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we all long to feel

whether it’s the electrifying fire of pursuit
or the breathless weight of fear

bitter feels better than clearly broken
baited by the false promises of

our shards and sinkholes are clearly showing
pupils dilate and feet backpedal

uncertain of how to face real emotions or people
we bar the doors of our hearts and blast the radio

Static interrupts our
False peace is shattered
Broken windows taped together finally


the cool breeze gently tosses your hair
reminding you that it really is ok to feel
that the wetness on your cheeks is not a sign of weakness
that the heaving of your chest is not a sign of hopelessness

each deep breath supplies oxygen and release
shifting weight from the needy to the New
that promises a brighter day shines beyond this steely frame.
 Dec 2013 Martin Illy
 Dec 2013 Martin Illy
Stubborn as all hell, I am
When you say you just want to be friends
But what happens when I kiss someone else
And want you on the receiving end?

As I pull off her dress,
Wishing it was us making a mess
Feel fire rolling off her tongue, in full heat
But my heart still plays your beat

She shudders and moans the way you used to,
But still
Still she’s not you
 Dec 2013 Martin Illy
C E Ford
Poetry with simple rhyme scheme
isn't really poetry at all.
It takes all the artistry of language,
and crushes their greatness
into something rather small.

It belittles the sharp peaks of your smile,
that peek through porcelain veils.
It takes the beauty of your eyes,
and brings them down to scale.

The rhyming ruins all seriousness,
true poets take in pride,
it leaves their work in ridicule,
though their emotions are implied.

It vastly understates
the warmth in your cheeks,
and incredibly discounts
the lions of your dreams,
making them seem weak.

That is why I will never write a poem
describing the perfection of you
in a silly little rhyme scheme;
that is what I shall not do.

I will, however, jest
at what rhyming cannot describe,
although it tries to do its best,
it falls by the wayside,

For limericks cannot contain
my pretentious heart and soul,
and cannot compare
to the magnificence you hold.

Because if I could contain your spirit,
in matters of stanzas and rhyme
my talents would be wasted,
this atrocity a crime,

But you make my writing worthwhile,
and give me ideas to muse,
instead of the dull and dread,
the pretender's butter and bread,
with none of my talents to use.
 Dec 2013 Martin Illy
 Dec 2013 Martin Illy
he gave me a christmas present today.
a coffee cup and some toys.
sounds childish, but i really
appreciate anything that
lights up and sings.

he came next to me and said,
"i have a gift for you."
i walked next to him and
he put in it my hands and said,
"everyone deserves toys, even
when they're a bit older."
and smiled so wide.

i looked up at him and said,
" thank you. thank you so much."
and opened up my arms because
this time i would be the one who
embraced him.

i honestly didn't want to let go.
he makes me feel safe.
he is what home should feel like.
he is a wonderful and lovely person.
and i just cannot get enough of him.
 Dec 2013 Martin Illy
 Dec 2013 Martin Illy
It's as if you have seen my soul
And still adored what you saw
As if you witnessed me at my worst
And still wanted to hold me tightly within your clutch

*please don't set me free, I'll wither away
 Dec 2013 Martin Illy
Eric W
I didn't realize how close I'd let you get to me.
I didn't realize your love was the only thing that made me see.
I wish you hadn't gotten this close.
I didn't know it would be you that hurt me the most.
So here I am, all lost and confused
Just wishing, maybe, you could take a walk in my shoes.
I wish I could show you all the tears that I've shed.
I wish I could tell you a life without you is to be a pointless life led.
I wish you could see all the blood that I have spilled.
I wish you to know it wasn't for attention, it was for me to be killed.
You took away your love, the only thing to me that mattered.
Without that, I shattered.
I didn't think this horrible pain would last.
But here I am, and several months have passed.
They say those who care the most fall the hardest.
And baby I'm telling you I've fallen the farthest.
I guess none of this matters now because I hear you've found somebody new.
But for the record, I still love you.
This is one my very early poems. VERY early. Obviously cause it's very ****.
Could you imagine wishing on a star?
Or hoping on a comet.
The feeling of being love sick
Your emotions make you *****
The speed of overthinking
Why won't your mind stop racing
Thinkin about her, restless love
Why won't you heart stop pacing?
The way I feel it's such a sudden rush
The heart beats faster, it's almost like a crush
One that could **** you
By the weight of your feelings
By the scars of your past
Hoping she can be ya painful healing
The burn of the passion
Questions without asking
The feeling of the bass
The music of love that's everlasting

I'm no gem
Nor am I a diamond in disguise
I'm every thing you every wanted
I'm the dream, I'm your next guy.
I want her so bad
 Dec 2013 Martin Illy
 Dec 2013 Martin Illy
My heart feels light
and my head is clear
I can breathe.
My time is to focus on me.
Not you, not her, not us, not we, just me.
It may seem rude, or maybe selfish,
but I cannot care.

The sky seems blue
and my smile is bright.
Worry no longer plagues my heart.
Deep breaths.
In and out.
Out and in.
This is a time for me.

I must love myself with extraordinary passion before I push to love you.
My passion is extending for miles and the weight has been lifted.
I am free from all the shadows of the night
and all the aggressiveness that I would fight.

My smile is bright.
My heart is light.
The sky is blue.
My head is clear.
Solace engulfs my air.
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