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Aug 2017 · 120
The Diary
words can help a hurting heart
apart the mind wanders in a wilderness
some feel really out of place
from the deep notion of thoughts
many twist the words & thoughts
you can achieve the impossible
create a hide away where
dreams of a kingdom with kings and queens
out of the minds eye there you are
to err is human
we each create are own reality
some are set in dead lock stone of brevity
others soar to new heights of the unknown
therefore gain wisdom and with all thy getting gain understanding
we each can learn from the many mistakes we make in this life
a path of love filled the columns of this vast domain
while the world outside is totally insane
many live by sight to fright
a heart saturated with truth in order to withstand the truest test of time
I keep my words in a safe place so that nobody knows
how the tug of the heart to light the inner spark to where we need to know
to grow to your fullest potential
along lines of free creativity
bask in the ambiance of the make believe
savor each moment down on paper
life is but a vapor
encourage one another with love
coming from heaven up above
to use me as a vessel of sanctification & honor
we each can encounter the fullest manifestation of its love
Aug 2017 · 108
Inner Silence
the decay of the leaves in late Summer
really makes you wonder
the thought of Cobblestone on the soft decor
a life that was meant for so much more
but what ?
what are we searching for in this vast domain
at night I lay silent on my bed
movement ensues & I'm left we a new fresh attitude
feelings of neck ties, streamers & bows
a peril of sorts of the fragmentation of my mind
life is being filled up with challenges to extreme
in a land that is so very mean
they want to help you but they can't even help themselves
perhaps I should put that book right back on the shelf
I will say this through the problems there is a pause of relief
maybe turn things over to a brand new leaf
let's look deep inside for we have nothing to hide
sidewalks filled with strangers who are in a great deal of danger
many have tread this barren sod before
with noble hearts let's stake our claim
not for the criminally insane
sow the love that comes from deep within your heart
then you could do your part to what it is I have been waiting for
all of life is an open door just ready for you to explore
the faint in heart will soon discover you have to press in
stay attached to the vine in his great design
in my inner silence there's a swelt of decor
the challenge for so much more lest I implore
honesty is the best policy
this will one day show on my homily
but for now I'll take it one step at a time
choose to succeed & that's it for this rhyme
Aug 2017 · 141
Fallen Angels
The prince of the power of the air
Doesn't even really seem to care
Lucifer was in heaven once
A shining light to his domain
The he let his pride get in the way
Was thrown out of heaven
Taking one third of the angels with him
Spreading there disease of evil & hate
Not a cause for faith only evil
Many today are being caught in the middle playing second fiddle
There eyes are being blinded by Satan
Eyes with tombstones in there head
It's the walking dead face full of lead
They come to ****, steal & destroy
This is their chief aim & ploy
They disguise themselves as angels of light
Blackened stench of caged fury in the night
There is no escape for them my friend
A miserable lot of sin with long viscous fangs
That bite dripping blood off side
They long to run away & hide
From the true light cause they love the darkness
Many follow after their plan
Instead of ever trusting in the master plan
Aug 2017 · 92
The Illusion
I was once out in the desert with a friend
A sandy place with whom one can depend
One lone green cactus in the center
We have been walking for miles
Looking for a rich source of water
We both often would falter
The sun beat down on my baseball cap
It was then I thought I seen a source to tap
An incredible pool of fresh water
But my mind played tricks on me
For it was all an illusion
The hill of sand seared my face
I was then blinded for a moment
Then at last we made it through a pass
This then lead to a road and there it stood
The Heavy Hitters Saloon
Me & my buddy were so very happy
For we finally made it to civilization
Which wanted me to take a break on a long awaited vacation
I was down to my last thin dime
Had to do dishes to pay for our dinners
Managed to make a collect call with my dime to a guy named Paul
Who sent us on a first class ticket in a Uhaul to Buffalo
Was this all an illusion ?
In fact you have every right to know.
look deep inside and you will find
that you have been created by a great design
through Autumn's peak & Spring's vast domain
we should never complain
life is a gift sent down from up above
Nestled from the very hand of God out of his love
many are falling apart at the seams people scream
yet deep inside there is a push to all come together
no matter what the weather we can soar to new heights
live each day with love as your theme
proclaiming peace as beauty being the king
we can proclaim peace to the wandering outsider
to the drug addict on the street
to the cop that's out walking the beat
do all you can while you still have the time
search much deeper then ever before lest I implore
we can all figure it out in our time
but for today we shall shine
inside we often hide behind four walls of steel
others insist it being no big deal
life is funny at times like a spinning wheel
try to gather your thoughts down on paper
easier said then done when your out on the run
take your time and have some fun
don't live like a stoic so don't you know it
life is busy when your making other plans
my hope is someday all will live to understand
it's never to late to be kind
love your neighbor and watch as there face will shine
On the express basis of the unique premise of the creative write. One should implement their core genre; As an attribution toward success. We can’t sit back idle & expect help. The resistance is too strong. We must become ever more vigilant to this worthy cause. To family & friends. As time is allotted let us thank those who have contributed to the arts. Essentially, as a writer one must negate criticism. When it appeals to the whole populace at large. Hello Poetry demonstrates a given genre that illuminates this essential happiness to all!
Take baby steps each day live one day at a time as you strive to reach for success. Mistakes are what make you in the game of life but dream big. Write from the inner heart then you will light the spark to where you need to go. Try to inflate your ego by putting on the mindset of gratitude toward everyone. Lastly smile cause it’s contagious so put yours on for everyone to see.
We should be the melting *** mean come together.
But I notice an ever increasing hatred toward their fellow man
Tolerance for racisim in inexcusable yet many are reluctant to deiiver
Got people that say they would help you but they can't even help themselves
There needs to be a reconnection with love sent by way of heaven up above
These are desolate times yet we settle for ill but faded rhymes
The casualities are enormous for a stated cause that's atrocious.
No one has a voice anymore no one is standing in the gap.
It's repulsive to think that we have to go on living by hate.
Time has a way to heal wounds & with time we can learn by our mistakes.
Just call it fate or even faith but by all means turn back to your first love
Then we each can shine and discover the magic of love to flow
Just some thoughts by which to ponder or perhaps a heavenly call from up yonder ?
Aug 2017 · 105
In all the world there's just one place
Where people's lives are filled with grace
Where a person's life is filled with trust,
Where protection of their legal rights is a must
And the people elect the rulers they trust

