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You read what I wrote yesterday
Now you understand and realize
Within my heart, the size of a fist
There are desires aplenty, the size of a sea

There is no limit to my LOVE
Please understand my dreams
As my LOVE

Even if we fail to be together
In this life-time, on this earth
The feeling of being together for once
Would let us rest in peace till next birth

There is no limit to my LOVE
Please understand my desires
As my LOVE

The distance between us
Does not seem relevant in LOVE
The sky is within our reach
But we are thousand miles
Far away on this earth

There is no limit to my LOVE
Please understand my affection
As my LOVE

Even if we pray for life
Even if we pray for LOVE
Even if we do not pray
God has heard us anyways
To make us meet again for LOVE

There is no limit to my LOVE
Please understand my prayers
As my LOVE

I share with you my thoughts
As an open book I write
Do not find problems in between words
You'll find them aplenty
I too am a mortal human like YOU
Can you measure my LOVE?
Don't invent one to scale my LOVE

There is no limit to my LOVE
Please understand my love
As my LOVE

Beyond the time we are born
After the time we will die
You and I have something
A bond, a connection

Otherwise why so much of
LOVE attachment
Otherwise why our hearts
Long each other's beats

Whether we know this or not
Whether we agree with this or not
Whether we believe in it or not

You and I have something
A bond, a connection
Otherwise why so much of
LOVE attachment

Till we met each other
The life was a foggy mist
Hazy, smoked and dimmed
Everywhere we go,
We meet the fake faces
Wearing smile masks
We huff and puff and ask
"Where can we go now?"


Then we met each other
On an fateful turn of life
As total strangers
Unknown to LOVE's plans

"Why is it that without our permission
Our hearts exchanged LOVE-light vibes?"

"Oh, have we met before?"

Seeing you, feeling you, realizing YOU
I felt -
Beyond the time we are born
After the time we will die
You and I have something
A bond, a connection
Otherwise why so much of
LOVE attachment

YOU live for my smile
I live for your happiness
We must have surely crossed
LOVE paths before this birth
I remember memories of
Dancing together before...
Swaying in LOVE breeze
In night's embraces

Let us NOT miss this moment of LOVE
Let us not get separated from each other
Let us fight everyone and everything
Who are against our LOVE

Let us PROMISE each other
We will remain in this
Entanglement of LOVE forever
For this life-time at least

Beyond the time we are born
After the time we will die
You and I have something
A bond, a connection
Otherwise why so much of
LOVE attachment

At this delicate juncture
In our LOVE's journey
Let us promise to hold
Each other's hand steadfastly
Let us not even think of
Ever leaving LOVING each other

Otherwise, the flowers, the bees,
the wind, the clouds, the rains
The sun and the moon, the stars
Everything on this planet &
Earth's existence will forget
Their roles and start searching
For our "oneness" of LOVE

If by mistake
If we lose our-selves in life
And miss out on
LOVING each - other
Remind us and bring us back
To LOVE each other
Let us promise,
We will come back
to LOVE  each other

So wherever we are,
However far we stay
Let us promise to be patient
Wait for each other,
And not lose our heart

At this delicate juncture
In our LOVE journey
Let us promise to hold
Each other's hand steadfastly
Let us not even think of
Ever leaving LOVING each other

It may happen that
When we are physically away
We might be driven to
Chasing success, career & money
Thus let us decide that whatever may be
We will never forget each other
We will be together in LOVE,
Under all circumstances
Our abode will always
Remain each other's heart
Till we are alive, until we die

There is no chance now
That someone or anyone else can
Take your place in my heart
Your soul image is engraved in me
Your heart reflects my soul within

This is the ultimate truth
Without our consent
The "LOVE-happening" has happened
No one can change our fate in LOVE
Not even us
So, let us remember that
We will be together - forever

Whatever sadness of longing,
Let us be happy
Let us always LOVE each other
Let the candle of our LOVE
Burn eternally in our hearts
In that way we'll never be lonely,
Living within each other's being

Just take care that in sadness
We should not lose hope
Please do not lose your last-breathe
Please wait for me dear...
I will come to hold your hand
And let you dissolve your soul
In my hug, My embrace, my cuddle
You head resting on my lap
Your face pressed to my *****
Listening to your heart-beats
Within my heart

At this delicate juncture
In our LOVE's journey
Let us promise to hold
Each other's hand steadfastly
Let us not even think of
Ever leaving LOVING each other

I see you every moment
Within and around me
Still why my eyes are
Searching for YOU?

