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 Jan 2014 maybella snow
I know you,
I know you so well mom

I know you didn't love him
and I know you don't love me

so go ahead,
tell me the truth,
you don't love me

you never have, and you never will
 Jan 2014 maybella snow
one day,
i will shrink myself
small enough
to crawl into your heart and
remove all the darkness
that makes you
cut yourself out of your skin.
i just tweeted it and i though it was nice, but i'm too lazy to revise etc. i'm a little out of the game sorry i'm trying to get back in.
I tasted the air this afternoon
I tasted dry snowflakes and pollution
Another day in this ohio wasteland
Many things come to mind with that word
Is it me that's wasting away?
Or is it my enviornment ?
Woodlands rapidly giving way to back alleys
And second rate apartment complexes
Or is it me
My true inner being
My real self slowly giving way to society's mandates
Like a tree falling lonesome with his sound unheard
And with no lumberjack to yell timber,
Does the deadfall go to remain unnoticed?
 Jan 2014 maybella snow
 Jan 2014 maybella snow
these words mean nothing and
should just be considered a
blank space in which anyone can put
their deepest thoughts into.

i should've crashed_the car the night_i drove alone_
"we'll sort something out,"
you said
and i believed you
   you started kissing my cheek
and not my lips
and you started hugging me
a little less tightly
than before
and you started spending more time
with friends that weren't me
you started breaking my heart
and you weren't around to see.
you cruel humans
all of you are
with your chapped lips
stinging words
crooked teeth
poisonous giggles
worming their way into
pure innocent hearts.
how dare you
point out anything that you
believe to be wrong.
it's not wrong-
the girl in your class with the unruly hair
go ahead snicker and taunt,
the boy who always smiles,
even if he is the **** of the joke,
and you think these people are the monsters,
disliked and far from normal-
   but beauty rests in their souls
and it only intensifies with every jab you make,
and your skin begins to rot and your flesh falls away
and your organs are infected with black holes
where your humanity used to be.
My talents as a poet
As a master of my sanity
Have began to fade away
My freedom to write
Moving powerful emotional pieces
Has deteriorated before my eyes
I've calmed the monster
To ease my grandmothers fears
Of losing her only successful grandchild
I've silenced the voices
To ease my deceased great grandmothers worry
That I'll join her in the heavens of my fathers memories
I've noticed I'm now nothing
Just the average joe
Watching Netflix and eating popcorn
Listening to music dreaming of being something
I've noticed
You read my work
Watched me perform
Understood the hatred I feel
Felt the pain I've endured so long
Grasped the love I once expressed
Yet now you're only looking for those things again
Looking for the long poems I once enjoyed writing
The ones that erupted with passion
For all things I thought of
Five minute poems
One night stands with lines
****** paper with pen
As I forced it to swallow the inky ***
I've always wanted to write my last and final poem
To finally be free of my insanity
And embrace the story of peace and solitude
But in this world those are just mirages
Boiling from the hallucination of my desert mind
I've noticed
I truly am just Robert Guerrero
The guy who dreamed impossible dreams
Only because his talent dried up
I found myself
I glimpsed it,
A mere shadow
In the treetops
That I could not
It slid
And flitted,
Sliding through my
Like a silken ribbon.
I am
No more.
I remember only that
you had the lamp on in
the living room, and I had
crawled into your bed
because you said I couldn't
go without talking to you
for twenty minutes and
I was trying to prove that
I could. You were playing
your ukelele and I swear
I have never had so much
trouble breathing as I did
when I peeked out of the
doorway and you gave me
that slow, lazy smile. God,
who were we then?
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