Justice and personal freedom are rare
In a world where many leaders don't care
About moral values and the people's welfare
Where family life and a person's pride
Are trampled underfoot if they don't abide

Here in our road trip across America, religions are respected and free
To practice their beliefs just as they see
And here in America, education for all
is a goal that we've set, and though it hasn't been met,
We're on our way, on this you can bet

We have a beautiful land, and we're fortunate indeed
That our ancestors were smart and brave enough
To seek freedom in a new land even thought it was rough,
And in many wars American solders have died
To preserve this freedom that's our greatest pride.
Aug 2017 · 82
Rap Game Locked
put me in the swing it don't mean a thing
we traveled too far to turn back now
don't look behind when your hands on the plough
sugar is sweet so sweet like honey I'm going to be the man who takes home the money
nothing phoney i'm in the new jack swing
living in a land so very mean
just look deeper inside we have nothing to hide
many just watch as things slide
but i'm being caught in the middle playing second fiddle
like i'm at the basketball court and can't even dribble
forget it homeboy you can't even rap
working loose rhymes giving me a heart attack
just be proud of who you are on the inside
we have no good reason to want to run away & hide
open your door for the ladies nothing shady
I learned these lessons from my uncle in the Navy
it's time to act but you say for what
some homeboy's make me want to throw up
can see the sadness in their eyes
does this come at any big surprise
there lying behind a squeeky wheel
where much insist on being no big deal
we just need to relax & take a chill pill
see you on the flip side squeeze with raps that honestly please
write about your passion in what you feel inside
let the God up above be your guide
we are all standing in ovation
when some of us need a rest on a long vacation
rhymes that build up & break some down
don't ever wear your head down in a frown
keep your head up as Tupac once sang
it don't mean a thing if you ain't got that swing
Aug 2017 · 77
The Swan
A beautiful delight to see
Out on the lake so very happily
Spread its wings to settle down
Nothing like the adorable swan

It will warm your heart
To light the inner spark
Of where we need to go
A sweet friend with wings

Searching for food to eat
Watching on its young
A life of lazy living
Emhanced angelic glow

A beacon of light to a much hurting world in need of love
Can't help but come up with a solution
Beauty to behold in ardent spring
Splashing, dancing and shining