Oh kind blessed BELOVED of mine
My soul is seeking your touch

I wish an auspicious 2017
Greetings for my BELOVED

May be it was not our destiny
To cross roads last year 2016
Let us hope for change in 2017

I've sent my Greetings to my BELOVED
I am waiting for the miracle to happen

Even the heart of the earth
Even the spirit of the ocean
Even the soul of the sky
Are cracking listening to
My plight of LOVE
I pray my LOVE
Touches your soul

If it was not in our fate in 2016
Let LOVE be our destiny in 2017

I know that for my BELOVED
There is no in-equality
There is always rights - human rights
A fight for empowerment of LOVE
Everyone who shows LOVE
Is tendered with grace, kindness & care

To whoever my BELOVED touches
Will live thereafter in peaceful calm

I know I am very far from my BELOVED
From the aura of BELOVED'z magic

Someone come, tell & show my LOVE
To my BELOVED and
Grant me a relief from my despairs
I live compelled by sadness of
Time cycle of days & nights
Everyone is allowed to see BELOVED'z
Flowers except me,
Why I've been given thorns to walk on?

BELOVED, you know it all, so
What else I should say to YOU?

Just give me a sign from there
My stars sparkle due to your benevolence
Like a mother-baby,
It is not good to keep
Us separated for long

You know I am ready to exchange
Even my life for your sake

I wish an auspicious year of 2017
To everyone

May be it was not our destiny
To cross roads last year 2016
Let us hope for better in 2017

May I ask you one question?
Why are you changing me by LOVING ME?

The way you show LOVE to me
I change to be good for YOU every moment

Your LOVE lights up my heart
It brings smile on my face
It sparkles a twinkle in my eyes
There is a dance in my walk

You make me believe in Heavens
You make me feel as if
I have received everything in your LOVE
You give me wings in flight
To take me soar beyond the clouds

When you show LOVE to me
I can not think of anything else
My mind, thoughts - everything disappears
I am soaked into an inner joy of your LOVE

You add your flaming fragrance
Like a magic of your wonderful memories

You came into my life like a fairy Angel
Giving me utmost bliss of the divine

People become devotees and go to places of worship
They indulge in rituals and traditions
Humanity congregates seeking blessing of All-mighty

But without I doing anything
I am lucky that I am blessed by your

This is enough for me in this life-time
Nothing life offers is equal to your LOVE

Even if I have all the world's wealth
All I need and want is YOU
Even if I have all the world's fame
All I need and want is YOU
Even if I have all the world's knowledge
All I need and want is YOU
Even if I have all the world's fan following
All I need and want is YOU
Even if I have all the world's POWER
All I need and want is YOU

With your LOVE towards me
I feel intense compassion
It feels that I took million births
Just to reach this moment -
Where it was destined and fated to meet you

How will I ever leave you NOW
You are the one
- Who is without any FAKE-NESS
- Who is without any ARTIFICIALITY

I was and I am awe-struck with your LOVE

May I ask you one question?
Why are you changing me by LOVING ME?
The way you show LOVE to me
I change to be good for YOU every moment

When I talk of beautitude
Please do not think it is "my" bliss
It is "YOURS"

The LOVE's awakening is all yours
That is what I am trying to give
Your bliss back to YOU

So even if I am right or wrong
In realizing my BEAUTITUDE
Do not consider I am in bliss
Beautitude is YOU,
Please accept it...!

Utmost Bliss has always been YOU
Just a part of that bliss
YOU showered on ME with LOVE
That started our LOVE-journey

I opened up my soul —
To absorb LOVE and
Realize beautitude

Now I give your bliss back to YOU
Open your soul — and
Absorb LOVE to
Realize beautitude

If you do not do that
Our LOVE will wither away
A cold winter death...
Understand this TRUTH

Without YOU —
We don't have beautitude


Beautitude is not bliss, nor happiness — It is the REAL TRUTH we all seek And never find it in any way and/ or In any thing we do It is only LOVE that grants us Beautitude
Whatever they may do
To look beautiful, but
Until a LOVER doesn't
Enter your life to
Make beauty out of your being
You won't be 'Beautiful'!

Wear the best clothes
Adorn yourself with
The most precious jewels
Apply layers of make up
And wear the most expensive perfume
Let all BRANDS show its logo on yourself

May you walk delicate
May you talk sober
May you speak truth
May you be kind & caring
Nothing adds up to your beauty

Until an eye of Beholder
Sees you as LOVE

Drop all your accessories of beauty
Try to find a LOVER
You'll naturally feel beautiful
Through the eyes of adoration
of your LOVER..!
You are the most beautiful
Like Angels from the sky

You have inside you
The ability to make
Everyone around you happy

Seeing YOU itself is like
Making the sun rise

YOU bring smiles on people's faces

YOU can be the cover-girl of
Any glamor magazine
And all star models / celebrities
Will bow down to your divine beauty

