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Marta C Weeks Apr 2017
Drums of war
converse about rights
claim blessings from their God
to profess justice against injustice

A child asks:
is killing right for who wins?
can neighbors **** to clean up
their neighborhoods?
What if they **** us?

No, that's different
you simplify too much
the bad must be destroyed
the color of blood is not red

In cheer and pomp drums beat
as self-proclaimed judges decide
when is killing patriotic
in the harbor of safety
conversing about rights
edited 4/18/2017
Marta C Weeks Apr 2017
Man on the cross

save us from walls

against hungry souls

raised by pedantic cons

to push Your words

from pulpits of arrogance

Barterers of crux for coins

lords over Scriptures

life, land, and heavens

offering rapture

as if a mop to wash

parlors of decadence

Is nothing holy

to bias and cruel hearts

architects of churches

that glorify wrong to divide

from pews that claim

You as their candy man

Staring at the cross

blood from thorns

did your mother weep

for hammerers of nails

or promise burning

those who reject lies

Is there resurrection

for throwers of spears

users of Your name

as a nine-ball

in pockets of greed

made-to-order redemption

Will self-proclaimed sages

accept your color of origin

not in a suit but rags

or claim you are Satan

to condemn and justify

Feel stones cry
by Marta C Weeks, raised 4/16/2017
Marta C Weeks Apr 2017
Remembering our dead
Mansions, or humble abodes
Virtues or deeds

Learned by heart
Nights of gladness
Morning sorrows

Stories as grains of sand
Forming eternal rocks
Or leaves from a tree
Shelters of hopes and dreams
Ocean waves drowning breath
Dreams crumbling as castles
Small homes becoming shrines
Images we choose, or not

Our great grands looking back
Thinking of us as we of ours
Long for memories to grow

Good grows as hands reach out
In time to lift, serve or destroy

Things break and lose charm
Those we feared and loved
Or guides found with sobs

Moments of shared delight
Human frailties, loss and pain
Keep us in want
Never enough, always too much

The hell of heaving
Infernos of inherited pride
Or careful purpose and deeds
Blessing those left

We follow their climb
When plotting our course
In darkness hides the light
Doors close in mind
I would appreciate critiques and comments on this poem.
Marta C Weeks Feb 2017
My heart crashed
As I stood on the sidelines
You played
To an adoring crowd

Inside me fear
Tore away
As it has done before

I had seen her
Lock into my lover's eyes
Take him into promises
Of her paradise
Then she looked at me
As women do
To announce
Pending victory

Lost in that turmoil
I gazed at you
Handsome violinist
Young prince of music
Your violin courting
Throbbing hearts
Minds filled with desire

My eyes fluttered
You held them
I felt avenged
In found promises
Yours into mine

I stayed fixed
From song to song
You stroked from chords
Into my need
Surfaced from imagined doom
Of lost love
And unforgettable pain
Whole and lovely
Into the center
Of your visual embrace

You came
In that moment in time
When I needed lifting
From sinking into regret
Into memories of loss

Where you sent by Fate
That very second
Your song a wave
To lift me from the gulf
I was falling into

It matters not
The moment passed
As he came back
From where he denied
Ever going
To love me again

By Marta C Weeks
4/20/ 2015
Wrote during a cruise
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