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Michael Pick May 2014
Two adversaries, exactly the same
Both I let in
Inside my house
Disguised as friends
The first bid their time, sat inside
They stole the china
The photos
My keepsakes
And set fire to the floorboards
Before they left

The second came along just later
Carrying tools and aid
We rebuilt my home around me
And then we sat inside
They smiled each day
And shook my hand freely
But one night they stole
Not a possession
But into my home at night
And ran their blade across my neck
Michael Pick Feb 2013
I like to think of angels sometimes
When I sit aside, alone
Could they be my friends
Perhaps, guardians are homely
But that's not something I can pretend
They work upon wrath and belief
Living skies above and strongly
Sad, I think of friends as miracles
Michael Pick Apr 2013
didn't you ever know what it was like
to be just so sad and lonesome
like touching your face was another stroke
on the wrong key of a broken old piano

there are those who'd understand
the thoughts running through your head
but there are those who'd soon forget
cause it's too hard to try and help

so you'll feel like you're the wrong one
for anybody else to love
cause wasting their time is so wrong
when there's better things to be done

and you'll push them away at once
then you'll bleed a little blood
cause why leave a mark on the world
when you could leave another scar

but soon enough it'll be too much
and they'll say it was so ****** sad
that you were always so hopeful
why'd you go and do a thing like that

cause people miss even the quiet ones
it's your presence that comforted them most
but without a word of their approval
no way you'd get a word of your own
I dunno, I feel like it just kinda... stops *_* I like it otherwise, though
Michael Pick Feb 2013
I don't intend to pretend
That im any better than
Anyone has ever been
I don't think before I speak;
I've probably got two left feet
But I think I can write, at least
I've got a hate of me
For pieces, at least
I don't think I'm the best
You could possibly see
And I just can't stand
Standing 10 inches, 5 feet
But I guess I should make the best of me
Be what I could be
If not the best at least
Maybe someone different, it seems
Blah, my quality of writing is going downhill
Michael Pick Jan 2013
My chest just grieves and my stomach should heave
But my smile just creeps to see the bodies in the street
'Cause welcome to the world that you layed at your feet
You can see the sickness in their eyes and the children as they weep
And you're just a fool if for a second you believe
That the fault would be anyone's but yours and me
For herding the young like cattle at the steep
Of the mountain, off the cliff we shove them off with a leap
And a scream of God save me please
Oh lord just give me peace

And the world will never be the same when we leave our mark
When we break it's veins, and create red rain
The oceans will boil with the blood of the ******
        And we'll all be condemned, when we take our toll        
                 We'll make our amends when we hear the bells                  
The skies will rumble with the cries of man

Can you believe the way we treat these things
Like it's a bunch of stupid trivial dreams
That to change is an impossible thing
Like emotions ablaze and we create new means
To wage war in unconventional ways
As we break apart and fall into seas
Because after we've finished what's left to dream
And in God I just can't believe
So I won't scream God save me please
Afterall your lord can't bring me peace

And the world will never be the same when we leave our mark
When we break it's veins, and create red rain
The oceans will boil with the blood of the ******
        And we'll all be condemned, when we take our toll        
                 We'll make our amends when we hear the bells                  
The skies will rumble with the cries of man

And what's left at the end, after all has been said
It's just lies that they want you to believe
That the schools and hospitals and trees are all alive
And not just crisp and burnt to a tee
Oh, just inhale the ashes that burn as we breathe
The fires he saw what made your darling scream
Gone are the ways you always raised your child
With the neighbours and family and the dreams
Here is the time that the war is alive
And it ever wants little Steve
They carry your child away crying God save me please
And all you can ask is oh lord just give him peace

And the world will never be the same when we leave our mark
When we break it's veins, and create red rain
The oceans will boil with the blood of the ******
And we'll all be condemned, when we take our toll
We'll make our amends when we hear the bells
The skies will rumble with the cries of man
Michael Pick Apr 2014
If I could keep these butterflies
Inside a mason jar
I'd keep them close to me
And release them
Each time I felt your heart
Michael Pick Feb 2013
I just can't think straight
There's nothing to write
I know I wasn't great
But something's gotta give
My hands just won't move
Like my brain's feeling thin
But that's no excuse
I need something new
Blah. Slowly been running out of ANY ideas.
Michael Pick Feb 2013
There was a time; I imagine, at least
That you could see at least as far as you could reach
But the smog and the fires, the wisps in the air
Could you even see me, I'm standing just there
And there's a heart to this world
Not some new hippy regime
But the truth is it's crying aloud
It's dying and you allow it
We've all got our own needs and pleas
**** man, we need a change
But the sooner we believe in what we really see
The sooner we'll have a home

