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 Nov 2014 MC Hammered
I wanna
mind ****
the ****
out of
your mind
but where is MY mind?
 Nov 2014 MC Hammered
I'm not afraid to say that I am not afraid,
but I think we're lost and it's unsettling.
And I'm not afraid to say I love you to my friends,
and that we like drugs.

If I don't find a perfect job and buy a perfect house
will I meet the standards?

We'll  I'm not afraid of being poor and hungry.
I'm afraid of being Fake, and filled with Hate.
And I'm not afraid to say I'm sick of ***
and the way it makes me think.

Because the worst war is in my head
And the first step would be keeping to myself
But the worst part is in my bed.
when I get anxious I can't sleep..
So can we go
and waste some time

I'm not afraid of being put down
I like the way I live and the way I dress.
And I'm not ashamed
I spent those checks on gas and whiskey
and cigarettes.

If don't purchase trendy clothes and I don't bother lifting
Am I still a man?

Well, I'm not afraid to say that superficial people make me
I want no part of it.
And I'm not apposed to hearing
things you have to say
but I get mad.

Because the worst war is in my head

I'm not afraid to say that I am not afraid
but I'm ******* Scared.
Because all our time is spent with technologies instead of Love,
and Loving life.
I'm not afraid to help you see, but I wouldn't Know.
Because if I say we're slaves to phones and Facebook,
I know that you'll go home,
and you'll waste your time on it.
 Apr 2014 MC Hammered
 Apr 2014 MC Hammered
It's a rough deal man,
this life.

I didn't ask for this ****.

It's not an easy gig,
being me.
I am what I am
and lots of the time,
that's ******* awesome,
but being surrounded by
simple mother *******
who are hell bent on
bringing me down
is tiring.

I bend but never break

They grind away with
their spiteful machinations
and greedy hidden agendas,
bereft of any compassion,
lacking any real substance.
They are shells packed with
hate, stuffed with ****,
and I can barely breathe
in the presence of such

I do it all for the boy;
I tolerate the average,
put up with the mediocre
and the mundane.

His life will not be as hard

I promise.
 Apr 2014 MC Hammered
I was going to write about you again
Then I remembered you already left
and no longer care about me

I shouldn't look back at the past
For it has nothing good in store for me
Yet I seem to be reminiscing all our memories
But I should be over that cause they'll fade throughout time

This feeling, telling me write one more
and after that no more
It's really not for you though
Mostly for me, to pour out my pain
That I've been keeping all this time

But after everything
I want you to know
I still think you're as glowing as a star
beautiful as a sunset
Your smile still shines bright like the sun
somehow you still give me butterflies
And you're lovely as the ocean shore

I wanted to give it to you all
Just to see those gleam in your eyes
Just to give you the happiness
Because your eyes didn't touch the smile on your face
And I hoped for so bad to make you happy

But it wasn't enough
Here's a true fact though
I hope you're truly happy
But if I could
And had another chance
I would give you the moon
and the whole **** galaxy
Even if you wanted to share it with her instead of me
I was shacked with a
24 year old girl from
New York City for
two weeks- about
the time of the garbage
strike out there, and
one night my 34 year
old woman arrived and
she said, "I want to see
my rival." she did
and then she said, "o,
you're a cute little thing!"
next I knew there was a
screech of wildcats-
such screaming and scratch-
ing, wounded animal moans,
blood and ****. . .
I was drunk and in my
shorts. I tried to
seperate them and fell,
wrenched my knee. then
they were through the screen
door and down the walk
and out into the street.
squadcars full of cops
arrived. a police heli-
coptor circled overhead.
I stood in the bathroom
and grinned in the mirror.
it's not often at the age
of 55 that such splendid
things occur.
better than the Watts
the 34 year old
came back in. she had
****** all over her-
self and her clothing
was torn and she was
followed by 2 cops who
wanted to know why.
pulling up my shorts
I tried to explain.
 Apr 2014 MC Hammered
 Apr 2014 MC Hammered
In violent light,
shadows are sharp, crisp and clean.
Heavy is the night.

The salt of your skin
rests uneasily on my swollen tongue
as I ******* like your life
depended on it.

How many times have I wrenched
the impossible from the ether
and left you slick and aching,
bereft of any intelligible thought
save for the feeling of having
been entirely filled and
completely consumed
in the same
endless moment?

One moment can change
your universe.
How long
does it take to lose an arm,
to come for the first time,
to surrender?

How long does it take to cut too deep?

I can become your
deity in the violent light
of our sanctuary
and you can take my
blood while I sleep
in your hair.

Heavy is the night
but your skin is cool
and all I want is to
die inside you.

The salt of your sins
my only meals as I
burn in the furnace

I can't take my eyes
away from the edge
of our shadows
in this
violent light.

I can't take my eyes away.
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