Apr 2013 · 632
Bound by His Love
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
I don't quite understand
how our friendship has grown.
But, of this I'm sure,
one thing has been shown.

This special friendship,
that we now share,
endures separation;
yet, we still care.

This is not of this world,
but, of the Father above.
Yes, our special friendship
is bound by His love.

©1979 Michael S. Davis
I wrote this after meeting someone at a camp. I was fascinated at the connection we had. I have been blessed with several close relationships that have traversed the years, that began in just this way, proving that we were indeed bound by His love.
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Be Anxious for nothing...

I've got to worry about this. This is serious. I must do something!

But in everything by prayer and supplication...

Prayer!?! I am praying!
You mean with a humble and willing heart?

With thanksgiving, let your requests be made know unto God...

Thanksgiving?!? Even as I ask? Why?

And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding,
Will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.


For He Himself is our peace...*


©1987 Michael S. Davis
Philippians 4:6-7
Ephesians 2:14
Apr 2013 · 707
A Mother’s Mother
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
I think of a special lady, who has gone to her reward,
Who led a life of faithful love and service to her Lord.
She loved you and cared and clothed you and fed,
And spanked and tucked you into bed;
Then helped you be faithful with your own,
Until now your children’s children are grown.
When one thinks about such things, only a superlative will do
She’s a Mother’s Mother and she taught you well, for you are now one, too.

©2003 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 3.0k
Christmas Without You
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Though the house will feel empty,
My life will be so full of you,
That, as my arms enfold nothing,
My heart will embrace you anew.
And when I feel lonely,
Your  presence is one with  my soul,
So, that even without you,
Your love makes me whole.

Christmas without you
Would be more than I could bear
Except for knowing your heart,
And the love that we share.
Christmas without you
Sitting right here next to me
Is a Christmas without
Any presents under the tree.

©1997 Michael S davis
Apr 2013 · 472
Love's Gravity
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Oh how we dread
being pulled apart
by our circumstances;
but we thrill
as the bonds of our love
draw us back to each other,
closer than before.

©2013 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 2.7k
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
The twenty-one gun salute
that pierced your soul at the funeral
of your grandfather,
Col. Robert Corbin Lowry,
was a fitting tribute
to a man who loved you dearly;
a soldier who fought bravely,
led his men with compassion,
humbly carried the scars of service,
and endured each Fourth of July
as too-noisy a reminder of the shots
that pierced his soul in Vietnam.
As you live your life,
honor him
by continuing to be
the granddaughter
in whom he was so proud.
You have always done that well.

©2002 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 633
My Heartbeat
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
The moments fly by in our busy, busy lives,
And in our hurried moments, we fling our hi’s and bye’s.
I have cherished every kiss and moment that we’ve shared,
But didn’t understand at all, until at death I stared.
In that awful moment, I saw our selves apart
And understood that I love you with every beat of my heart.

©2007 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 491
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
How can I explain the freedom
Our love has given us;
Freedom to be ourselves
Without  pretense or a fuss.

Into each others' eyes we gaze
And see a wonder there
That transcends the whole wide world
With a trust so rare.

It’s a freedom we cant’ hide
And threatens those in chains,
Who can’t understand our love
And must tolerate their pains.

So, we just live in patience
And endure this time apart,
Knowing we have this freedom
That comes only from the heart.

©1998 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 490
Full of Hope and Promise
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
It seems a lifetime of years ago,
a precious child was born,
full of hope and promise
like the sunrise every morn.
In the years from that day since,
she’s faced many a circumstance.
some would bring her loving joy,
others painful hurt;
but in the sunrises now ahead,
one thing we can assert . . .
This precious much loved child,
now a woman full grown,
has a future as full of hope and promise
as on the day that she was born.

©2013 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
Second Marriage Blessing
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Getting married. Again?
The burden of shame
many would insist you bear,
is not theirs to place upon you.

So, I give this blessing
as you begin this new chapter in your life.

May you find in this union…

The belonging that God has always wanted
you to experience in marriage;

The joy that only comes when two hearts beat as one;

The completeness that can only be experienced
when the one you love, loves you back;

The pleasure that flows from being safe with someone;

The comfort you can experience when you kiss each others' scars.