Now, I don't mean to be a broken record
But it's true that the world is desperate
You can feel it when you look outside
But where's the worry, man, where's the pride
Where's the forests we used to climb
And all the glades we used to hide
Cities are great and technologies have advanced
But we aren't the only ones on this land
And oh, to be so ignorant to assume we're alone
Not only here but in the universe as a whole
What can we even claim to be our own
When it lasts a year and then breaks like Rome

The parents of today, all they do is complain
They set it aside and they lay the blame
Not to say that they're all the same
But come on, think, if you really wanted a change
Instead of using your voices
Use your hands, lift it up
It'll take a little work and it'll take a little time
But think of the children, our current future, is it right
That we leave them with nothing
Except maybe a mall
Just think for a moment
This feels so wrong
Yeah, feel like I come across as a hippy..
Michael Pick Nov 2013
How many years will I be stuck
With this feeling like you're the only one
I'm left with pictures and memories
And you've left for school
And while you'll have a future
I'll wish my future was you
                 I brushed it off as being a kid
                 Love is infatuation instead
I'd like to think I know better now
Like feelings are real if you think they are
Almost like nobody can fill the void
I'm too young but too tired to try
I always have that phone in my hand
I could call you if I had the nerve again
                 But I've lost the idea that I had
                 I know that I don't stand a chance
I can't find out how to move on
And the more I try, I feel worse
But holding on feels so pathetic
Childish, immature and destructive
Something pulls at me inside
The longer I wait to fight this off
                 It's almost like I want this
                 You fill a void without taking part
How many years could I be stuck
With this feeling like you're the only one
Because it feels better to think that I've found you
Than having to continue to look
This attachment bears so many issues
Yet, it somehow just makes me whole
Michael Pick Nov 2013
Breathe into me the December air
Do what it takes to make me remember
You could just bring us back for a moment
Seconds could hold my heart in place
And your pale eyes could pierce my soul
By brushing off the dust that's settled
Michael Pick Feb 2013
Who could fall in love with a boy who could not love
He who would claim that the world is so fruitless
If he sees a lost cause; then so he is one
Who's writings are Godless and doleful
Such sinister words he speaks, thus must believe
To be alone is what he seems to want
Or maybe for society to kneel at his feet
What goal could he so plainly see
That he would pass all faith this way
So ascetic of human comfort and passion

Who is this man, or rather still a boy
I can't find exactly what is he
He has better hopes for you and your kind
Already forsaking himself and change
If Lucifer was cast from Heaven for love
Then this child was cast from Hell for hate
He understands the collapse of civilization
In a way more subtle than prophetic sayings
There is no void or lack of care in heart
Just experience too young he takes

He lives just to reclaim
Life from greed and mistakes
Michael Pick Feb 2014
Now you make me feel like talking things out is pointless, and
You proceed to rip away any emotion that I might have
Maybe you like to think that it's meant to be for you, but
I simply can't stand the way you take and give nothing back
And that couldn't be the worst of it
Now, you see, you aren't even here to begin with
You're taking myself away from inside of my head
Your verbal abuse is causing a special type of sickness
And it's probably cliche, but by now I'm so sick of it
But that's still only a fraction of it
Because on top of your voice I hear the others
Not always inside my head, but mostly just in general
The jostling and racket of daily life can keep me rattled
Those same voices push in on me, until I can no longer breathe
Even then, when I manage to breathe
It's only so that I can justify my erratic thoughts and motions
I'm so sorry that I cry and that I run away from situations
And when I say nothing, I'm screaming quietly out of politeness
All in all, I'm holding in my condition so I'm not treated different
Because these days, stigmas breed
And usually, it's out of misinformation or lack of it in general
This lack of awareness by loved ones always seems to upset me
Because I'm taking myself away from inside of my head
And most of you will never know what anxiety really is
Oh my god. I'm so proud of myself for this one.
Michael Pick Feb 2013
What is it with kids these days
What's with the way they seem to love to pray
Asking for help, don't you know there's other ways
This'll sound horrible, and that's really a shame
But honestly, does your God know a ******* thing?
What in the world could make you think
That maybe he didn't just run the hell away
Are there really any signs besides what you say
'Oh, he's there, you just can't see him, it's faith'
But I'm calling ******* to all of your ways
You can judge me, it makes no difference to me
I choose to put my faith in people I can see
Yet another one that probably makes me come across as critical, disrespectful, blah blah..
Michael Pick Feb 2013
To say what I want to say
And not sound sad, or crazed
I'd seem for sure suicidal
It's an issue that leaves me misplaced
How can I say how much I hate
And the little I love
Without trying to say that the
World that I know holds such disdain
I can say at least, I'm content
I  miss the blisters though
And the rips and sores
I was kept healthy by a body that
I had created war torn
It was no cry for help
All it was, was for me
It was just releasing what I felt

