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Alone at last, the story goes
But in her head she's on her toes
As thoughts begin to paint the end
There's nothing left to comprehend
It's here and now and then and there
It's everything that's everywhere
The book is me, the book is you
The words are everything we do
They're in the sea and if you swim
you'll have to fight with every limb
And when you're scattered in the deep
you need to bring yourself to speak
For what is good will not forsake
So carry, give and never take
Let go of all you'll ever own
you weren't made to be *alone
I need some rest I need to sleep
but all I do is count the sheep
a hundred more I'm still awake
My eyes withdrawn my mouth agape
So when will I forget to breathe
The way you did inside of me
I want to dream and travel far
Away from everything you are    
'cause where I go you cannot come
you'll not survive where i am from
The world is made of what we feel
So stop pretending this is real
You never were, I never was
The lie we made is both of us
a broad classification of sleeping disorders that make it difficult to get to sleep, or to remain sleeping
 May 2015 Megan Grace
a counselor once told me I had abandonment issues

so i have dreams of this guy shoving his tongue down
my throat like a dart and it makes me s c a r e d of the
things     I can't see in people,      unable to discern the
true intentions      in the  b e d r o c k  of their   heart    
because I don't excavate men anymore (at least that's
what I will tell myself) and I've only e v e r had boys
for toys, people who  give  me their strings for play
things. endearing but emasculating, the two things
i've aspired to be and I guess I'm just   terrified   of
not having control, of being the lowest block on the
totem pole with you can leave me dangled over my
head, you can leave me, you can leave me, you can

leave me.
(c) Brooke Otto 2015

I can tell you about the girl.

Her freckles were beige constellations,
and her voice was husky and rasped
like birds before the churning of a storm.

She was weird and laughed at everything I said -
which made her even weirder,
because I'm only funny in certain photos
and in certain clothes.

Her left arm was covered in scars and burns.
"As you can tell, I'm right handed," she said.
Arthritis surrounded her wrists and other joints,
and all I could think about were my
grandmother's arthritis crippled hands,
and if the girl would thank the arthritis, one day,
for no longer allowing her to self-harm.

One of her feet were bigger than the other
and, when she walked, she would lose balance.
"I'm not sure if the world is too fast
or if I'm too slow. Then again," she winked,
"it's probably because of my feet."
I liked her because she treated me like a person,
but didn't take me as seriously
as I took myself.

I struggled with self-respect
and she struggled with a drug addiction.
Her arm was needle park
and sometimes she missed ******
more than she missed me.

She wasn't the type of girl to shake
without her drugs -
she'd, instead, talk about them
like they were old friends.
She understood them
more than she understood herself.

After a few months of ***
and, "I'll be sad when you leave,"s,
I called her my girlfriend
and she smiled.
Flecks of speckled angles, bright,
I saw her, first, she accepted
my night.

Five days later,
she overdosed on morphine.
I picked her up.

Her eyes were glazed over.
I said, "I love you,
but this is *******."
She cried and said,
"Forgive me."

I lain in bed, next to her -
next to the avoidance of death.
She asked how I was
and I said, "Everything I write is ****,
but I'm glad I can write ****** poetry
about how we'll be okay."

She asked, "We will be okay, right?"

I hope.
I cant be bothered cant be moved
My head has swallowed many moons
And somewhere in the black of night
I cease to be, surrender sight
So this is what it means to lose
Your mind to everything you choose
And any steadiness you had
Is in a fist of ironclad
I want to see, I want to feel
But none of this is even *real
...or is it?
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