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824 · May 2015
My Ever Changing Soul
MCKNZ May 2015
I want to dance under the Northern Stars,
and harmonize with the birds in Rio.

I want to taste wine on the shores of the Riviera,
and swing from the trees in the Amazon.

I want to walk the beaches under the African setting sun,
and swim with the fish off the Coral Reefs,

I want to reunite my soul with where it has been,
before it was within me.
746 · Jun 2013
Letters Never Sent
MCKNZ Jun 2013
You are balding on the back of your head. I sort of like that.
You drink more alcohol than you should.
Your eyes grow to twice their size when you are excited.
You have four dimples.
You smile with your entire face. I really like that.
You have a body sculpted by the directors employed in Hollywood.
Your scar under your chin helps remind me that you are perfectly imperfect.

You will forever be: my prominent “what if”, my greatest regret, and my favorite “almost”.

-- -- --

You have a smile that could light up a stadium.
You sing off pitch to my favorite songs. But I do also.
You chew the inside of your cheek when you are nervous.
Your dancing needs work. We could take classes together.
You lie a lot.
Your father is your best friend, and I would love to meet him.
You are going to make a difference in this world, but you don’t realize that yet.

However for now, I know you are the one. The one I cannot have.
725 · Jun 2014
Lines of Someone New
MCKNZ Jun 2014
I look at your laugh lines, and
wonder what made the edges of your lips curl,
I wonder who made your cheeks warm,
as your eyes mimicked your faintly chapped lips.

I hope it was real happiness.

I look at your frown lines, and
wonder what made your cheeks become heavy,
falling towards sunken shoulders.
I wonder who made you sullen.

Could I have helped?

I look at your laugh lines,
And I am saddened.
They tell stories that I will never hear.
And your frown lines,
Of moments I will never ease.

I look at your face staring back at mine,
And see so many;
Memories, years and lives lived.
All that I have missed.

I have met you now,
With every contour,
I have met who you are now.
502 · Jul 2013
I Have Always Been In Love
MCKNZ Jul 2013
I am in love.
With an idea
With a sound
With a movement
With a clarity
With an ease
I am in love.

I have been in love.
It never was a single moment
Of serendipity.
There was never another breath,
To justify my own.
There was never a flash,
To capture my slight smile.
But, I was in love.

It is a melody.
A rhyme of black and white,
Of harshness and a feather’s grace.
I am in love.

Not with a person,
Not with a lover,
Not with a friend.
I am in love.
With an idea.
With an image.
With an experience.
I am in love.

Oh, but not with a person.
For bruised that has left me.
Black under the tyranny,
Of an experiment.
I am in love.

I am in love.
Believe me.
No intertwined fingers.
No cupping palm.
Just me.
I am in love.
480 · Jun 2013
A Man And His Bag
MCKNZ Jun 2013
There was once a man with a hole in his sweater,
He whistled to himself and looked upon others with a scowl.
A beaten leather bag hung from his weathered arm,
Moist with onions and oil his breath was foul.

The sun scorched the holes on his head,
And lines under his eyes counted his years.
His foot twitched as if he were ready to run,
As the marks on his chin reflected his tears.

His brown leather bag held his few prized possessions,
Bottles that warmed his heart and stole his days.
The hole on his sweater will always be seen,
Through hell he stands, firm in his ways.
381 · Jun 2013
It Just Is.
MCKNZ Jun 2013
You are mine,
I am yours.

We aren’t together,
But we are forever connected.
People won’t understand,
Because we can’t explain it.

It is.
So, forever, it will be.
You and me.
357 · Jun 2013
MCKNZ Jun 2013
The stars seem smaller.
The wind seems colder.

My eyes are darker.
My skin is looser.

One can only last so long, without another.
336 · Jun 2013
When I Decide
MCKNZ Jun 2013
Please be there.
When I come looking,
Please be there.

Stand where you are.
When I come looking,
Stand where you are.

Smile as I smile.
When I come looking,
Smile as I smile.

Just be there.
When I come looking,
Just be there.

— The End —