I've always talked about the
Sparkle I see in your eyes

Even in the most common talks
Of your routine day
Your eyes shine and face glows

You make the flowers bloom
From the bed of thorns

You make the bees buzz
With the perfume of your being

Even in your solemn silences
There is solace and peace

Like the earthy ether
Of compassion flowing
Even from your sad tears

You are beautiful for the way you think
For the way your words flow with wisdom

You are beautiful to the core of your soul

Beauty that can be defined simply
By someone's physical looks

You are beautiful beyond words
You are beautiful beyond "BEAUTY"

You are beautiful the way YOU are

I LOVE YOU so much
Thus I let yourself know
I remind YOU the powerful natural beauty
Of the whole world you hold within YOU

Your pearls & diamonds
Would transcend into tears

One needs to kneel down
In front of BELOVEDz
But it is important
To surrender at the feet

There is no need to
Utter a single word there
Your coming to the
Threshold of BELOVEDz heart
Is more than enough
To be blessed with LOVE

That is why...
Everyone comes with a prayer
Everyone comes with
their wishes and desires
But I have come with
my LOVE at your doorstep
I have come with a
Broken heart in my begging bowl

Look at me, look into me
This heart carries within
And displays to the world
All the good glories

I've searched for you everywhere
With a broken heart of mine
I've wandered everywhere
With melancholic memories of your LOVE

When I am without YOU
My fate isn't working for me
Now how can anything change
The destiny of my life?

Only thing that exists here is sadness
Every moment I live,
Every moment I am alive
It tears my heart into
Small shards and pieces

I can not even talk about
Your divinity to anyone
My tears and sorrows too can't
Depict the story of our LOVE

Only if I am able to see you again
I will be born again to live again

Oh.. Zuliet, Oh.. Layla -
I've come at your doorstep
With the divine LOVE of
Romeo and Majnun

That is why...
Everyone comes with a prayer
Everyone comes with
their wishes and desires
But I have come with
my LOVE at your doorstep
I have come with a
Broken heart in my begging bowl

The arrows of your blessings of LOVE
The arrows of your hopes in LOVE
Can never miss its target - my heart
The God/dess - the Nature - The Karma
Can never NOT oblige to a LOVERz plea

Just keep faith in LOVE
Believe and trust in LOVE
Everything will be fine in LOVE
Even if you can't utter a word
Serve your heart in a begging bowl
And surrender it at your

Just remove this veil of
Doubt from your heart
Then you'll see your LOVE
In front of YOU
And you'll also see
my LOVE in front of YOU

Nor you have to present
A bouquet of flowers
Nor you have to bring any other gifts
Oh my LOVERz... Oh my BELOVEDz
Just bring your broken-heart
And kiss the feet of BELOVEDz

That is why...
Everyone comes with a prayer
Everyone comes with
their wishes and desires
But I have come with
my LOVE at your doorstep
I have come with a
Broken heart in my begging bowl

Look at me, look into me
This heart carries within
And displays to the world
All the good glories

Without any wealth

I went to proclaim LOVE

Without any wealth

I told - I LOVE YOU

Now I am roaming on the

Streets Of LOVE

begging for my love
This is ME
The very same love
This is YOU
The very same LOVE

It was a tender age
Where we played together
Where LOVE played together

Where we wilted to see
our bodies unravelled
That our sacbrous skin
We rubbed with eachother

Where not having learned
To distance ourselves from LOVE
We ventured into passionless explorations
We ventured into the unknown
The Deep mysteries of human LOVE

We submerged into eachother - thrice
If you remember
We swallowed everything eachother had to offer
And at the time of ecstasy
We almost touched the passion of death
Within our union

And if you remember
It was so so difficult
To hug- out of each other
Didn't we lay there for millions of years
Cuddling each othe
In the midst of nature

It was so frantic to separate our souls
And how we looked forward to jump back in
That lingering embraces

Now when we are learned
We fear the same LOVE
We fear the same WE

You are the same YOU
I am the same ME
LOVE is the same LOVE

Now the way we look at eachother
Is so different...
Have we forgotten being within each other?

