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736 · Dec 2016
Forever Alone
marissa jenkins Dec 2016
this hurt, this pain-
it hasn't gotten any better.
I'm hoping and praying it doesn't last
feels like I've gotten left out in bad weather
breaking benjamin-
"birds of a feather"

I can't see
can't breathe
help me

I need
stop this agony...

out of time
I've lost my
to survive
I've learned to thrive

and I
can't take another
I gotta open my eyes
be more wise...

but I can't see
can't see
can't breathe
somebody help me
help me
save me
or I'll be
forever alone
on my own

well, I'd rather be
myself, and I
but why
do I feel
a need
something I can't have
I'm trying to open a locked door
no key

but I'm not talking of ken only...

deep down, I know
the hurt has yet to go
I know
I still care for jordain

what'll I do now?

no longer by my side.
how will I sleep?
I got insomnia late at night

because I'm up cause of
the dreams
they **** me
no where
and I

can't see
can't see
help me
save me
or I'll be
on my own.
this was personal...
but it speaks of pain i went through and still go through
736 · Dec 2016
What boredom is
marissa jenkins Dec 2016
tick tock
hands spinning around a clock
tick tock
will thIs day ever stop
pushing at me
getting at me
trying to make me see...
I don't want to see...
How bored
I really am.
Just something I wrote in 7th grade.
448 · Dec 2016
marissa jenkins Dec 2016
if i could hand you the world on a silver platter
trust me i would, you're so special to me
i want us to have a happily ever after
and i can't imagine anywhere else I'd rather be

than right here
in your arms
whispering in your ear
about how you're my shooting star
you shot across my sky
when i was in
the darkest of nights

we shine
like diamonds
so bright

and the love we share
is worth the fight
for the special person in your life
it all could be taken from you.
cherish any kind of love.
if it is romantic, especially then
even if it isn't meant to be, cherish it while you can...

everything God does is part of his grand design. So maybe all loves (though they may be real) are not going to last because they are not meant to. I learned that the hard way. But cherish it while you can. Because it is an amazing feeling, isn't it? To love and be loved by another...
430 · Dec 2016
marissa jenkins Dec 2016
i'm begging Agony
to let go of me
leave me
let me be
please, i cant see
someone heal me
revive me
i'm drowning
so alone, so helpless
******, Pain, i shan't forget this
but i bet that
i'll forget that
i basically asked for this
to have to sit and reminisce
litterally begged for it
gotta have someone to miss
i had to want to be loved by
someone who was gonna leave without a goodbye
not a tear, no, he did not cry
this i know
but he had to go

im almost gone
wasting away
completely alone...
This is about the emotional pain I go through over something that happened. A lot of us have felt this way before, I'm sure.
399 · Mar 2017
as of right now
marissa jenkins Mar 2017
I'm never going to be the same
so I'll stop trying
I think that maybe I'm going insane
there's the cause for all of my crying
they all know I'm in emotional pain
yet they still keep on prying
I can't take much more, it's an unfair game
but I stay quiet and I'm inwardly dying
353 · Dec 2016
marissa jenkins Dec 2016
listening to Ne-yo
"what am I gonna do with forever now?"
will I breathe?    

every breath that I take
with every move I make
it's feeling more and more like I'm making the same mistakes.

because I breathe in
and I think of- of him

the memories
they get the best of me
**** me slowly
I ask again:
how will I breathe?

we've already established well enough that I can't see
maybe love can blind you
pain does the same but it also has more damage to do

pain targets my memories
the ones that get the best of me
tear apart the rest of me
force me to hold on and cry
lest I
the good times
each and every morning's sunrise
every time I opened my eyes

to see the guy I thought
was the one for me

he and I are one
and the same

though he took all of my pain

but every sweet and romantic kiss, every soothing touch...
it was a lie.

now all I can do is try
not to cry
sit and sigh
stare at the sky
wondering a simple thing
yet it is so complex indeed:

why did he come into my life and hurt me?
why didn't he just stay the hell away, and let me be?
why did I choose to let him in?
now I'm stuck with torment I can't describe-
would you like me to begin?

I mean, I
can try...

it's like having your heart ripped open then
sewing it shut
yet you still can't stop the fact that you care-
is this too much?

