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Hunter Mars Feb 2019
Lately she’s worn this little sad smile,
that’s been hidden away for quite some while,

and she’s much too tired to let it not show,
the people in her life pretend not to know,

so she goes forth with sorrow hanging from her lips,
inside it’s much worse, the pain tears and rips,

but no one asks if she’s okay,
all they see is a smile on display,

only when she gets home her job is done,
the weight she feels is no longer a ton.
x.x H. Mars
( I wrote this for you, my brave face)
Hunter Mars Jan 2019
Sweet, yet somber.

you and I,

we were the changing of the seasons.

Our love.. it was ethereal.
The passion of Spring,
the intensity of Summer.

Our goodbyes.. they were tragic.
The inevitability of Fall,
the bitter lashings of Winter.
x.x H. Mars

( I wrote this for us, B)
Hunter Mars Jul 2018
Have you ever tried to hold yourself together when all you wanted was to fall apart?

It's like willing a river's current to reverse,
or giving up gravity's laws.

Forces greater than our control.

And yet, that doesn't stop some from resisting the rising sun..

..or me from blinking back blurry eyes.
x.x H.Mars
(I wrote this to cope, Dad)
Hunter Mars Jul 2018
I hoped you would dream of me every day, and think of me every night.

That my name would not rest in the back of your mind, but linger on the tip of your tongue.

I had wished pining after me was not a pleasant interest, that it would’ve made you paranoid and afraid to be alone.
x.x H. Mars
(I wrote this for you, former lover)
Hunter Mars Jul 2018
My dad gets mad when I'm sad.

He frowns at my tears, he doesn't understand my fears.

"It's alright," he'll say, "tomorrow is another day."

My worries have me reeling, can't share how I'm feeling.

There's a flood rising from inside, though it hurts I tame the tide.

"Don't be afraid, my light, I promise things will soon get right."

I don't believe what I'm told, I choose to face the unknown alone and cold.

Still, I smile and with him agree, because of all things he need not worry about me.


At last I welcome his warm embrace, I find the demons here don't give chase.
x.x H. Mars
(I wrote this for me, Dad)
Hunter Mars Jul 2018
I find solace your smile,
it keeps me warm every once in awhile.

I find solace in your stare,
it holds me steadfast and always with care.

I find solace in your song,
it emanates the the kind of love for which I long.

I find solace in your sleep,
it reminds me of child innocence, a moment that I keep.

I find solace in your screams,
it shatters my illusions, wakes me from my dreams.
x.x H. Mars
(I wrote this for you, friend)
Hunter Mars Jul 2018
I wanted so terribly to wholeheartedly adore him.

To break down my walls.
To lower my guard.
Dive headfirst into falling madly for him.

But I was no fool.

I knew that with every leap, came a landing

... and I can't say I was ready for the disaster that awaited me at the ground.
x.x H. Mars
(I wrote this for you, Josh)
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