LOVE is a bespeak

You know my LOVE
YOU know my ask
MY petition is pending in your heart
My call for LOVE is your SOUL's call

What more can I say?
YOU know my appeals

In your LOVE longing
I've become innocent
Purity & truth has made me YOU
My LOVE is beyond our thoughts
Look into my heart,
And see your SOUL's LOVE

Look at your doorstep
I'm waiting there with a bowl of LOVE
I've fallen there while bowing to YOU

Do something for me
Either **** me, or save me
Don't keep me lingering in life
Waiting for your LOVE like this

I know you've never rejected LOVE
Even sinner is reformed by YOU
Grief too, dances joyfully in your LOVE
Parched - quench their thirst in YOU
The darkness bathes in our illumination
All ills are cured and healed by YOU

I was drawn to your fragrance
Your LOVE drifted me to YOU
I only saw you in desert's mirage

Traveling thousand miles
When I reached your ocean's shores
I realized your inner beauty
And I fell on my knees
In your AGAPE Eternal LOVE

Everything else is just "maya" around me
YOU are the first "true reality" I see in life

To find and understand YOU
People come to search for me
I'm the only one who carries your scent in me

Broken into pieces,
I'm unable to be whole without YOU
I do not know the etiquette of praying
So I surrender myself to serve YOU
I won't go away from you now
I don't have anywhere to go now

In pride of your LOVE
In blessings of LOVING YOU
I hold my spirits high with a begging bowl
Standing here, waiting for YOU
On the path of life you travel

When you appear, and pass by me
I could not even meet your eye
Shy, coy, demure, I fall at your feet
Bowing at my BELOVEDz,
Adoring your existential "beauty"

Came home in my heart
And stayed there eternally - forever
Your presence in me becomes

You meet someone
You like someone
You love someone
And what happens after that?

That someone is YOU!

And the more I know you
The more I
"Go Beyond LOVE"

You are the dream
Everyone dreams of to be with
When I think of goodness
I see every goodness in YOU

What is beyond LOVE's dreams?

It's YOU


We will give you all our LOVE
We will LOVE with all our devotion

If that is what life wants from us
We will be our armor
In the line of fire

We LOVE each other eternally
We know - we know that too

And we know we've the time
This life and thereafter

Our LOVE is beyond the concept of time
So we've much more to spare
Than this life-time and moments

So let us not pretend that:
- We only care for this moment
- We only care for this day
- We only care for this life

We LOVE beyond the concept of time

Let sunset and sunrise
Come and go
Let sadness and happiness
Come and go
Let darkness and light
Come and go

LOVE is beyond the concept of time

Our LOVE will grow
With each moment of the day and night

Our LOVE has every chance to go on because
Our LOVE is so wronged by the world
That it has every chance of becoming
ETERNALLY epic and legendary

Let us not think of fate and destiny
We don't have doubt that we can
LOVE each other forever and ever

Beyond the concept of time

We LOVE during this life &
We'll LOVE beyond this..

Whatever we do
How can we express our LOVE?
I can't, You can't,
Neither can WE - totally
See how much we struggle...
To express all our emotions

Every thing we do to
Show our LOVE to each other
Hide our LOVE from the world
All our attempts fail

We know we're in LOVE
Our "Truth of LOVE" ever exists
Ever existed, will forever exist

Can't be hidden or un-hidden
Like the sun and stars
Flowers and breeze

Our LOVE blossoms
Every season of LIFE
Every time we are born
Every time we've met

We LOVE during this life &
We'll LOVE beyond this life too

Black and Dark are not necessary bad things
Many people associate negativity to it
All our African people are dark and black
Night is dark - and that is not bad too
Thinking, speaking, writing of Black, Dark, & Night
As negative, pessimistic and bad
Only shows our ignorance in how we all are
Brain-washed by those who think & believe
White and light is superior to every thing

Please remove this ignorance
While reading this poem
Where LOVE is hopefully represented
As a Black Dark spot on white light life

Black and Dark are as good as
Or even better than white and light
Here Black and Dark is used positively
Read it so that way


How can I remove
The Black spot of LOVE
From my life?

How can I hide
The Dark spot of LOVE
From my being?

How can I not find
A job that will give me work
A place to go and stay
A friend who would understand me
A family who would accept me
A BELOVEDz who will hold my hand

My life is considered useless
By everyone in this city
Because of this
Black Dark spot of LOVE
I carry around my heart's kitty

With such accusations
Falling on me from everywhere
How can I go in front
Of my BELOVEDz to
Show how much I LOVE her

I've forgotten everything in life
I'm lost everything in the process of
Adoring this...
Black and Dark spot of LOVE

People say I've gone mad & crazy
In seeking positivist within Black and Dark

How am I suppose to find
The ways of life again for
The journey to my BELOVEDz heart
On the dark night path  of fate?

This life without
A  Black Dark spot of LOVE
Was nothing but waste

Life was just a maze of chase
For greed, success, wealth & fame

Till my BELOVEDz painted my soul
Black Dark with her LOVE SOUL illuminate

Now how am I suppose to
Remove the Black Dark liquid of LOVE
That runs within my veins

And why should I?