And may the love you celebrate
enrich the love of all you two-as-one may touch.

©2009 Michael S Davis
Modified from a note written to one of my oldest friends.
Apr 2013 · 478
I Will Be With You
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
It’s so hard.
You want to do the right thing, things.
Your children are so precious and so in need of your care.
You ask yourself, “How can I do it?”
You don’t know the answers.
You’re scared.
You don't know what to do.
You don't know anyone you can depend on.
I know what you can depend on.
It’s what you have always relied on.
It’s the reason there has always been food on the table.
It’s the reason there has always been a roof over your head.
It’s the reason you have three beautiful children.
It’s the reason you have overcome every painful obstacle
this old world has put in your path.
It’s the reason you love so freely.
It’s the reason you’re loved so deeply.
You know it’s always been true.
God has promised “I will be with you!”
You can depend on that.
You can depend on Him.
That’s why you are going to make it.
That’s why all of your needs will be met.
That’s why you will be able to take care of your children.
Listen and believe, as God whispers in your ear,
“I will be with you.”

©2013 Michael S. Davis
Apr 2013 · 505
Always, I’ll Be There
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Though only in the shadows
Hidden by shades of gray,
I’ll be there beside you-
With each precarious step I’ll stay.

If you need me in the darkness
Or exposed in light of day.
I’ll stand right there with you-
I’m with you all the way.

When all of this is over
Or if it never ends.
One thing you can count on,
If it’s on my heart, your heart depends;

No matter where this road leads
Or what burdens we must bear
We’ll share the load together
Because, always, I’ll be there!

©2001 Michael S. Davis
Apr 2013 · 768
Just Brown
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Just brown… those eyes.
Those eyes…
Those eyes… reflecting an oak’s quiet strength
Those eyes… singing with a cello’s maple voice
Those eyes… piercing with the promise of an acorn
Those eyes… hinting at the rich fertile soil of your bustling mind
Those eyes… revealing you as a treasure dipped in chocolate.
Those eyes…
Those eyes… just brown.

©2009 Michael Davis
I saw a description someone wrote online when asked what color their eyes were. The answer - Just brown. I wrote this and sent it to them. Hope they started giving a different response. It's not a "love" poem. I didn't know them and still don't. I just hope they learned something about themselves from it.
Apr 2013 · 684
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
By myself without
my family,
my wife,
my child.


From my love,
For my love,
With my love.

Heartfelt loneliness.

Hold me.

©1996 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 845
My Valentine, My Wife
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
I don't have to ask, I call you my valentine,
Be mine, not to possess ; you are.  mine -
to love and cherish, to nurture and hold,
to snuggle and kiss and be even more bold.
With you I'll  laugh and cry and struggle and play.
And daily with two hearts, as one we will pray.
The hopes and the dreams we want out of life,
are becoming reality, my valentine, my wife.

©1998 Michael S. Davis
My first Valentine poem to my wife.
Apr 2013 · 513
My Heart With You
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
When you are near,
I can’t find the words to portray the
wonderful singing in my heart;
And then again,
there is no describing the
aching it endures when we’re apart.

When you are part of my day,
I can’t explain the
unbelievable completeness of my being;
And then again,
how could a heart so whole
feel so broken when you’re away.

When you are with me,
I am content
with my heart so full of you;
And then again,
when you are gone
it rings so hollow and emptily.

When you are by my side,
my heart smiles
with pure and crazy delight;
And then again,
without you even near
the thought of you makes my sad heart bright!

©2013 Michael S. Davis
Apr 2013 · 590
Occupied By You
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
My thoughts are full of you
As the treasure that I find
That permeates my mind
And fills my point of view.

Replenished from that well
That brims over with your love,
I want the world to tell
And bless our God above.

You fulfill my sweetest dreams
And supply a warmer glow
Than the brightest, clearest  sunbeam.
So with joy I overflow.

I choose to love you so,
That I fill your thoughts, too;
Then you may always know,
—I am occupied by you.

