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The kind of sobs that shake your entire body
And the kind of pain that starts in your soul
But slowly devours you.

The emptiness that is a dark void, extra space
Hollow and echoing
All around and all inside you.

Everywhere you look is someone happier
Someone more accomplished
Someone more full than you.

Pleasure is just a bridge to the next wide expanse of pain
To the next dense forest of loneliness
To the worst things that find you.

It cannot be expelled by light or laughter
Nor can it be warmly caressed into submission
Because it lives and thrives on you.

It was not your choice, none of it was
You would **** it if you could
You would go back to being you.

Strength comes not from blind bravery and knowledge
It comes from pain and suffering and sadness
That have bowed down to you.

Loneliness doesn't come from having no one around you
It comes from having no one truly with you
But it will never be stronger than you.

It's alright, it's alright, it's all wrong but alright
No one's got it all
But no one's here to save you.
You are just like
the first drag of smoke.

As soon as I let you in,
I choke
and want you out.
My muse, my life, hope and I.
I tripped over myself
looking for where
you hid my heart
rib cage empty
thoughts blaring
I drank little
too much
I noticed my words
slured and he looked
sideways at me when
I slowed down
yet he never stopped
to give me a hand
I guess that shows
how I mean nothing to him

I managed to text broken
letters to him at 12:30am
and he was still awake
hours away, in a bed
I messed up
told him I wanted to die
he told me to stop drinking
and find somewhere
off the streets to sleep
he didn't tell me to
go die or get help
because after all
I drank little
too much
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
I will never regret holding your hand
How can I regret something I once wanted so bad
And if you think the broken memories and promises are collateral damage then you are wrong
I never asked you for love poems or songs
All I wanted was to hold your hand and when I did it felt like thousands of tiny sun splashes were dancing in my eyes my lips and oh my god my thighs
I will never regret because regret in this case is weak
It would defy and soil the what seemed like a bright future
Yes I do not regret but that does not mean the fights were something I looked forward to
The Godzilla like monster I turned into every time you would crawl under my skin because you knew oh you knew
You knew that I liked tea with milk and if you step on my foot I will have to step on yours
You knew too much and yet nothing at all because that’s what it was supposed to be
We would go on yelling sprees over specks of dust
But in everything we did there was a lingering presence of lust and with that always an element of mistrust
It would gnaw on my nerves and rip out cords of my patience
The necessity to repeat, repeat, repeat the conversations made them looooong and tedious
And somehow we didn’t notice how it became so serious
And when we became ignorant we started to fade
Slowly but surly we obeyed the laws of disappearing
One missed call, two unread text messages, three kisses from a stranger
And just like that you disappear.
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
Drowning was never an option for me so I took the long way and swam back to shore.

I could have asked for help but when you're higher than a kite what's the point? The air rushing through your hair is pure and utter ecstasy.

Every touch, every sound, every single color... Magic couldn't begin to describe how I felt.

They say it only takes one time but it took a couple times and a couple different drugs but I think I've got it now.

I kept falling faster and deeper down this rabbit hole with little to no escape and the whole world was tipsy turvy by the time I figured out I needed help.

I lost that weight finally, I also lost some friends and family along the way... But I gained a best friend, or so I thought, one who would never let me down ( literally).

I couldn't be sure if the high was enough but it felt right at the time... Everything felt so... Good...

And the time came when I realized I had to stop feeling good and get back to reality... Who knew it would feel this bad?

I dug my grave and as far as I was concerned I had laid my head down deep beneath the earth ready to lay in the bed I made...but then you came around.

You got me back up.
Told me pretty things that made me feel Better than these drugs... Which was almost (easy enough?) hard to believe.

And drowning was never an option... So I swam back to shore leaving the high to fall slowly back to earth.
I have never done drugs but just went to see a play about Crank the book and thought I would try something new! :)
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
have this

she will
tell you
is too
most of the time)

she is
to know
the code to
the printer,
and will
print off
she can

she is
who can
make up a
story to
get out
and she

and scarily
I feel
when I'm
around her

and I
find myself
I was
more like

when she
is not
I'm wondering
who she

it's probably
some old
who is
just as
as she is,
he wears
and a
fancy necktie
this fills

and yet,
in my mind
I know
my friend
get away
with living
her whole

someday it ends
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