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Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
It's The Rhythm my darling
The Magic Rhythm inside
the Cosmic heartbeat
Directly related with the universe
it's the pulse, the flame the dance within
The Love this Wild Such A WILD force in the Air
Catch it and let it gently Sock you with thrills and ecstasies
Let Doubts away
So your deeper faith to Lead the way
Oh! I wanna storm more of all this magic feeling
but now it's time to go!

P.s: Please Dance.
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
You are my love
You are the Cat that I adore
You are a poetry
A stylish figure to Rule the World
Could you tell me what do you Think
when you're watching me singing you
my new songs?
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”

“As a woman I have no country. As a woman I want no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world.”

“No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself.”

“There was a star riding through clouds one night, & I said to the star, 'Consume me'.”

“I am rooted, but I flow.”

“So long as you write what you wish to write, that is all that matters; and whether it matters for ages or only for hours, nobody can say. ”

― Virginia Woolf
Marisia Delafuga Dec 2014
NEVER Let them Interrupt your MAGIC!
Why You let Them interrupt your magic?
Never Apologize for your Magic
Magic is here for us to Enjoy
You my pretty wild Boy
You my pretty wild Human
In this Sisterhood Motherhood
Brotherhood yes!
Please Give us more sweet wine
for our heart to celebrate
The Dionysian Spirit is ALIVE
Ready to Bring you New Sacred dances
generously profound ecstatic Blessings
This silence brings New Music
No need To hide
You Are the Light
A drop Of this crystal Ocean
Made of Blues and tears
tears of Love speed and sacrifice

What's your name?

Well It doesn't matter

Thank You Music
Thank YOu Dance

Bring us an Army of Roses
And let this warmth penetrate your Soul

Today you're so beautiful

I miss you so

What's your Heaven Look Like?

It's sounds funny the way we Love to cry

Listen this Melodies...

Breath in Music

It's YOU


Don't Let them interrupt your MAGIC!

Share your tribe

In this sacred Earth

You're The Sun

Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
The Real Rejection and The Real Betrayal
Is not When they are rejecting you or Betray you
But when you Betray and Reject your Souls Dreams and Wisdom.
When you externalize your power
that has been given to you as a birth gift
to celebrate The divine gift of your UniQue and unrepeatable
Don't Be their Mirror..
Your value is still Remains Gold
realize it
Marisia Delafuga Dec 2014
You Say Revolution Darling?

( To be continued )

P.s: I can't write more right now 'cause the Aliens Are taking m
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Πάντα ανέβαινε.
Ακόμη πιο ψηλά.
Στη κορφή σε περιμένει η αγάπη
μ’ ένα μπουκέτο τριαντάφυλλα.
‘Ολο μπρος…’Ολο ψηλά.
Κι αν δε βρεις δρόμο
Στην αγάπη
δεν υπάρχουν δρόμοι έτοιμοι,
τους φτιάχνεις εσύ.
‘Εστω κι αν δεις
πως τα λουλούδια είναι ψεύτικα
κι η αγάπη -η ολόφλογη αγάπη-
ένας καπνός,εσύ ανέβα.
‘Εστω κι αν στην κορφή
αντίς για τριαντάφυλλα
σε περιμένει ένα μπουκέτο μαχαίρια,
εσύ ανέβα!
Και πες “ευχαριστώ”.
‘Οχι στα τριαντάφυλλα, όχι στα μαχαίρια.
Πες ευχαριστώ στη δύναμη,
που σ’ έκανε ν’ ανέβεις…

— The End —