©2013 Michael S. Davis
Apr 2013 · 708
One More Sunset
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
You got up this morning, to face another day;
To go through all the motions, with all that, that implies.
Perhaps it’s your passion, or maybe it’s just the pay,
Just remember it makes a difference in other people’s lives.

I have one more smile to give you, because you saved my life,
One more chance to take and hold my daughter in my arms,
One more moment to see the look of love from my dear wife,
One more day a captive to my grand children’s charms.

I have one more joke to tell with the laughter it could bring,
One more meal to savor its taste upon my tongue,
One more chance to serve Christ, my Lord and King,
One more time to listen as a favorite song is sung.

I have one more rose to lift, to smell its sweet perfume,
One more hour to toil to provide for those I love,
One more moment amazed at a butterfly's costume,
One more game to watch and hear a baseball hit a glove.

I have many, many, many, “one more” things to do,
But this day I just lie here, as I think of life and death;
Pondering just few things that I’d like to say to you,
As I live through one more sunset and sigh another breath.

So, with these poetic words I offer humble gratitude
To you who rolled out of bed and on that day I met
With defibrillator paddles and a get it done attitude,
You each worked to get it done and gave me one more sunset.

©2008 Michael S. Davis
With gratitude to the EMT’s, Wesley H. Shuler, MD,
The Lexington Medical Center Emergency Medicine Staff,
S. Stanley Juk, Jr., MD, the Columbia Cardiology Consultants Group
and the staff of Providence Hospital for their skilled life-changing care
on the morning of my heart stopping heart attack, December 9, 2007,  and the week following.

Special thanks to my sister, Cynthia D. Fussell,
for taking a beautiful photograph and letting me see what she calls "Mike's" sunset,
the one I almost missed. This is one sunset that symbolized life not death.
Apr 2013 · 501
Our Long Night Apart
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
The night is long while we’re apart.
The night continues . . .
     the clock keeps ticking . . .
          and the sunrise waits.

Our fears are exposed with each bump in the darkness.

Our frustration grows when every glance at the clock
reveals that daylight is no nearer.

Our hearts reach out
through the blackness of the distance between us,
to embrace in the warmth of the sunshine of our love.

Our eyes then focus on the new day that will end
our long night apart.

©2000 Michael S. Davis
Apr 2013 · 595
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Heavenly paradise, that one place of bliss;
I don't think I doubted, I now know it exists.
I enjoy Eden’s blossoms, as I nuzzle your hair;
And my heart has no doubt that I’m actually there
Surrounded by beauty of celestial kind;
Engulfed in nirvana that transcends my poor mind.
The light of that place that forms when we meet
Exposes a beauty from our heads to our feet,
And could not exist outside of the place
Our hearts sculpted out of time and of space.
With you in my arms, I experience rebirth
And know the sweet ecstasy of heaven on earth.

©1998 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 396
Pray with Me
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Take my hand and pray with me,
Your heart as one with mine;
Then let our spirits soar united
Into God’s presence sublime.

In the midst of every day
We will stand together
While bowing quietly side by side
Every storm we’ll weather.

I can lose myself in your arms
And forget our every care,
But let’s embrace within our hearts
And caress each other with prayer.

©1998 Michael S Davis
Written for our wedding day.
Apr 2013 · 638
Sensations of You
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Just the sight of you...
moments later I remember to breath.

The slightest sound of you..
my spirit is wrapped its embrace.

The merest touch of you...
my heart is massaged in the oil of your love!

The barest scent of you...
my fondest memories are created and awakened.

The kiss and taste of you
my soul's hunger is satisfied.

Sensations of you...

©2013 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 554
Secure in Our Love
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
No more doubt, no more fear,
In your love I feel secure.

Though it’s hard to understand,
I know my heart’s safe in your hand.

No matter when, no matter where,
I know your love is always there.

I hope you know it’s also true,
My love is always there for you.

©1998 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 553
So Tired...
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
So tired —and...
the body groans,
even as my spirit moans;
my brain aches, as frustration
overwhelms me without solution.

So tired — yet . . .
I find hope in my faith,
comfort in your embrace,
encouragement in your eyes,
and the future in our prayers.