But yet it made me live in fear
Not of me, or myself
But for the stigma it made
And the offers of help
The grief in the family and
The friends who couldn't bear it
They all made me embarrassed
And I felt so weak in return
How could I contract a disease
This disease of the meek
I couldn't bare my arms so
Sleeves became my brothers
Then the breakdowns came
Once scars were seen by others
And then the collapse was complete
Disaster from problem from nothing

I was forced off of it
By claims I was addicted
Like a razor blade was a drug
And there were reasons that I needed it
And I get your point of view
But you won't ever know mine
'Cause nobody our age ever
Did this in the older times
Like **** man, it's such a shame
Your buddy there cut himself, yet again
And I've been waiting for the okay
That I know I'll never get
'Cause it's off the table
To exchange pain for pain
But maybe here's some pills
C'mon, kid, they could make you change

'Cause it's a chemical imbalance
And we've discovered a fix
So just get your fix
With a swallow and a twist
Never mind the bands that help you
Or the poems that know you
This isn't how God had made you
So clearly the devil sought you out
And I know you won't **** yourself but
It helps if I think that way
So it's a compulsion, not a want
It's just something I won't allow
I'd be disappointed if you sliced again
This isn't why the body was meant
Tell me what we need to mend
I'll pull you off my designated ledge

I'm not imagining things, I swear
Look darling, you're off the deep end here
But wait, what could you do
I decided to stop and I did it all for you
If I picked up again
You'd say all the same old things
But you can't really stop me
Or at least, I believe
Sacrifice my frame of mind
Just for everyone else
I'm so sick and tired though
Of you questioning mental health
You could sit back and accept it
For whatever it's become
'Cause I don't see a fault line
So I don't have a problem
If anybody stuck with this, I know it's not too great, and I know it's EXTREMELY long, but it's just a bunch of stuff I had to throw out there. Might be a bit rantish or whining or whatever, but I have to let loose. Please don't judge..
Michael Pick Feb 2013
Twenty years and thirty minutes
All it took was seven seconds
He left it all behind

It was a slow birthday this year
He stayed home so quiet
He felt all alone

He just wanted to erase
All the scars time had made
Upon his soul
Michael Pick Feb 2013
Buck up son, you'll do just fine
School will break you down
And you'll move on the next line
What, you think you're special
What, you think you're real
Honey let me tell you
You're only whatever we need
You're not a president's offspring
Just a son off the street
Why would you ever try to think
You could be whatever you dream
Slow down, bucko
Oh, you'll do just fine
If you'll just stand in line
Oh, just take some time
And you'll be cookie-cutter fine

'Cause you're only whatever we need
And if you're thinking any different
Then you're living to a fool's creed
You'll only ever have a few dreams
Living what you're living, oh
You'll only ever be what we need

And I just couldn't believe
What they wanted me to be
What they wanted from me
Oh, it seemed so obscene
But I put down the baseball
And I picked up the bat
Fighting battles on the streets
Easier to die young like that
Don't forget, watch your tone, boy
Mind your filthy tongue
And there isn't a real method
No, no method to move on
You just gotta hope it ends
And that when it ends you've done no wrong

'Cause you're only whatever we need
And if you're thinking any different
Then you're living to a fool's creed
You'll only ever have a few dreams
Living what you're living, oh
You'll only ever be what we need

And here at the end
With the daughter that you've raised
Shutters made of white steel
And the lawn's gone all ablaze
Your life's pulling punches
While the world's so full of rage
Fear's on the docket now,
Yeah, this is worst case
But don't worry boy, you'll do just fine
We taught all of this
And we taught you just in time
Man, this is the world that you made
We raised a bunch of killers
And we based it off of shame