White ruffles on its exterior
We can each learn a lot from the swan
Of how we could get together
then finally get along
Aug 2017 · 114
A Bitter Taste
Many have a hard time understanding
They live for self and that of society
They are the walking dead yet they don't even know it
Eyes with blackened spots having holes
Viscous fangs with blood dripping off the side
You share with them the truth
They choose to run away & hide
Yet deep inside they may still question
Why am i here ?
They can't even help you
Cause they won't help themselves
They are the **** of the land
Much too afraid to stand among the son of man
A bitter taste
Do they want salt or sugar coated messages
Positive reinforcement strengthens the heart
Negativity kills it
Each of us has been given a choice
We must lend a helping hand with a voice
All of us have been given a choice
Now which pathway will you choose ?
Aug 2017 · 72
Time Stands Still
There is coming a day
Where many people do pray
A calling to all saints to come home
Many will be standing and waiting
Others will be all alone
Like a dog is without its bone
It is written in the scriptures
The dead in Christ will rise first
Then we will be called together to meet the Lord in the air
Doesn't anyone really care
Still no one knows the hour except the son of man
Best to be in service now doing all you can
Only one life is soon to be passed
Only what's done for love will last
Many have to get off of their high horse
To feel a real sense of remorse
We must give an account toward the reason we believe
The outside watching world longs to see you bleed
So live each day for the Lord
A willingness to achieve
Aug 2017 · 101
Angelic Frolic
Hope springs a new
On a cloud in heaven
Stand a heavenly angel
With mere beauty of crystalized light
Golden emblems encrusted their frame
Sweet songs drifting to a very faint whisper
Eyes, hands & face
A real message sent down to earth
To care for those lonely souls all alone
There beauty is a surprise to encounter
Slipping through locked doors to appear
Many have shed a tear to numb the inner pain
Causing accidents not to happen
They appear in the form of brightened miracles
We see them with a heart all a glow
Come to the birth of a new born baby
Come to servicemen who just joined the navy
You will see them at a graveyard setting
Even among gamblers who do there betting
There all around us you see
For all of life is but a mystery
Aug 2017 · 102
Unmerited favor from God
Perhaps you want another ice cream flavor
For by grace are you saved through faith
Giving you something you don't eve deserve
A love that will not let me go
You make a mistake and we all do
Later you think you are all through
But you pray & repent
God exchanges your filthy rags for his riches
It's a lot like washing your ***** dishes
God's love for you is the great
eternal constant amidst all the inconsistencies of your daily walk with him
He came to open our heart to turn us from Satan onto God
that we may have forgiveness of sins
and inheritance among us which is sanctified by grace that is within us
Look we all stuble through the word which has been spoken
It's truly a gift from God to you
Love is the true essence of his existence
A surprise of a sparkling array of care
To let you know that God is always there
Aug 2017 · 88
Barbed Wire
In caged fury
Many belong in a padded cell
Now I have a great story to tell
There once was a mission from a prison
For two guys named Amos & Andy
In carpenter class they stole a file
At night they worked on the tile
Although many days have passed
They still had every reason to grasp
A reason to escape call it fate
Then one day Andy broke the tile block free
Off went Amos and Andy
Crawling through the corridor
The pair managed to find a door
It was then they saw the lights of freedom
Slipping over the barbed wire
Amos cut his foot
Dripping blood he managed to make it to a nearby stream
There he washed his wound clean
So they went on there journey free
Later Andy got busted for selling whiskey
As for Amos he lived a life of a king down in Mexico
Andy never told the authorites where his friend would be
Another fast break from the penitentiary
Aug 2017 · 140
The Rise Of The Throne
solemn peaks in their traverse sport
the sway of a cool breeze coupled with a stench
an odor of aroma coming from a nearby warehouse
we all have traveled this road before
a timely given chance at which to explore
perhaps this was the path where Nero once tread
many lines of thought running through my head
as in society today its the walking dead
wheels of steel just to walk the New York mile
just to know all the while with a smile
the rise of the throne when your all alone
a polished hand with greet you & begin to teach you
we all must learn from each pathway we go
places with faces that we need to know
snap shot memories in your past
having so much fun with a hope that it would last
we must look above to the heavenly love
in time you will shine like never before
lest I implore another opened door
The rise of the throne when i'm home all alone
searching for bread like a dog without its bone
we can each learn from our mistakes call it fate
every new day is a discovery to take you to places where you want to be
what is my last and final plea
never give up on your dreams
Aug 2017 · 187
Voices In My Head
Voices In My Head