So tired —so . . .
for now, in this one moment,
let’s set aside all the torment
drop the handles of our too-full carts,
and rest in the warm embrace of our hearts.

©2013 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 1.4k
The Fragrance of Our Love
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
The finest perfumes are never of a single essence
but a combination of essential oils
that capture the presence
of Love.

ever present between us,
combines in our essential emissions
and emanates as the perfume of our oneness;
The fragrance of  our love.

©2013 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 561
The Key
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Who knows why there were walls so high
around your heart and mine.
Perhaps there were just too many hurts
and things that made our souls pine.
So painful brick by brick
and impenetrable stone by stone
The walls around each of hearts
climbed until we each were shut off and alone.
We did not know that our walls
each had a window,
Until we met and saw amidst our walls
the portals through which our lives were aglow.
And in that glow we found the doors
that would let each enter in
Beyond the walls and with the other
a new life begin.
We found the key that let us
unlock those doors and each pass through,
And let the trusting, understanding, unconditional love
be the only thing between me and you.

©2000 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 430
Precious Roses
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Precious roses placed in her care,
Each one is different, each with gifts so rare.
She tenderly nurtures them in this garden of life,
As she prepares them for spring and the seasons of strife.

They are warmed by the sunshine of her love
And challenged by the fertilizer of her demands,
They are watered with the tears of her concern
And pruned under the discipline of her hands.

She lives humbled and honored and trembles each day,
That as placed in her hand by the Heavenly Father,
These precious roses make a beautiful bouquet
By which the Lord up above has honored her as “mother.”

©2013 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 432
Through and Through
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
The  passing thought of you,
The enchanting sound of you,
The sweetest scent of you,
The slightest glimpse of you,
The longest sight of you,
The faintest touch of you,
The boldest grasp of you,
The honey taste of you,
The warm embrace of you,
The matchless love of you,
Transforms me through and through!

©2013 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 579
Time Will Tell
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
When the “judges” all have spoken,
And our “friends” have said their piece;
Things will be just as broken
Or seem that way, at least.

But we will know the difference,
No one knows the facts as well
Whether others will see love’s essence
Only time will tell.

©1998 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 520
To Stand Aside
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
You can count on me to stand aside
when you need to be alone.
You can count on me to stand aside
when you have to do what’s done.
You can count on me to stand aside
when you’re taking care of self.
You can count on me to stand aside
when you don’t need my help.
You can count on me to stand aside
when you think that is best.
You can count me to stand aside,
but be with you for each test.
You can count on me to stand aside
and look on you with pride.
You can count on me to stand aside
yet stand always at your side.    

© 2010  Michael S. Davis
Apr 2013 · 3.6k
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
I take your hand in mine and it belongs there.
I nuzzle at your neck and feel your silken hair
And I know we belong together.
When I feel you touch me like a feather
Or I trace your smile with my finger tips,
Or we touch with just our lips;
When the very skin and hair and fragrance
Of our bodies declare it, there’s no denial;
We belong . . .
     Together . . .
           Forever . . .

©2013 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 1.9k
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
Of immeasurable value,
And worthy of sacrifice;
Rarest of pearls, my treasure is you.
What I could give, would never suffice.
So, I can only treasure my treasure
And give yo my everything,
And hope I’m the measure
Of the love that you bring.

©1998 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 645
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
When our hearts are full of dreams
and we hope for better things,
that’s when it often seems
what matters most is a little understanding.

The same is true in sadness
or when we trip and fall
and all around is madness
we need some understanding through it all.

Through each other’s eyes
as we view each the other’s heart
and heed each others sighs
we’ll always understand and never part.

© 2000 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 811
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
In the midst of this cold, cold world
with all of its care and woe,
I’m blessed with your caring warmth
and bask in your loving glow.

I’m warmed by the look in your eyes
that tell me it’s me you adore,
And warmed as your hand clasps mine
as my heart takes wing to soar.

I’m warmed when I hold you near
as we sigh all our cares away,
And warmed when your heart touches mine
as together we face the day.