'Cause you're only whatever we need
And if you're thinking any different
Then you're living to a fool's creed
You'll only ever have a few dreams
Living what you're living, oh
You'll only ever be what we need
This was from probably right about the time I left school... so it was written a few months ago. It was more of a lyrical style, I tried to fashion it after the band Hollywood Undead... I kinda like it.
Michael Pick Feb 2013
Do you hear the mother as she screams at her child
******* kid, just shut up and be quiet
'Cause there's expectations that they've laid on you
Didn't you know kid, you're next in queue
They're old and set in their ways, they can't change
But you are the next big thing

You're the rising generation and it's true
The weight of the world rests on you
The newest and freshest of models
Pumped out to do their newest purpose
It's up to you to change the world, son
Can you do it, stand up to the challenge come

There's no time to be yourself and conformity's not allowed
But wait, you think you've got that figured out
We'll push words and ideas and comments on your soul
Sacrifices are necessary to make the future homes
'Cause didn't you know kid, you were young but now you're old
And now you're one of us, and there's different stories to be told
Michael Pick Feb 2013
I heard your voice call out
It was so faint
And it wanted help
With the problems it brought

Almost an echo
But still just a thought
You know what you need
Oh, you know what you've got

And they don't seem to work
No, they don't match up
So I can't help you there
But you can't give up
Michael Pick Feb 2013
There was her hair and it looked to me so perfect
And there were her eyes as they looked at me slowly
Her voice in my ears; her hand on my arm
It's the day I remember, her smile shook the sky
Could she see the way I felt and thought
I couldn't just hide it with all of my might
After all, she had been the one
That opened all the doors to the idea of love
But here we were just sitting, talking
And that was as far as I'd know

It wasn't for lack of wanting
But maybe just lack of need
A boy with a mind so hopeless
I was someone she just couldn't see
She always knew I was there though
And she even almost chose me
But eleven months to the day she said no
And two years and a half I've loved her
It doesn't matter, I'd rather still be alone
Then find anyone else besides her
Michael Pick Apr 2014
We, the children of a system that awards you simple papers
That state 'he/she has achieved what we deem quality'
As we are all judged and graded in exactly the same way
Because they promote individuality unless it's intelligence

'We all learn differently, and at different paces'
Is an often preached sermon of our progenitors these days
Yet I know more about synonyms for ancestry and parents
Than how to survive once our papers begin to mean nothing

So here I'd like you to tell me what is considered knowledge
And I'd ask of the older generations to insert customary wisdom
Because more adults have spat quotes to me like gospel
Than tought me what I really need to know and value

I've got a track record spanning back almost two decades
Of being sorry for just being myself at all times
So I think my teachers should be proud of themselves
To know that the things they preach to me really get through

You see, homework and exams mean almost nothing
To those who need to really think on their feet
Because this same system idolizes the memory
Mistaking it for a wealth of rawest knowledge

So I love it when they say school is too easy on kids now
Rewarding losing and not promoting any ambition
Because I've been berated for attaining success at any level
Due to grades that define me not successful enough
Michael Pick May 2014
I will run rusted memories
Across taunt skin inside my head
And I'll say it wasn't so
I'll do this for you now
And I will not bleed again
I will leave you to yourself
As I believe in you again
That you could do better yet

Than someone like me
Who just can't decide on anything
You don't deserve to be put through this
You don't deserve to be put through me
So it'll hurt for the time being
But someone will decide on you

You should know that I'm yours
But I'd rather you not be mine
You deserve someone who's okay with you
Someone who's okay in time
I'd rather you never knew me at all
And that's a lie I'll treat myself to
As you try to soften the blow
I've already run myself through

Because the things that I've said
Are enough to make sunsets fade
You don't deserve to hear this
You don't deserve to hear my pain
And of course I'm hurting you
But you'll hurt less overall is my hope

I only hope you don't forgive me
And that you move on fast
If you could find my fears
A man I was afraid you'd want
Then take up your chances
And give him a shot
I'd rather you go down fighting
Than go down because of words

One day you'll be whole for sure
And I'll be alone as I've assured
You don't deserve to be near me
You don't deserve to be alone
I hope one day you find a room
That you and I are not inside at all
Michael Pick Feb 2013
I think I'm getting ****** into the well
Momma dearest, Timmy fell down
Water's filling my mouth, I can't cry out
It's too late to save me now
For years my tears filled the gap
My life had left inside the ground
But drawing from it broke me down
I can only do so much and then I die out
Grab a rope, please, I'm begging you
Pull me out before I drown

