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his hands are full of stories
he may never get to tell
and wandering the streets today
he must've thought they fell
the memories are staggered
shorter, closer, weaker
s t i l l
together their depiction
was a life he had until
he sat upon the stones
and let the cold into his head
erased the only thoughts
that reassured he wasn't dead
but now the days are passing
with a quickening delay
and everything he hadn't said
is chasing him away
so if you see him running
tell him time is running too
that if he can't outrun it
there is nothing he can do
to think you could outrun time
flames lick the ceiling
the barn door crackles and splits
he reaches for her
 Nov 2014 Megan Grace
 Nov 2014 Megan Grace
people are not
to be saved and
they say girls are
best wild and free
or wild and reckless
but I was always the
cabin with an open
door, an inviting
bed, a warm
hearth, I
put and
did my life
by the books
still wanted to
s a v e y o u f r o m
something, yourself?
other people? the world?
I see pictures of you and
feel a sense of failure,
or loss or grief or
frustration but
you were
never mine to
save, never a thing
to be saved, never wanted
to be saved, never asked to be
saved and letting you go was akin
to releasing the leash on wild, wild beast.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

Fingers stained black.
Spine bent like the railing
after the crash. Bent hard.

You're not even solid ground.
You're a whisper in the air.
Everything that
has a pitch.

Everybody's muse.
Everyone's *******.

All the switches
are off.
 Nov 2014 Megan Grace
healing is not always graceful,
i am contented most days,
pleased with all the progress
i've made
but some times
i feel the foundation i am building
start to crack beneath my feet
and i am reminded of how
fragile all of it is
and i think to myself,
"maybe it's not too late
to burn it all down
& go home"
and i just
don't know how
many more nights
i could spend
tip toeing on thin ice
just above rock bottom
before it shatters and
i am back where i started
 Nov 2014 Megan Grace
Long locks.
 Nov 2014 Megan Grace
Looking back,
I ruined myself
in l i t t l e ways
(by the locks of my
hair the swing
in my step the
stress in my smile)
all for the sake
of trying to get
rid of you but
I just got rid of
myself instead.

{my hair has gotten long and it's been a direct metaphor for how long I've loved you, but I've been meaning to cut it off}
 Nov 2014 Megan Grace
he told me that my blue hat
reminded him of the sky
and in that moment,
I felt limitless-
but only for that moment.
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