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 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
Am I wrong?
to cry?
to be distressed?
Am I wrong?
to hold so much anger?
Am I wrong?
to have the desire
to scream my life away?
Am I wrong?
to constantly feel betrayed?
Am I wrong?
to think this way?
to act this way?
Am I wrong?
to still love you?
Am I wrong?
to regret?
to stress?
Am I wrong?
please tell me!
don't abandon me!
please help me . . .
Am I wrong?
to complain?
to show my emotions?
Am I wrong?
to feel this way?
Am I wrong?
to feel so alone?
Am I wrong?
tell me!
please . . .
to be scared?
to be a coward?
to be different?
to be violent?
to be so cold?
Am I wrong?
to be looking for you?
to be attached?
Am I wrong?
to be here?
to be with you?
to laugh with you?
to miss you?
to be happy with you beside me?
Am I wrong?
Tell me!
why wont you tell me!
just give me an answer!!
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
It is not love
You and her, that is not love.
                            (you and I were)
She doesn't know anything
(she wouldn't know if you've died)
about you.

You still come to me -
I don't care if you won't admit it.
I will.

You and her, that is not,
It is not,
(it never will be)

(And shoot me if it is.)
Writers block it's kinda like your brain has deflated, speechless a thought comes to mind you try to restrain it. Got it, easy to catch, but it's hard to retain it. Swiftly moving by, it's like your mind is in a race. But on an empty tank, like a sentence where you fill in the blank. But at a steady pace, no chase, that thought just goes to waste. Difficult to face, trouble, you just break down and crumble. Now your at the bottom with nothing above you, nothing to look up too. Which would technically make you at the top, flip flop. You don't know what your saying, your brain is skipping waves and you need to be saved, but afraid to ask for help, cause anything you want to do you gotta do it for yourself.
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
How can you tell me you love me
When you spend nights in bars
Trying to stop the lonely feeling
But never succeeding.
How can you tell me that I am
In your thoughts at 3am
When you can't sleep anymore
And beside you is another lonely *****.
How can you tell me you've changed
When you keep those habits
You said you'd break
As if your personality were faked.
How can you tell me all of these lies
About where you are and how you've been
Expecting me to believe
Expecting me to never leave.

you still

hurt me


I still

need you
Leave me please leave me be
I can't handle it as you can see
The ache just won't simply stop
Stop giving me all the false hope
For I have drowned in your lies
And laid tears all over my eyes
Stop pulling me back in fantasy
Just leave me be inside the reality
Leave me with my broken heart
Leave me to fix all the broken parts
Leave me and don't try to call
Leave me and my restless soul
I'm tired of all the countless pain
I want the sun not the heavy rain
I realized now that I made a mistake
The choice I made left me in heartbreak
I realized now that there's nothing to hold
I'm just gonna leave and start moving on
Its hard but sometimes we gotta do it
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
I miss sunday nights in my bed
laying there so angry with me
so unwilling to explain your jealousy
because you're so unwilling to admit
everything i can hear on the edge of your tongue
and see in the bitings of your lips.

so ******* unwilling to admit
that i make you laugh
like you never thought i would
think about things
that you never have before
talk about life like
its something so new and incredible.

i miss the things we've never done before
with an aching in me that i'll never tell
because i'll pretend to be heartless until
you can finally admit that
you miss those sunday nights in my bed
just like i do.
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
As you gazed at me from afar
Secretly among the crowd
My core trembled with desire

In your eyes I schemed 
My heart’s darkest quest
Your silent confess 

And as my conscious surrendered
To my drunken soul
I sinfully wrote you
 Candidly waiting to read you

Despair is in the longing
For the melody of your voice 
Whispering to my lips
As we inhale our lust
As we exhale our guilt 

To you. Out there.
by lou 
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