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This woodland
differs by lack of

Backward on the road
lies the stifling Void -
granted safe haven
behind complex cosmetics -
crass trivialities -
and labeled
"the real world."

Here, in the forest,
there is only

No effort
is required
to breathe.

- fr
Curled up in a tiny ball,
I can not stand,
for fear I'll fall.
So much pain,
I must endure,
of which I haven't, found a cure.
Raindrops land upon my roof,
my desperationneeds no proof;
My sorrow sticks to me like glue,
I do not know,
what I will do.
Cries of help,
always unheard;
I do not speak,
a single word.
Don't take offence,
if I don't speak;
For some it comes,
so easily.
 Sep 2019 Matthew Berkshire
Weary winds seek solace
in the arms of conifer giants,
having not yet discovered that
even mountain pines shiver
when winter is at its darkest.
An illusion of perfection.
 Sep 2019 Matthew Berkshire
The sky is falling
head over heels
for a world that doesn't
bother looking up.
Meant for this to be longer, but I'm not sure it really needs to be...
 Sep 2019 Matthew Berkshire
Dying embers send the last
of their flares up into the black
while we sit alongside and pray
that rescue never comes.
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