The stress is just pulling me down
Maybe I'm just so far gone
It's a disastrous reaction I know
Last call for survivors from my soul

Baby, can you see the sunset on my wrists
I just can't believe what happened to me
Beautifully my veins turned to trees like this
My arms were healed but now they bleed
Purple and pink gave way to red
I see so many things when I look down right now
And I'm not sure I want it to leave
I think it's such inspiration, you know
There's so much art on my skin, so fully grown
Baby, don't worry, it'll be done soon

The stress is just pulling me down
Maybe I'm just so far gone
It's a disastrous reaction I know
Last call for survivors from my soul

I used to have hope, but not now
My insecurities caused me agonies, you know
Last call, Mayday, I'm going the **** down
My parachute won't open, I'll hit the ground
It'll be so lovely, I'll see stars as I fall
I wonder if I'll see the ones I named after you at all
I hope not though, it'd make me regret the jump
It's my own doing and it's got me gone
Momma, I'm sorry my heart won't swell
Three sizes too small and now it's all gone to hell

This ******* stress pulled me down
And it's all my fault that I'm so far gone
I'm a disastrous creation I know
Last call for survivors from my soul
Eeee, I actually love this one
Michael Pick Feb 2013
Separate hearts could beat two at a time
It's yours and of course mine
But mine is withered and shallow
It beats just half to your one
Michael Pick Feb 2013
I see all the fear in your eyes
The pain that it hides
My mistake, it was my device
It wasn't ready, it seems
So shattered hearts must bleed
I wish I could bring you such peace
This one's actually gross... Forced it too much, and I need to get away from rhyming so much..
Michael Pick Feb 2013
So maybe I push people away
Yeah, maybe I'm waiting
I beg for you not to stay
Claiming that I'd just hurt you
The fact is that I'm waiting for her
Even though it won't happen
Maybe I need a voice of reason
I don't really know though
Maybe I need someone to shove in
Just force me to fall in love with them
Michael Pick Feb 2013
I think that I'd **** to feel the breath of day
To feel Wind's whispers on my skin
But alas, my emotions have become so lethargic
To feel must be such a frivolous sin
I've almost become numb to the ways of nature
Because nature is hardly to be seen
And now at the end it's a rarity, I'd wager
That eventually we'll have to pay to see green
Michael Pick Jun 2014
Nobody told me that sleeping alone would be so hard
If the room is completely quiet I sometimes hear your voice
Like from just the other night when you whispered I love you
Ever since you've said those words I've struggled on my own

I open all my windows to replace your breath upon my arms
Because if I fill the room with air then I can't tell it apart
If I roll over tonight I'll surely expect you to be there
But until that can be true again I'll just try to make do alone

I find a calmness in the way we don't need to do anything
We become our most intimate when we're inches apart
And surely the daylight seems to soften us up for the night
Because I miss the way you speak and make me feel

And God forgive you because your eyes could slay me
How dare they shine and glow in the dark while I look
It's like I've jumped head first into something new completely
I'm quite scared of the future but you keep my eyes open

I worried about reactions when I said how I felt about you
Yet I no longer care if people think we're crazy to say love
The way we've rushed into this almost surprised me at first
But now it's like the world moves around us instead of with us
Michael Pick Feb 2014
I'm in a bad place right now, so I'd like to write an open letter to myself
But truth be told, I was never taught how to write one at all
I've never had a friend to mail my thoughts out to
In fact, I wouldn't even know what to say to myself at all
Michael Pick Mar 2013
It feels like I've lost perception of time
Almost like when I went away
So did everything
And at first
Sure, it was great
I felt loose, free, almost like
A heavy burden was lifted from me
But slowly I'm lethargic
And my body can't fix what it
Can't feel
I must confront fears
That I'm getting better where better
Is a subjective field
A subjective meal
For the heart
Emotions eaten away
And I still care for you
But not the same
So in the grande scheme of things
What matters now, when
We live, we die, in predetermined
Eyy, one that doesn't reflect how I feel. Maybe that's why I don't like it.
Michael Pick Feb 2013
You could trace the pain back to its earliest days
Lines drawn on skin, marked out of hate
Oh dear, with broken hands what can you make
Split fibres of skin, blood strewn in paint
You're building a home in your mind
Simply to get far enough away
Built up walls broke down yet again
Take hope, child, in the strength of your name
'Cause you're still young and it's just games
Not a real war, just conflict of fates
Sights and sounds your head created
Battling each other in yet another phase
Michael Pick Jan 2014
Emotions arise for others
Yet you still wander through my mind
At once, I called it obsession
But now I doubt the word
As I struggle with what I feel
I see you in her at once
Memories flood to the surface
And she confuses me even more

