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I still remember you coming into my room to sing Fleetwood Mac

I still remember the days we used walk up the stairs and sing friends forever

It's like you're dead, but you are still living

I am torn between if I should miss you or hate you

Even though I'm older I still need someone around

Every time Van Morrison comes on I will think of you

Maybe you will dance in the dark thinking of me

Why couldn't you stay

I don't see why it took so quick to leave

I’ll miss you

But I can never forgive you
Why can't you be horrible and full of unforgivable flaws?
Why does it gets worse and not better inside my stupid, devoted heart?
Why do you still feel the same to me?
Your skin hasn't lost that scent I knew
The scent I still know and can remember by simply closing my eyes
The scent I still desire and find familiar
Even if it really never was
My mind will escape
I will be free
Why don't you watch me
I'll go be alone forever

I'm not here anymore
I'm in a dark place
I've escaped
I'm in a dark place

I've fallen away
I'm in madness
My mind is away
I'm in another place

We need away
I'm going away
I'm sick of here
I'm in a better place

This place *****
I need out
I feel trapped
I'm in a dark cave

It's so beautiful here
I love it
I'm in my own world now
It's time to relax

It's time to fall away...
Someday I will
drown in my tea
fade  into nothingness.

 Mar 2014 Miah Dearing
it's the broken toys
who were played
to the
the broken toys
were overworked
but the toys
did not
that they were overused
because they
were loved.

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