©2008 Michael S. Davis
Apr 2013 · 341
In Love?
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
We’re in love.
Felt every time we think of each other,
Seen each time we look into each other’s eyes,
At work in all of our actions toward one another,
And complete in our vision of our future together.

Can we prove it?
The proof is with God —
Our love is a matter of faith.
Our faith in each other and our faith in God.
That is the substance of our love,

The evidence that proves
We’re in love.

©1998 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 324
Worth It All
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
There are dreams and wishes and visions of things
That are the reasons we live as we do.
The path that we take with the challenge it brings
Reflects the motive behind what we choose.

I’ve dreamed of belonging and finding my place,
Then your kiss gave me my first clue;
And those dreams became real in the smile on your face,
As I realized I belonged ever with you.

All the wishes I’d wished for faded from view,
And all my plans just crumbled and fell
When I pictured a life spent always with you,
Enchanted and under your spell.

The visions remain as true as before,
Though not as dependent on me.
My vision is clearer, you’ve opened a door
For me to be all I can be.

It may seem at times as if I give up on things,
That I could never again stand up tall;
But the visions and wishes and all of my dreams,
Are fulfilled in your love and worth it all.

©2000 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 468
WOW! (Part 2)
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
It’s been a few years since you stood at my door
And I looked up and my jaw hit the floor
My eyes lit up and one word leapt out
The one word that fit, that word was
It was your face, your eyes, that smile
And of course the dress you wore with style.
But that wow went deeper than the rose of your lips
And much wider than the curve of those hips.
It was a WOW, secretly spelled MOM,
A role you perform with aplomb,
Words of wisdom you share from your heart
With a simplicity you’ve raised to an art.
And a WOW for each battle you’ve fought
As you faced whatever life brought
And turned every minus to plus
For your kids and yourself and for us.
More than ever the word that applies
As your presence now graces my eyes
And I remember our wedding vows
The word that still fits is...

© 2009 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 431
WOW! (Part 1)
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
A wondrous beauty entered the room
Wide and surprised, my eyes took her in.
This wonderful woman captured my heart.
Feelings I’d concealed surfaced right then.
And before I could stop, there escaped from my lips
A word I never used to describe such a sight.
It rose from my soul and leapt from my heart,
Then rolled off my tongue with delirious delight.
It reached out caressing and caught her off guard.
Then vivaciously a smile flashed across her sweet face,
As she realized how sincerely that word did describe
How I saw in her form such beauty and grace.
Each time I see her from then until now,
That word rises, and leaps and rolls to my tongue.
And I just can’t describe her except to say, “Wow!”

©1999 Michael S. Davis
Apr 2013 · 500
You Are . . .
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
You Are . . .

the quiet place where my mind likes to rest.
the smile that inspires me to be my best.
the comfort when life’s storms around me blow.
the sunshine and fill me with your glow.
the joy that emboldens me to face the“whys?”
the heartthrob when I see the love in your eyes.
the love that makes life more than it’s ever been.
the voice that speaks “I love you” again and again.

©1998 Michael S. Davis
Apr 2013 · 390
You Are a Mother
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
You are a mother,
Fertile and brimming with life,
You conceived not once, but twice;
And then another.
You carried them as part of you
For more months than two years
And then gave birth with pain and tears,
Giving the gift of life brand new.
One by one you held them close,
Nursed and burped and cleaned,
Then helped them the truth to glean
Even as you help each blow their nose.
Day by day you helped their day begin,
You washed their clothes and helped them dress,
You fed them well and cleaned their mess,
And every night you tucked them in.
And you did well for each of them,
As we see  now the choices they have made.
You showed the way and on that path they've stayed.
Life's touched and shaped each into a precious gem.
No matter what about in this life you discover,
Or where you go or who you love or what you do,
Above anything in your life that’s you find new;
Remember, always and forever, you are a mother!

©2013 Michael S Davis
Apr 2013 · 4.2k
Secret Admirer
Michael S Davis Apr 2013
My soul enraptured, my spirit soars;
My  heart is captured, my love is yours.
I want to shout it. I want to scream.
I cannot speak it. I can only dream.
Yes, I must love you, amorously.
Yet, I am yours, anonymously.

©1998 Michael S. Davis
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