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It's not too late
to make amends
But it's now too early
For us to be friends.
Shaking, I slowly approached.
"Hi" I said, shaking, only croaked.
"Would you like to take a walk?"
As composed as she is,
We left-off, we talked.

"I am so sorry."
"Do you still have my drawing?"
"Yes, I kept them with me."
"Actually, I'm still mad at you"
"You have every right to."

On that day, I shed some tears
From past mistakes, I still regret.
When I broke her heart and left.
She now loves someone,
Who wiped her tears.

Five years, what could it have been?
If only choices can be selected again
I'll do anything to hold her then.
To hug her close, never leave her alone.

You don't have to forgive me
I hope you live life fully.
Here I sit admittedly,
"I still love you dearly."
In this life, existence is competition
And conflict will always set motion
For chaos is the natural order
And change comes right after

That's life, its natural state
And if one of the two dominates
Balance shall tilt and tumble over
Weighing the world above our shoulders

Maybe that's why we always seek
Someone to live forever, for keeps
We hunger for love, peace and more
Also conflicts for us to grow

We want to see clearly
So we pass through prairies
Of burning grass and warm sands
To find our own peace at hand

Such is the way we live
All we could do is believe
We sat on a table
Drew cards and called
You got a pair of Aces
I got 7, Queen of spades

I guess with my hand
I'm a lucky girl you have
Little did I know
You got bullets on my back

That's what you get
For the risk of a bet
And that's what I regret
That I took you for granted
A wise man raised his hand,
Declares intent to speak.
Says nothing.
A crowd begins to think.
Happiness is a song
Always worth singing
While sadness is a poem
That we read most alone

Anger is forced silence
Waiting to be burst
While surprise is a ride
A blessing or a curse?

And then there's disgust
The most we dont discuss
While admiration is a start
Of either one above
Writing at midnight
to help fall asleep,
is like dropping a soda
on a slide full of coffee
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