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a poem is never finished, only abandoned.
Nat Lipstadt
M/nyc    is this a poem, a cri de coeur, a confession - or a poetpourri of history of a journey tween naissance and
Michael Holderreed
Portland, OR   
Kyleigh Anne
22, enjoying life. Peace. Love. Freedom. "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." -Jimi Hendrix ✌
Arrywill keepya smilin
Medford Oregon,    I am Jessica Applegate hit it up?' stay true to the realist, make proud stay loud, in a bad mood?. don't ever be rude. don't …
Chris T
Let's try that again.
Anderson M
☢⚡    For any info regarding the location(s) of the redirected poems, please message me Most were written around 2010-2011, but I posted them afterwards
26/F/United States   
Megan Clifford
Christina Smith
Florida    Christina is lost.
Anon C
35/F/Virginia    I walked into the light, only to find it was darker than my nightmares. I found the golden city; it had been black all along.
Ayaba Babe
Fort Lauderdale    Angel | Àse | Flower Child. Vermont. Boston. South Florida. PHENOMENAL... just like Miss Angelou, HONEY consistency... just like Oshun.
California    Fiction is the closest I've ever gotten to the truth
The voice
Wisconsin    'I command you to love one another' So love one another, not just the ones that are like you Love one another Don't exclude the …
Ohio    tender is the night
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