flirting faces, evil traces, midnight places...
storms outside your window storms in the night
why is everyone today looking for a fight
there is voices inside my head the walking dead
evil has a name & it runs throughout
we blame, ***** & pout
to know what life is all about
we each have a gift down deep inside
many try to run away & hide
but I'm caught between a bind so stand in line
I was created by the masters design
we are here today then gone tommorow
a face full of sorrow
we must labor for the near road we should tred
outside is the walking dead
yet we came to far not to turn back now
can't turn around when your hands on the plough
out of mere sadness there is watchful gladness
making the best of what you have
some may complain it's all up for grabs
voices in my head telling me when to go to bed
the times they are changing
one darkened voice tells me to end it all
another heavenly voice says to give up it all
i'm being caught in a fix with a mystery in the mix
twisted lies of Satan trying to go home and fry up the bacon
I'll listen to the voice of reason even if it's in the changing of the seasons
the lover in life is not the sinner the less that you give your a taker
voices, voices go away come back no way
but I'm afraid there here to stay
I'm listen to the soft still voice with the peace that passes all understanding
that is a sure fire way to what I have been waiting for lest I implore another open door
Aug 2017 · 131
Smooth Operator
it was late in the evening & on the street
had my body kit waxed on my Camry
fenders had a slasp of silver so did the rims
stero was blasting to my favorite song
Like Michael Jackson & Stevie B
rolled into my neighborhood bar many looked out at my car
I was fixing to put one on slamming back drinks until I couldn't even think
out in the back was the girl of my dreams named Sara
I smiled in her direction needing some sweet affection
much to my surprise she had a bun in the oven from her secong cousin
was it any wonder i had too much time on my hands
Still I made a play for sweet Sara
she was so very nervous i could hear it in her voice
but it was my choice to dance with her in the middle
perhaps i was playing second fiddle or loosing the ball in a dribble
that's why they call me the smooth operator today
I used my many talents that God gave me
but I was a dear gentleman to Sara and raised her baby as our own
took a chance in the dark in that i lit the spark to what i was waiting for
although the many years have passed still having every reason to grasp
how much a love can grow the strong beat of the tempo
in the way we should go
so today I still wax my Camry with every fiber in me
the times have changed but the love still grows
been knocked to the ground but my hope still shows
now every place that I go I'm known as the smooth operator
would you like another ice cream flavor
it's just sugar & spice with everything nice
once this life is through no second chance to roll twice
Aug 2017 · 95
Rap is Where It's At
Rap Is Where It's At

jump in the game no here to complain
being busy as a bee in a land of make believe
we shoot for the top but it ends in the flames
let me be the first to explain
I'm staying in the game this is my time
May shoot to the top in my prime or stand in line
Sugar is sweet like honey but I'm going to be the one who brings home the money
Life is funny in its twists and turn one soul soars while the other one burns
we can each learn from our teachers it's not a walk in the park late night double feature
we got to learn to stick close together no matter what the weather
see each of us has a gift we must use or its forgotten
thank God we got to **** that **** Ben Laden
search your heart you got great rhymes inside
don't fall away or try to run away & hide
go slow at first to take up the pace
some folks may think your from outer space
yet what do they know there just jealous you see
many don't even know there A.B.C's
stop spreading the disease it will knock you to you knees
look toward the ocean while you use your magic lotion
take a shot in the dark & someday you will find
you will never be left behind
it all comes down from within deep inside
look at the ****** in the gutter
the mother who doesn't have enough to pay her bills
she turns to cheap thrills to do what she has to do
have we bitten off far more then we could chew
kick it in the shower its your hour of power
in the end you get to make the final decision
it isn't found in some fake front wishing
Rap is where its at your going to make me have a heart attack
the signs are painted all around
listen as you'll hear it's nasty sound
Aug 2017 · 134
Spin Master
Check one on the mic I'm about to bite
a victim of race spread out your Peyton place
let me take you down to the hood
this is where you get the real lessons in life
Hustlers pimping their rides
******* screaming cause their fix is dreaming
the place where you get the good blow
I should have come here years ago
out of its silence its a game of violence
guns being drawn out in your face
for some its a social disgrace
still you can learn about how true rap pops
boogy down to your socks just like Scott Lerock
its their you will sift through the latest trends
such as Fetty Wap blowing up the scene
then their are those people who are very mean
the streets can either make you or break you
For me I'm a spin master in my social disaster
Breaking down rhymes in my frying pan
Sticking up for the one's who say," Yes We Can"
Instead of keep sticking it to the man with the plan
You need a heart that's filled with gold
So you will do what you are told until the very rights to you are sold
It's like a jungle sometimes but it makes me wonder
blasting out tracks like Stevie Wonder
your a bundle of joy out holding your own
paying the bills cheap thrills in the back of the car
Learn from your mistakes son & it will make you go far
Only one life is soon to be done only what's done out of love will last
Nobody get a free pass we all have free will
Rap is for winners turning sinners to saints
turning hate to love from the warm hand up above
so keep your dope joint clean if you know what I mean
a winner is just another loser that falls down but gets up & gives it one last try...
Aug 2017 · 123
I'll Rise
I'll Rise

