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 Jun 2013 Mia Eugenia
Pink Pigs
Can I borrow your eyes if only for a moment
I seem to have lost all perspective
Lost my point of view
My glasses are so full of lies
Stains that will not wipe away
So could I please just borrow your eyes for but a moment
So I can once again see life
Without my own preconceived notions
To see what truly is there before me
To see the world in beauty once more
So please could I borrow your eyes
I want so badly to see
But my eyes are filled with so many tears
From all the hurt within
And I’m struggling to see beyond the pain within
So would you please
Would you let me see, for just a moment
All that you see
Would you lend your eyes out to me?
Would you let me see the truth that is hidden from me?
Would you lend me your eyes?
To see the beauty that I cannot anymore
To hear the laughter once more
To be free just for a moment
From all the labels that have been placed upon my soul
Would you let me see the truth of who I am
See the truth of who I am away from these preconceptions
One day you think you are in love
You talk to this person about
and being together forever.
Then suddenly you two
and later you are actually looking
at apartments with
someone  you aren't even with
isn't it funny how things
fall apart
for other things
to work out.
You weren't ready
to be on your
but I
 May 2013 Mia Eugenia
Emily Tyler
I'm that friend
Who you ask to the mall
On those weekends
Where it's so nice
And sunny
That everyone's at the beach.

I'm that friend
That you walk home
On days
Where everyone else
Has mountains of

I'm the friend
That you ignore
When they text you
Because they're so
That they're
Too stupid
To take the hint.

I will never be your first choice.
But I can settle for last.

If it means
Going to the mall
With you
On those weekends
Where it's so nice
And sunny
That everyone's at the beach.

If it means
Walking home
With you
On days
Where everyone else
Has mountains of

And if it means
Getting that one text
Saying that
"Have to go"
And you'll

I'll settle for that.
 May 2013 Mia Eugenia
Just a cut
Just a scratch
"What's the mark?"
"It was just the cat"
Just an excuse
Just an another lie
"What's with all the bracelets?"
"Just fashion, why?"
Just a tear
Just a scream
"Why were you crying?"
"Just a bad dream"
But it's not just a cut
Or a tear or a lie
It's always 'just one more'
Until you die
 May 2013 Mia Eugenia
She broke my Mother's heart
Before I had chance to meet it
Coming feet first and cold into the world.
She never kicked or swore
She never said NO.
Perfect sister, perfectly still.

She got so close to leaving the gates,
Like a child on her first day of school,
She approached them slowly and cautiously
Harboring a stomach of flight,
And as she moved closer she saw
Heartache and sadness in the world.

She saw pain in the world
And she turned back,
Refused to enter a place such as that.

Beautiful sister,
You remain unknown and perfect.
I sometimes wish
I had followed in your footsteps.

— The End —