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 Nov 2013 Martin Illy
All this pain everyday
It’s driving me insane
People come and go but their problems remain
Nothing changes
Just the looks of new faces
Friends disappear
But they're easily replaced
So much stress
Building up in my mind
Breaking down on daily basis
I’m always crying
I ain't lying
This **** is driving me crazy
The lies are really starting to phase me
And lately
I’m trying to change and get by
But my heart is always broken
I’m living a lie
No one understands until they step into my shoes
I’m fighting a battle with nothing to lose
I’m slowly dying
Gonna break apart
All the pain building up is gonna shatter my heart
I can’t go on
I’m not gonna make it
I used to think I’m small
But now I just can’t take it
Cause everyday troubles cause long-term struggles
And love?
All it does is make the pain double
I’m tired of pretending
Cause I realized
That right from the start
My life was built on lies

Nobody cares
No one was ever there
always kicked when I’m down
People just stop and stare
I can’t even breathe
I’m talking
I won’t win to love
My hearts always broken
Nobody cares
No one was ever there
Always kicked when I’m down
People just stop and stare
The one thing that I learned to live with is hate
But the only thing I want to do is escape

It ain't easy
And hard to believe me
I’m almost invisible
Nobody sees me
So I don’t see why I bother holding on
I always think of giving up
There’s no point of stashing on
Every day I ask the same questions
In the end
Cause after a long night this **** starts again
I’m trying to adjust to these drastic changes
Crying for help
Just asking to be saved
And in reality we all stand alone
We’re all just lost without a place called “home”
I’m tired of being muted every time I speak
I’m tired of having nightmares every time I sleep
I just wanna get away to a place
Cause every day and every night I wish of better days
But it don’t matter cause no one gives a ****
So you might as well save your breath
And just quit

Nobody cares
No one was ever there
always kicked when I’m down
People just stop and stare
I can’t even breathe
I’m talking
I won’t win to love
My hearts always broken
Nobody cares
No one was ever there
always kicked when I’m down
People just stop and stare
The one thing that I learned to live with is hate
But all I really want to do is
 Nov 2013 Martin Illy
Tori Hayes
How do you not feel anymore?
Maybe you could teach me
How not to feel
Because right now I feel like nothing
I feel like a part of me has been stripped away
I feel like I'm being forced to stand naked in front of everyone
I feel exposed
I feel useless
But most of all I feel hurt
How do you lose all feeling in a week?
How can you act one way and speak another
How can you sit there and watch me cry
Knowing you caused my pain
And you left me to drive myself home
It's hard to drive when you're hyperventilating
You told me I was perfect, I was great, it was nothing I did
It obviously was or else I wouldn't be crying into my coffee cup
The salty tears blending with the sweet vanilla until the whole thing just tastes sour
And now I can't eat
Food has no flavor
It's empty of enjoyment
Just like my day to day life
That used to be filled with the possibility of you
The possibility of us
The comfort and safety that was our relationship
I'm lost
Lost in this ocean of feeling
And that's what it is, an ocean
And I'm adrift and unreachable
It's not like it's by choice
But I'm just not a very transparent person
And you were the closest I ever got
How could you leave me sitting in the cold, crying
My tears were freezing to my face
And I'm still cold days later
I'm cold watching you walk through the halls
Your head down and your hands in your pockets
The same hands that should be holding mine
And all I want to do is talk to you
And let you know all that I'm feeling
Maybe I could lend you some of this feeling
And you would love me again
You would smile at me from across the room
And walk me to my classes
And hold me when I cried
Instead of staring at me from across a table
That felt like an ocean
And looking down at me
Like you were sorry for me
The moment the words left your lips
We were strangers
And it was like we had never kissed
Had never talked
Had never danced
Had never told each other our secrets
Had never existed as a single unit
And that's what we were
And now that part of my world is over
And I have to learn how to fit into another one
Another world where I can't know you
And it will take awhile for me to know myself without you
And I'm not good at being lonely
Just come back
Sail across the ocean you created
And bring me back to shore
I can't take your silence anymore
Just feel
Just feel something
For me

— The End —