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M    Have you not learned yet that my words do not suffice? Thank you so much for viewing.
Eridan Ampora
Alternia    Hello Peasants, I am here to express my lovve for poems and such. Enjoy my wworks of Great Litterature!
Libby Duncan
NC    Officially addicted to words. Judge if you want.
Jessica Schreiber
And Sincerely, I love you dearly Oh but I'm clearly destined to wander ~ "Beautiful Times" Owl City
Jordan Frances
[you never need to apologize for how you chose to survive]
Aléxandros Goré
I write things sometimes and I am dumb sometimes
Dublin, Ireland    I started this blog at a point in my life where I was unsure of who I was and of where I was going. An ...
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
CJ Hattingh
South Africa    The world's tragedy is server at my feast...
Grateful to have a voice
Find me in the forest    "that sounds like poetry. poems don't always have to rhyme, you know. they're just supposed to be creative."
Julie Artemov
OC    "A poet is someone who stands outside in the rain hoping to be struck by lightening." - James Dickey
living to learn, learning to live
Merhaba Şiir
İstanbul    Eschewing all her thoughts, perfect integration is not it?
Linguist Musician
orlando    Ive Wriitn Enough To Start A book,And Need To Show The World What I have Inside,My Deep Thoughts follow on instagrams! @Linguist_Musician
Giuseppi Martino Buonaiuto
Florida; Italy    Giuseppi Buonaiuto is a former commissioned officer and veteran; employed later by one of the more obscure government clandestine services. He holds numerous graduate degrees ...
Morgan Young
22/F/Florida    i only write to discover my own thoughts when i can't seem to put them into words.
Philliphines    Eleanor Rigby lives inside of me.
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