Am I so desperate for you that I do this
Can you project your love on others
Which leads me yet to more struggles
Since the word love sounds foolish

I still dream of you at times
And it still sickens me to a point
That feeling of happiness you bring
Wakes me with my whole body in knots
To think that I missed my chance
Do I use others as restarts
Or is it a natural thing to want you
As maybe, just a piece of her
Michael Pick Feb 2013
Some days, I know who I am
And I know what I see
When I could feel the table
And then I know what is real
But it's gone in a flash
I become a parallel
There's an identity intact
But of who, I just can't tell
Because it's just not me
I become someone else
Sadness becomes anger
And I lose all control
Do you know what it's like
To create your own hell

But it's almost something else
To feel such emotion
To forgo all your senses
And just lose all yourself
For a moment, you're engrossed
You can hear it like a sound
You can watch it as it grows
To harness something real
But could you control it
And prevent from lashing out
Or would you struggle
And simply just explode
Emotions are a force
But would your grip truly hold
Michael Pick Feb 2013
There's plenty of people that believe in God
And yeah, I guess I do too
But I've questioned Him since Paradise Lost
I began to wonder if it was all true
If He was so real, then what's going on in life
When to look around and all that you see
The sickness,  the sorrow and strife
Really, it brings cold sweats in me
So I lay in my bed near middle of night
Pondering away these nothings
If God was so real why wouldn't He show me
Instead, I'm left alone with my thought schemes
Michael Pick Feb 2013
The eyes can be
A window
Or a mirror
Perhaps they could
Reflect upon yourself
Alternatively, perhaps
You could see inside
Michael Pick Nov 2013
My happiness was just a misprint
The timing can't be more awful
I rebuilt myself up from the ground
I expected that I'd grown from it
Yet somehow I've regressed to when
I let shadows seep through cracks
I've just left myself vulnerable
Is there a cure for hollow cries

Where hope could spill I swim in fear
Of retracing my oldest of habits
The future was once an invitation
And at this time has been rescinded
So I hide in my corner and wait forever
That I'd flow with the courage I lack
But as everything is taken from me
The unknown is deadlier than I wish
Michael Pick Nov 2013
I live inside of a life where I hide emotions
Inside of some dumb metaphors I can't finish
Because people react better when I write out
'I used my arms as another canvas'
Yet double takes result from 'I used to cut myself'
Clearly I'm still just an emo teen
A stereotypical kid who needs to find meaning
My sadness is pretentious and unwarranted
While my anger just makes me hateful
Because that feeling you deserve more than you have
Or that loneliness you feel during quiet times
It's all absurd when you're just a kid
You clearly can't be feeling all of this
They tell me to just ******* relax
I guess I could try to flip the switch
But light won't come on when it's not attached
Depression isn't just getting lost in the woods
And anxiety isn't just being shy
I just wish everyone'd lower their expectations
Of what I can accomplish over night
You act as if I'm proud I hurt myself to cope
Or that I ward off friendship to avoid emotion
And yes, I'm really beginning to rant
But frustration is really setting in
I'm getting sick of song lyrics understanding me
Even more than my own ******* friends
And while I don't really mean to curse
Politeness never gets my stupid point across
My voice, opinion, and feelings don't matter
And I wonder why I even wrote this at all
Michael Pick Feb 2013
Reckless abandon carrying souls
To let go of the past, to just move forward
History is that, it's simply time passed
So remove all thoughts, remove the amassed
Let go of your problems and serenity's made
Now focus at once on the life that you lead
There's nothing to miss and nothing to change
You can't get time but you can find a new place
Set out, explore, and even engage
And your heart will trace the boundaries you make
Michael Pick Feb 2013
Tracing older memories with fingertips on pillows
Staring at the thought of her and refusing just to let go
Of eyes that could pierce any wall of clouds
And hands that could mould the life of a star
You remind me each time that we speak
That not everything has to go away
I'll always see the same old things
And that's what you bring to me

