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maeve Feb 21
I remember...
I remember the fights
The bad times
Me being away
You being away
Me crying my heart out in the shower
You being distant
Me behaving like a total *******
You behaving like a total *******
You being jealous
Me being jealous
Us being mad at each other
Us not talking
You screaming and me crying (again)
But I also remember..
I also remember the laughs
The good times
Me next to you, in your arms
You holding me
You telling me that you love me
Us late night talking on the phone
Us hugging
Us doing everything together
Us cuddling on the couch
Us dancing and stumbling over our feet
You waiting for me because my feet hurt while hiking
You kissing my head
Me telling you that you looked really good in that tshirt
You telling me that I looked beautiful
Me saying that I'd die if I ever lost you
You telling me that I'd never lose you, no matter what
But I did
There is no 'Us' anymore
There is just Me and You
Me crying every night in my bed
Me crying in the shower
Me crying while going through our texts
Me crying while listening to your old voice mails
Me crying when I think about you
Me crying because there was no you anymore one day, there was just me
You ignoring me
You cutting me off and ghosting me
You not talking to me
You laughing at me and rolling your eyes when I said something in class
Us not being friends anymore
Us breaking apart
i miss you
maeve Jan 30
longing heart, a quiet ache  

for love that's real, that doesn't break  

in whispered dreams, in fleeting sights  

in stolen glances, in sleepless nights  

the world moves on, relentless, fast  

but i am tethered to the past  

to moments soft, to words unsaid  

to promises that time has fled  

i find you there, in every song  

in every place i don't belong  

a phantom touch, a fleeting kiss  

the kind of love that feels like this  

loml, the letters trace the air  

a name, a feeling, a word so rare  

you are the shadow, the light, the flame  

the longing that has no name  

and though the years may drift apart  

you are the echo in my heart  

the love i seek, the dream i crave  

a spark, a star, the heart i save  

loml, forever, fleeting, true  

a piece of me belongs to you
inspired by loml by taylor swift
maeve Jan 30
melancholic me

always looking for what has passed

what has left, what didn't last

in words, in lines, in books

in people, in friends, in stranger's looks

never here and never there

and i for one think that isn't fair

melancholic me

lost in time  

searching for reason, for rhythm, for rhyme  

the echoes fade, but still i chase  

the fleeting shadows, the empty space  

i hold the past like a fragile thread  

its frayed edges woven through my head  

the present whispers, but i can't hear  

its voice drowned out by distant years  

and yet, the world keeps turning on  

each sunset lost, each dawn foregone  

melancholic me

i ache, i yearn  

for what's behind, for what won't return
hey, i‘m mae and i love writing poems:)

— The End —