When my Black Truth is
Much better than world's white lies

When my Dark LOVE is
Much better than world's light life

Black Dark Spot of LOVE
Is the only positive I carry

So why should I even try to
Remove the Black Dark spot of LOVE

My Black Dark Spot of LOVE is my only POSITIVE...!

The Tragic True LOVE Story of Blanche Monnier

Just for falling in LOVE
With a commoner
Blanche Monnier was kept in attic
For 25 years
Blanche's True LOVE survived

The year was 1876

In midst of the Third Republic period in France
When the historical power struggle of royalist ******* and republican radicals were discussed in bourgeois socialites
That's the time when
In a small place called Poitiers
Four hours away from Paris
There lived:
Madam Louise Monnier
Wealthy and prominent
Member of CLASS society
Known in Parisian high society
For their charitable works
Who had received many community awards too

With her son
Marcel Monnier
A brilliant student
And a prominent lawyer
Well respected in Paris

And her daughter
(Marcel's sister)
Twenty Five years old
Beautiful beyond words
Very gentle and good natured
A young socialite in rich circles

Lived happily in their
Monnier Estate

It was during this time
Blanche fell in LOVE with a suitor
Let us call him
Who lived in her neighborhood
Sadly he was not young
Nor was he from rich aristocrat family
He was elderly man,
Basically a commoner
And an unsuccessful penniless lawyer

Madam Louise Monnier - disapproved
Of such alliances for her daughter Blanche and
Insisted Blanche to marry a more suitable man
Of her own age, class and status

But in passion of her LOVE -
Blanche profusely disagreed
And Madame Monnier got angry
They quarreled and argued
One day Madame Monnier locked Blanche
In a dungeon attic ordering
"Until you would agree - you are imprisoned"

Years passed
But Blanche was stubborn
So much in deep LOVE with James
She did not relent to her Mother's wishes

So the story goes....
Nine years passed

On this side James - Blanche's suitor
The beau too died in 1885

It is said that
Blanche's brother Marcel apposed his mother
To at least set Blanche FREE now
But Madam Louise Monnier had absolute
Stronghold and control over the family
Thus Marcel aboded to his mother's decree
And Blanche was kept locked still after

In the eyes of society
Beautiful young Blanche had simply disappeared
Without a clue

Madame Monnier and Marcel mourned
In front of everyone
Stating Blanche ran away
And continued to live their lives
As normal as those rich aristocrat families live

No one gave much thought to this
Everyone went about their life
As if nothing had happened

With time - they say
Blanche was forgotten
From everyone's memory

For over 25 years,
Blanche remained in a attic dungeon
Tied to her bed
Waiting for her LOVE
But her mother Madam Louise,
And her brother Marcel
With their two servants
No one helped her to be FREE

Blanched was chained in a dark attic room
She was accompanied by rats and lice
Day after day
Living in dirt and darkness
Alone, isolated, in solitude
Blanche became insane
Drown in her own tears and
In company of
Rats, bugs and pests...
And rotten odor

Rumors say that it was one of the female servants
Who slipped the secret of
Monnier Estate's beautiful daughter Blanche
To her boyfriend
Who immediately wrote a letter to
The Attorney General

In 1901,
Attorney General of Paris
Received an anonymous note
Handwritten and unsigned

The content were disturbing
And The Attorney General
Sent his police team to investigate
The Police arrived to search Monnier Estate

At first,
Police couldn't find anything unusual
Until they came across strange odor
Coming from upper floors

When the Police went upstairs
Madam Louise Monnier sat
On the ground floor living hall
Calmly reading a book

When the Police approached
The attic room
From where the odor was coming
They saw that the room was padlocked

Realizing something amiss
Police smashed the lock and
Broke open the room

The horrors lay within

A pitch dark room
With only one window
Shut closed with black curtains

The stench of room was so over whelming
That immediately the window was broke open

With the light coming in
The police realized that the bad odor
Was because of rotting food
That littered all over the floor

And in a corner - there was a bed
Where an emaciated women was chained

She was our Blanche Monnier
Fifty years old now
Tied to the bed
It was over two decades
She had not even seen the sun
And she had lived
In her own excrements

That beauty of youth
That youthful LOVELY being
A divine, kind, pure hearted girl
Did not even resembled like a human

She was naked
Chained like animals to the bed
Lying on a straw mattress

She was completely
Frightened and delirious

She weighed just 50 pounds (22 kilograms)

Police covered Blanche in a white sheet
And took her to the hospital
Madam Louise Monnier - and Marcel were arrested
For this atrocious inhumane crime
Of imprisoning and treating Blanche
So badly
For what? -
for a natural act of LOVING

"We can not even comprehend
What a LOVER goes through
When subjected to such punishments"