I mean, to care
though he is elsewhere.
yet... not so far away
because it would take me less than a day
to reach him
if I wanted to
it is something I could do.

this pain
is worse than I thought it would be
never before had I let someone this
close to me...
forever I'll be
wondering why...
336 · Dec 2016
Danger (excerpt)
marissa jenkins Dec 2016
We all get addicted to something
that takes away the pain
but sometimes we don't see
we're playing a dangerous game
You go from strangers, to friends,
to more than friends, then strangers
But you felt so in love
you didn't see the hidden dangers
you got in over your head
and you're left wondering if it's over yet
that was an excerpt to a short poem. The rest isn't very long. If you want the rest, like and share this. I'll do my best to get back to it.
And I just want to say this one thing: anything I post here on this site is my poetry. It is very special to me , and i want others to read it. I recently got a suggestion to publish these very poems. I hope you will support me.
thank you to anyone who took the time to read this. I promise, I appreciate it, and any encouragement.
(btw, for my earlier poem "why", the line that read "breaking benjamin" was refering to a line in a rock song by the band [breaking benjamin]. The title of the song is evil angel. Just in case you were wondering.
331 · Dec 2016
marissa jenkins Dec 2016
i wish i was totally numb and i could not feel
but the constant torment reminds me it is real
i'm alive
surprised i survived

i can hardly breathe
yet i still can think

i re-live the pain
my antedote is gone
i'm alone

so much...pain

why does it have to be this way?

agony, let go of me
I'm suffering
oh so slowly
i fight to take a breath
i'm so sorry ken, jordain

i'm losing my mind
running  out of time
yet i still can rhyme
make the pain stop...
you may have questions. I beleive i shared a poem with this community before with the names of these two individuals before(ken and jordain). leave a comment if you do, and i will get to it asap. Thank you for reading.
I have another poem that i fully plan on publishing with my others. Since i love the hello poetry community, you guys will be the first to read it(among other poems I've posted previously, as you are among the first to read those) This poem that I'm talking about speaks on finging myself and the topic below.

[I want to say something. Being emo is not necessarily a bad thing. All it means is that you are in touch with your deepest feelings and emotions. Although most emos are athiests, some are not(Like me). Emos tend to like literature(including poetry), music,and writing. And I know the steryotpyes. I do not cut myself, though I used to. Not all emos cut though.  And I enjoy the color black, but i wear other colors. I listen to rock and some metal, but then again, I listen to a wide variety of music genres. Examples are R&B;, pop, soul, reggae, country, hip-hop, rap, christian (rap and otherwise), rock(and rock has a variety all its own), and more. Anyone can be "emo" and just not have it as a label for themselves (You could be emo and just not know yet).
Anyways, if you've read this and come this far, I've kept you for long enough. thank you for reading. Be sure to leave a comment! Please like, follow, and share as well, if you wish to do so. Thank you again.]
300 · Dec 2016
Danger (part 2)
marissa jenkins Dec 2016
It's how I feel
I wonder if I'll heal
he took the breath out of me
left a gaping hole where my heart should be
left an open wound
I hope it'll fix itself soon
dangerous game
I'll never be the same
It toys with my mind and I've run out of time.
confused? I'd be too, if I didn't read the first part.
It was an excerpt
216 · Dec 2016
What you've done
marissa jenkins Dec 2016
Do you ever think about me?
Because I dream of all the things you said we'd be.
Daily, I cry over everything you said we'd do.
Truly, I was ready to live my life on the run with you.

I'd said it before.
told you, I wanted nothing more
than to be loved by you...
and all I wanted to do was
be your everything.
"girl of your dreams'
whatever that means.

Because I understand none of this
I don't get it, my life was so full of bliss
before you walked out the door.

Left the essence of you behind
now at night when i dream
we meet in my mind
and all the time
I wait until I'm alone to cry.
I wonder why
You left ME behind
Because you promised me
You would never leave.

My dear human diary...
Why did you make a promise
you couldn't keep?
This is a personal subject for me. It was difficult to share, as it is still very recent, and still hurts very much. I truly don't understand why he made a promise he couldn't keep. #love #heartbreak #pain #emotionaltorment

If this gets liked and shared, I'll post another one. This one is longer, so I'll probably have it in three parts when I post it up here(originally it was not made to be split). Thx for any support!!!!!
(I take this stuff to heart,k, I'm very emotional.)  #dealwithit  #suffermyadolescenthumor!
203 · Dec 2016
marissa jenkins Dec 2016
Just gotta fix my eyes
and say amen
I'll speak life
and seek You again
This is about picking myself up and putting God first.
i mean to offend no one by this. Just using freedom of speech. *insert totally innocent, angelic smile here ;)

— The End —