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Their are times when I wish I could recapture some of the past
and have good memories that would always last and not fade over time
There are times when I can recapture something if only for a moment
A taste a smell, reminding me of a loved one lost, but for a little while at least I feel happy and content and in a way feel somehow transported back in time.
I call it the tastes of childhood, like when I was in Grandma's kitchen I remember the smell of her M&M; cookies, I have never since tasted cookies so fine
I remember my Dad making polish sausages bought fresh from the local sausage house, my mouth just waters just thinking about it even though I just ate.
Then on Sundays we would all gather around the table together as a family and eat together which was quite a feat, considering a family  of nine children, and everyone seemed to scream out I want a leg all at once, which was a problem being chicken fryers back them did not consist of all legs; I still don't know how my parents managed the chaos of all us  children

I also remember my dad smelling of Old Spice and I think it was nice
I wonder if you to will be transported down memory lane, if only for a moment
What are your tastes of childhood? feel free to share
Feel free to share or write something on your own with a similar theme and if you do please share it with me, I would Love to read it,
I thought of this after eating some local meat market Polish Sausage this morning.
 Aug 2014 Marley Jane

Dreams may find us where we sleep
Wrapped up for the night
Safely in our chambers dark
Neath our covers tight

Drowsy under moon beam glow
Comforting the feel
Born within a fantasy
Something close to real

Far beyond the deepest stare
Vanilla coated skies
Rolling hills to anywhere
Breaths of passion’d sighs

Sunset laughter, twilight seams
Footprints in the sand
Leading to our every wish
Strolling hand in hand

Yet often we may find a dream
Waiting at our door
When the sun is shining bright
Brighter than before

One who sends a perfect view
On a summer breeze
Blooming through the countryside
Echoing the trees

You I find are such a dream
Before my eyes to see
Bumblebees and butterflies
Fragrance flowing free

Mountain streams of aqua blue
Clouds of whispered white
Daffodils and lavender
Enchanting is the sight

As each day does start anew
Dew drop clover sings
Melodies of what you are
All your smile brings

Proving now that as I sleep
My days are overdue
For when I wake, if you I see
My dreams have all come true
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Jonny Angel
I can't wait
to blow this joint.
I'm gonna travel light,
blaze a 777 across
the deep blue sea
& if all goes right,
I'll be sipping a Beaujolais
near the Champs Elysees.
I may even splurge a bit,
get a pack of Gitanes
& smoke my *** off.

Then maybe
I'll take a taxi
down to the Seine
to watch all the lovers
holding each other
for those memorable shots.
I forgot that feeling,
but in one day and a wake-up,
I'll be there to reminisce,
try to capture the moment.
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Jonny Angel
Endless rows of corrugated walls surround me
& here I sit at a stainless steel table,
listening to piped percussion
& answering a script of mindless questions
as if I'm ******* crazy.
When I think about it,
it would be awesome to stand up
& **** in this guy's mouth.
If that thought makes me crazy,
then I'm a stark raving
mad lunatic.
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Jonny Angel
I miss guys like Sam Stone,
cold to the bone, but
O the stories they could tell.
They have a way of putting
a spell on you.
And even though
they keep themselves
higher than kites,
pour money into their arm-holes,
they're more real than most people,
just fighting a losing battle
with a relentless monkey.
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Jonny Angel
When you get right down to it,
in this great big world,
full of awe & mystery,
wonder & heartbreak,
who really gives a rats ***.
It seems that's the problem.
We can write stanzas & verse
until the cows come home,
but does it really matter?
We can electrify
or make some cry with
the words we select,
infect hearts with emotion,
but until somebody really cares,
and I mean shows you,
it's like ******* in the wind,
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