Blanche was horrendously malnourished
In hospital she was lucid to be rescued and freed
She exclaimed...
"How lovely it is to breathe the fresh air"

When she was informed about James
She could not even remember
The reason for her current state -
Was "LOVE"
Her eyes were hollow, her face was blank

There was public out-cry all over France
It was loud and clear
Public out-raged was brimming
They wanted the mother and brother punished

And Madam Louise Monnier -
Who was seventy years old then
suffering from heart disease
Could not take the shock
Of such societal backlash
For the horrible crime she committed

It is accounted that
Madam Louise Monnier
Died in police custody
15 days after Blanche's rescue
Police say -
Probably of a heart attack

Brother Marcel was imprisoned for 15 months
He confessed of
Not being directly part of the crime
But just acting under pressure of his mother

The whole blame was put on Madam Louise Monnier
Brother Marcel was considered only an accomplice
And thus when Marcel pleaded innocent and sought pardon
He was acquitted and set FREE
Such were the laws of those days

Our LOVER - Blanche Monnier
Had suffered greatly
The mental trauma
Of LOVE longing had
Lasting psychological damage

There after
Blanche lived in a French Sanitarium
Till she died in 1913
Twelve year after she was liberated

People say - that at times
The nursing staff used to hear Blanche
Sing the songs of LOVE

And they used to see Blanche
Talking LOVINGLY with a non-existing person
Most probably that person was "James"
The man she LOVED more than her life

Thus is remembered
The story of Blanche's LOVE

She suffered but never relented
To her mother's wishes
"To forget her LOVER James"

It was impossible to survive for 25 years
Without proper food, light, sun, or any human company
In that tiny dark dungeon attic
But Blanche did miraculously survive
With the hope that one day
She will be FREE
She will meet James
And she will LOVE James
And she will say to James
"My Jamie, see I did truly LOVE YOU"

That's the power of TRUE LOVE
This is a TRUE STORY

My BELOVEDz came to soothe me

Placing a bouquet of LOVE flowers
Within my heart's vase

And rode away on my
Golden heart chariot

Even with a restless soul
Heart beats galloping fast
BELOVEDz trusted me

My BELOVEDz came to soothe me
To kiss me with pink petal lips

I listen to those jingling anklets
While LOVERz walk and run towards me

With a garland sewed out of her gazes
BELOVEDz adorned me with thousand desires

For sole LOVE's reason BELOVEDz unlocked
The gates of life's prisons for me

The haunting nights were over now and
The fantasy world of our dreamZ lives on...

BELOVEDz carved a name on my heart
With the sharp shards of broken pieces
Of her own heart and colored it
With her own blood red

With each inscription carved
On me by my BELOVEDz
LOVE & LOVING pained a lot but
Healed my broken heart's scars

BELOVEDz repaid with due interest
To the LOVERz LOVE & LOVEz debt

BELOVEDz came and provided me
A lap to sleep on
The bosoms to hide me in
The lips for me to drink her nectar
The breathe for me to LIVE forever
A womb for me to be born again

BELOVEDz surrendered the being to me
To fulfill all our wishes & desires

I placed my eyes on the path
And played the strings of music
With rhythm and melodies of LOVE

Now I live within the inner being
Making dark nightz within BELOVEDz hair
Making bright dayz within BELOVEDz gaze
Transforming me into a life-long ETERNAL LOVERz

Now I don't want to wake up
My heart filled with BELOVEDz desires
I live and die for every single word
Uttered by my BELOVEDz

BELOVEDz stays as
Visions in my eyes
Prayers on my lips
Chants of my worship
Music of my heart

BELOVEDZ came and deposited LOVE
Never to leave me again

My eyes, my heart, my being
My soul, my spirits are
Fixed only on my BELOVEDz path

My BELOVEDz came to soothe me

Placing a bouquet of LOVE flowers
Within my heart's vase

And never left me again...

Broke open my heart
My heartbreak
Opened to the stars
My heartbreak
Opened to the moon
My heartbreak
Opened to the sun
For I realize
Breaking heart is opening LOVE

I am broken
But I am open
You broke me open

You broke me into LOVE
Into a new life I've never seen
I saw the possibilities
Beyond what  mind could see

I saw the LOVE shine
Through the cracks I saw in YOU
I saw the light shine
Through the pores of your heart
I saw you illuminate me
Through the broken heart of yours

You are broken
You are open
I broke you open
With my LOVE

You see the LOVE shine in me
Through the cracks in me
Let your light seep in me
Let your LOVE illuminate my soul

You open up those gaps
Through which I LOVE YOU

Now let our spirits take a journey
Let our wings take the flight
Let us rise above the mediocre
Otherwise we are not alive
We are not running for life
We are falling for LOVE

Life is always a choice
But LOVE never gives us a choice

We are broken
But we are open
We broke each other open
To LOVE...