Memories will peek out from underneath of covers
Gazing at the time that's passed
And this is what you remind me of
Singular thoughts will never be foreboding
Staring at the blanket sky
Laying outside alone for once
Each light described just who you are
Each star helped build your constellation

Carving names in the side of trees
Running old movies in my head
The imbalance in all of nature was
That you and I weren't there
An empty patch of grass was left
And there it sat all alone
Each blade of grass held memories
A thousand moments to not remove
Hmmmmm. I don't know if I like this one.
Michael Pick Mar 2013
We've reduced ourselves to
Heart shakes and hand breaks
I mean;
We're all reduced to
Hand shakes and heart breaks
Michael Pick Jul 2014
I know that I'm getting sick again
Because every hour of silence makes me think that you don't love me
And it's getting harder to convince myself that you should

You don't seem to have noticed how walled up I am, but I'm sorry
And I am so glad that you didn't hear me crying while you slept
Because I am so in love with you and you shouldn't love me back
It's unhealthy for me to centre my life around you, and I know it
But I can't help that you're everything that I never thought I'd get

Where we're at now, we can only see each other on the weekends
And those few days are everything that I live for and want to maintain
But as the week goes on I lose myself to needing you and I fade so fast

I try to keep myself occupied during the day while I can
Working my skin to the bones and burning the breath from my lungs
But come night time, I sink and I sit in the dark with no sound
I just don't know how to get out of this slump yet again
I don't know how to believe that it's worth it in the end

Dragging people down is a specialty that I would like to break
As opposed to the constant chance of breaking you
Or the recurrence of the thought that a break up would be best

Jesus Christ, darling I am such an awful and worthless mess
Every day I see other men who could replace me and probably should
When it comes down to it, you deserve a world that I cannot give
And that's a horrible thought that makes me cry when the room is quiet
You are everywhere as my mind is all over the place and again I'm sorry

Every part of my very being needs you just so that I can live
But I won't guilt you to stay or create expectations that I don't have
Every part of my very being knows that you should leave and become your best

I know that I am getting sick again

And that if I listen to the virus in my head, I'll be ******
Michael Pick Mar 2013
I would like tattoos
To cover marks and scars
And looks apart
From several spots
Here and there
Leave nothing bare
I will not let my skin
Breathe more of my air
Michael Pick Jan 2013
He left us alone with all of our thoughts
Broke was my heart by God
Making these moments so distraught
Oh, The things he'd say
Oh, this was not the way we were made
But you created us
Why can't He just see
If you leave us alone to ourselves
We'll just burn it all down
Michael Pick Apr 2014
I think that between
The sweatshirt that still smells like you
And still owns a few of your hairs
Those birthday cards you made me on your own
And that story you wrote me as a Christmas gift
But I threw away later
If only out of sadness
Or the memories of the photo
Of you I snuck In the spring of grade ten
But you made me delete right away
Because you had that awful uneven tan
Do you think of when you sat in the cold to wait
Even though I thought you were never coming
Let alone early
And we held hands at school once
Without you making a fuss
You stayed up until two in the morning to talk me down
because I did the same for you so much
I also have a note you wrote me once upon a time
And I have a letter I recently wrote for you
But was too afraid to send
And I guess a line out of it sums up perfectly
The question that's been on my mind
If you keep anything from our friendship
Are they more like souvenirs or a prize?
Michael Pick Feb 2013
I do believe you once said
The ocean is not unlike skin
It fluxes and flows so smoothly
One cannot see from afar
But waves are like goosebumps
And a hurricane was brewing
enough of the cheesy ones right now I guess.
Michael Pick Apr 2014
I guess that I shouldn't really be surprised you left a bad taste
Because horrible words taste the worst
And I've figured out that your songs are full of them
I can't forget how the way you spoke was so pretentious
Not every sentence is a ******* metaphor
And yours didn't even begin to make sense

No, I don't miss the late nights at your little Starbucks

Street lights aren't romantic, they're just lamps

And our drives weren't profound, they were reckless

Not every day has to be some stupid adventure
I can't believe I let you get away with saying wanderlust
And half the time I believed that's what it really was
You used me just to get some experience
I hope that I at least satisfied your curiosity
And that's really all I have left for you at this point

Because I've decided that I won't be able to forgive you

You make it so hard to open up to somebody else

And here's to hoping that wasn't your only goal

Because overall I still really miss you
I'd take the bad sides if only I could get the good
And that's testimony to how much you've ruined me
Yes, I miss you telling me how my eyes look in the sun
Your voice would still be comfort in the night
And I'd take anyone before you but I'd still pick you first