Our heartbreak
We realize
Breaking heart is opening LOVE

LOVE is inconceivable by any means
O Mind, O Logic, O Rational, O Science
All put together to understand LOVE
Has resulted in utter disasters
True LOVE is beyond the realm
Of human perceptible dimension

Congent question is this
LOVE blooms in vacuity
LOVE prospers in beuile tedium

LOVE is the invisible wheel
That turns the universe go round

The raindrop falling on the parched earth is LOVE

Open up the seed and break it into two halves
Between the two halves resides LOVE

LOVE is not today
LOVE is not tomorrow
LOVE is not even NOW
LOVE doesn't exist in your Time-meter
Yet LOVE exists

Call me your LOVER

Now we are no stranger to each other
Yet where does our LOVE go from here?

How does the world know the depth of
The attachments of our LOVE?

Your LOVE rains over my desert
Bringing tears to my eyes
And see....
Dew drop are formed
On the leaf of your heart
To fill your eyes with tears

When your lips touches mine
Our breathe entangle into each other

Now let our ecstasy tell the story
That is rendered in our inner being

Call me your LOVER

Call me by YOUR name

My abundant affection for YOU
Is the wonder I see in your eyes
Your LOVE is quality of eternity

My LOVE takes every form of nature
My LOVE dwells in your spirits


My seeking of YOUR LOVE within me is "unique"

My LOVE is fire within YOU
My LOVE is water within YOU
My LOVE is air within YOU
My LOVE is the earthiness within YOU
My LOVE is the void within YOU
My LOVE is The light within YOU
My LOVE is the darkness within YOU
My LOVE is your very NATURE


Your LOVE becomes everything within me
Without any effort of mine
And I become "nothing" in your LOVE
My invisibility resides in YOUR being

That's why our LOVE is ETERNAL
That's why...
We are not seen as TWO by the world


Their union is a never ending fight
Their prayers of LOVE protects them
And lights the whole world with illumination
Their saga of LOVE is ETERNAL
No one in this world can change their LOVE


We are just two tiny particles of Golden Dust

We are just two amoeba caught inside each other


Consummating in our union to become "ONE"

We are each-other's ether quintessence particles


I'm the taste of saliva of your mouth

I'm the fluid of your womb


I am the answer to your search of LOVE

YOU are the answer to my search of LOVE


Does the world see their LOVE?
Everything they do is done for each other
Come and see them -
They will live beyond ETERNITY
They are not the beginning, nor the ending
Their union is infinite cycle of LOVE

O **** sapiens
Have you ever felt dispirited?
Impuissant with LIFE?

Look around
Which other species
Feels powerless like you?

Have some past time
What about LOVE?
A spiritual quest
Life'll be a repose
And you'll crawl

Two minutes of our lifetime
Don't spend it on
Being a successful trader
Sell your heart instead

You've two hearts
One for normal use
One that leads to LOVE

Moil you this
Sketch the path
And your subterranean heart
Will be civilized To LOVE!

Oh BelovedZ
YOU are the ocean of colors
Each light you reflect &
All lights that falls on YOU
You carve a rainbow out from it

Please shoot me with those rainbows
Let those rainbow colors -
shower on me

Even if a little -
a dew drop will do
I am even ready to drown myself
In the shallow rainbow "shines" -
of your dew-drops

Please, please, please color me
With the spectrum of colors
You carry within you

My soul is pure,
My heart is clean
I am no one you know of
Like an untouched white canvass
I am such a stranger to YOU

But I do not want to -
remain a stranger anymore
So drown me, drown me, drown me -
in your colors....

Oh BelovedZ...
Make a garland of your rainbow
Let that garland be decorated by
Dew drops of your spirit

Let me insert my LOVE strings
Into the beads of your dew drops
And let me wear a necklace -
of your colorful beads

Let me make a paste
Of your colorful flowers
That you grow within your soil
And let me apply it -
All over my face & body

Let me sip each glass
Of your colorful sharbat
Let me remember your taste...
Within my being...

Oh BelovedZ...
Drown me in your colorful waters
Grind me along with your colorful petals
Dissolve me within your sweet syrup
Melt me into your flavors
Cook me along with your spices

Let me create a monument of LOVE
From your colorful stones
And let me dance in that monument

Let me create music
Out of your colorful notes
And sing melodious LOVE tunes
With the poems and songs
You pen daily from me

Please play the colorful jingles -
on our LOVE beats
And shower me with -
drumbeats of LOVE colors

Oh BelovedZ... No wonder,
I am so lost in your LOVE
I know it is only me
Who sees your utmost beauty

Flowing out from YOU
Are those thousand colorful rivers
Flooding me with your gush
Soaking me damp with your waters

Sweeping me off my feet
Let me flow into your downstream
Take me into your deep oceans

Oh BELOVEDz... I wonder
How you manage to bring out
So many shades of your colors for me?

And still I know this TRUTH that
You have not yet opened your hidden
Colorful palette of LOVE for me

A tribute to
The Festivities of Color...
Plays with me...

My life is colorless
So for me
'Muddled' is also a color

LOVE blinded my desires
And now I only see YOU

Let me at least see
The dark colors of your LOVE
As "I" belong to a colorless life

Whatever color of Yours
Shines brighter
Than what I don't even
See (any color) within me

I know the true color of your soul
It is not BLUE, orange, red,
Black, white or gray
It is the color of "LOVE"

Strangled we were with LIFE
Now we are set FREE by LOVE
To the Colors of LOVE

You feel like robber
You've stolen my heart

I feel like a vault
You've deposited
Your LOVE in me

You feel like my heartbeat
You are beating within me

I feel like your voice
You rhyme love-songs through me

My eyes won't be able to
Let your colors of LOVE fade away

The rainbow of your desires
Has become a color palette on my soul

Let me drive your dreams
Let me walk your paths
Let me ride your hopes
Let me swim your oceans
Let me soar your desires

Wandered-lost in your LOVE
Even if fate pranks me
To some other roads of life
I'll find your path
With colors of your smell

Let the world disgrace me
Let the world accuse me
Even if No one supports me

I'll live on your LOVE
Like the clouds over you
If rained on your heart
I'll brighten your soul

You have become my color palette of
Your breathe & heartbeats

My dear BELOVEDz
You have played festivals of colors
With me through centuries
I've been your Romeo, Rumi, Radha
Zuliet, Layla, Heer, Sohni
Majnun, Rabia, Ranjhanaa

I am standing in front of YOU
with your colors in my heart
Can YOU play colors with me?

Without YOU
Without your colors
I can't find
Lyrics in my songs

YOU are the naughty, cool
Fragrant color of my life

Why are YOU always in such a hurry
It is so difficult to calm YOU down

Color my dreamZ slowly BELOVEDz
Please play colors with me BELOVEDz

At every shore of every ocean
On every flora of every forest
On every bird of every sky
Everything is covered with your colors

I can smell your fragrance everywhere
But I can't see YOU anywhere

I want to melt in your colors
I want to be covered with your colors

Till now YOU've been so tender to me
Hiding and throwing colors on me

I keep on calling out for YOU
Oh.. my BELOVEDz
Oh... my BELOVEDz
Come and apply some more
Colors of your LOVE on me

At nights YOUR whispers color
My heart in BLUE
During days your presence colors

Your hide and seek laughter
Resonates music around me

Let us be together and play
This festivities of colors

I can't see you in worldly crowd
Be brave and come out in front of me
And apply some COLORS of LOVE on me

Come away to me, my LOVE
Run and come to me my LOVE

Your bloods runs through me
Your breathe flows through me
You are the soul of my being

Like a bee buzzing on my flower
I am YOUR flower waiting for my YOU-bee

Come away to me, my LOVE
Run and come to me my LOVE

I often ask myself
Am I being myself?
And the answer is always NO
I am being YOU
What was me - is now YOU

With the innovative artistic stroke
YOU created my LOVE from your soul
My life-vessel is colored by YOU
On top of that you sprinkled your scent
Your Jasmine perfume fragrance my life
Your smile on my face glitters a sunshine

You groom me new & adorn me with YOU
As if I am your bride or groom on honeymoon
I desire your Jasmine flower scented nights

I saw in YOU honey dancing in the rain
Like a wet deer I long, withering in pain
In my heart - your blood pumps
In my veins - your spirit runs
In my pulse - your heart beats
In my dreams - I lean on YOU
For every moment, time and again
Making LOVE to YOU

If you ever see me without YOU
YOU will see me like a fish out of water

How is it fair if you rent your eyes to the Cosmic BLUE?
Who pays the rents - I do, with the LOVE of my heart
How is it fair when you stray in every moment of my life
Touching, talking, whispering, smiling, sleeping with me
Every moment of morning, afternoon, evening and night

When you rain on me, I forget myself and flow in YOU
Like red earth - my blood melts in your being

Come away to me, my LOVE
Run and come to me my LOVE

Your bloods runs through me
Your breathe flows through me
You are the soul of my being

Like a bee buzzing on my flower
I am YOUR flower waiting for my YOU-bee

Come away to me, my LOVE
Run and come to me my LOVE
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