So maybe one day I'll navigate to better shores

I'll look back and say with sincerity that I hate you

And I'll get on with my ******* life
Michael Pick Mar 2013
I have scars and yeah
They all have their stories
Written scripts to heavy plays
With plot lines I can't share yet
So my mind's like an
Alberta rainy day
A longer expanse like a
Damp plateau or plain
Emotional highs are climbing like
A mountain range ready to drop from
This complex to extremes
But we can have happy moments
Without really being there
We all have our issues
And we work just to clear air
We all deal with them ourselves
Always in different ways
What's yours isn't mine, with
The dealings that words couldn't say
Like the heart's a grenade and
The pin can be a million subtle things
And the only broken heart I've had was
My fault with all my hopes and dreams
With built up emotions when I spared
Myself no lack of idealism
And if they say that drunk words
Are really just sober thoughts
Then in this life there's no place for
An inebriated heart
And while there's bruises on my back
From leaving problems out behind
I wouldn't accept any less than
Your scars and story lines
Because we're one of a kind with
The way that our mind would
Work through the times
And through writing and music
With George Watsky super verses
I've found my singular disability is
Over-thinking where my place is
But it's about time now
Where I'd work up to let go
'Cause I'm the only one to let down
When success is measured in gallons
So I put down the jugs and then
Expectations are the only
Exponential problems
And I know that I'll be fine
I like a lot of parts and hate other parts, but I think it sounds good when I say it, so I'm happy. First attempt at a new-ish style.
Michael Pick May 2014
One night can change a lot of things
And it's hard for me to explain
The connection you can make with someone
While you're tangled up in their legs

But seeing her eyes in the night
And just waking up to her breath
Was what made me let out a little sigh
While making me smile a bit too much

Last night we spent inside of her bed
Allowing us to forget the world outside
A connection stayed between our fingertips
While her legs were tangled up in mine
Michael Pick Aug 2013
Time seperates more than you'd imagine
I'd swear every day feels like a mile
We've become out of touch now and
You're out of my reach yet again
When all that I ever wanted was your hand
Time allowed me to have it only once
But you'd be mine, I could see through my eyes
I could imagine it for that moment
And I imagine that moment in daydreams
Infinite hearts crossed in my head
Our lives played out like campy broadway shows
But daydreams are nightmares in waking hours
The pain of lucid moments like grasping empty space
The cup will fall, the water spill
It's stepping on glass just to breathe
I have years of memories to draw upon
Times spanning distances that'd bring us closer
But memories are like looking through a telescope
So time seperates more than you can imagine
Michael Pick Feb 2013
I fell in love with someone
If only for a bit
We used forever up
And then she went away
I fell in love with someone
Although we never met
I thought forever of her
And then awoke to day
Michael Pick Feb 2013
Now you see me
Differences of opinion
Matters supersede
Why would I be quiet
This isn't destiny
Stop acting like it's set in stone
It's a matter of mentality
Not presidency over home
If you could get by
Without cutting throats
Do you see a reason not to try
Because I don't
Shouldn't you **** up your pride
Work it out

You've never seen a life so worthless
I thought every life meant something
But everybody's on their own
Taking shots at the fall of Rome
There isn't a reason for you to try
Maybe you should just
Sit back
For the ride

The world's run on greed
So it's **** your needs
For the American dream
I mean, take a  look at Steve
He doesn't care you're starving lean
And honestly why should he
When he's got a new car
Does big things at work
Then goes off to the bar
Gets drunk with forty friends
Then goes home to his wife on the fringe
While you're stuck out in the cold
What's life, and what's home
Welcome to the world where you'll never know

You've never seen a life so worthless
I thought every life meant something
But everybody's on their own
Taking shots at the fall of Rome
There isn't a reason for you to try
Maybe you should just
Sit back
For the ride

Why should we pay to feed
It's just a basic necessity
Can we barter, at least
Not everybody can eat
Each man's your brother
Each woman a sister
Oh, but why bother
We're just needless wishers

I've never seen a life that's worthless
Every life always meant something
Nobody should be on their own
We could stop the fall of Rome
There isn't a reason you shouldn't try
You can't just
Sit back
For the ride
Waaayy out of the 'lyric' book from when I first started writing... meh
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