through the smoke out of the devil's Hell
I sought for peace when times get slow
you will never know until you try
stop lying to yourself putting that book right back on the shelf
We each move to slow in society's vast undertoe
people telling you which way you should go
these are desolate times
yet we settle for ill but faded rhymes
can't we read between the lines
for years you pushed me underneath the rug
carrying not about me with love
yet I'll rise through the noise pollution
willing to start a new revolution
a tug at the heart will light the spark to where I need to go
sometimes I feel like I'm in prison in cell block number seven
it's not a one time shopping event at your local seven eleven
I'll rise from the shadow of darkened confusion
I'll rise out of the furnace of affliction
With my hope in the Lord & heaven up above
There is nothing I can't do in this life
You can beat me & put me down
but I'll never wear my head down in a from
only one life is soon to be passed
only what's done out of love will last
lift your voice up so you can be heard
listen to the heart of love by accepting every word
Aug 2017 · 110
Some say Love
the pitter patter of soft rain
falling, falling, falling to the shore
I held your hand tight next to me
inside your eyes I could see a distant future
filled with both hope & warmth for a brighter tomorrow
amidst the bitter silence
love is a heart that's been blown apart
love is in the moment when one shows it
if we each do are part to make are life brighter
want to take you much higher

a call to all of us who have drifted away
from are first love that wants you to stay
inside many hide behind four walls that seal
some insist that it's no big deal
a whisper in the sunlight on the pool of rivers edge
heaven has a delight to come & see
many settle for the make believe
while others watch as you bleed
but I want the best to all that this world can give
for its heart ache and misery
I told you when you left me there was nothing to forgive
It's hard for me to say your happy without me

Some say love in how they feel
Some insist it to be no big deal
Some will lie behind it's squeaky wheel
but we must all do are part to what it is we need to go
Until thy kingdom come & thy will is done
my arms will unfold your heart in the sun
we will make it if we try
with that said I can not lie
we all are in for a great surprise
Aug 2017 · 97
The World Turns
filter through the sun we sought a variation in a dream
people scream,
eyes, face & hand
when will we ever live to understand
life is in the twists and turns
one soul soars as the other will burn
everyday a child a born a star is one
there is lines being driven in the sand
last nights kiss was a twist
the ringing in my ears piercing tears
I shed a tear to help numb the inner pain
not having you in my arms is driving me insane
the world turns on it's orbit toward the sun
we tend to run and hide away from the fun
every tears drop that falls from your eyes he is there
every time you reach out to care he is there
through mountains of madness we see through it's painted silence
sometimes he will listen outside your door to here your prayer
for he is not far he's always there
I know that i'm praying for much in are world torn in a rush
keep me by your side with no place to hide
with a serious look down deep inside
I dream I have angels wings
this world used to bring me down until now
I fly high & dream that I sleep on a cloud
so warm that i drop a cotton blanket down
you have made my life & you will never make me die
This world doesn't bring me down anymore cause i fly
He has made my life there is so much he has in store
Blessed beyond all measure not to seek for earhly pleasure
this world is not my home I'm just passing through
have i bitten off far more then i could chew
the world turns & your still there even through the fire
to quench my hidden burning desire
Only a prayer a way that's just the way it worked out that way
Aug 2017 · 96
Begin The Begun
In the beginning of time
We sought out a rhyme that would make things begin to shine
Each of us has been given a real talent to discover
We all must look within deep inside
Love is  a funny thing you know
We all must be willing to show
Teddy bears and a Easter smile
Chocolate's and the distant call of the wild
Summer dreams with rich tasting ice cream
Yet it's the begin the begun
A day out walking in the sun having fun
Way back when you were a little child
Making sand castles at the beach
Trying  to catch that frisbee so out of reach
Soft kisses under the moonlight glow
A chance to show how much you really care
Life is made up with certain moments like these
Set your mind of for a sail
Knock you to your knees
Snap shot memories of your past
Having so  much fun with a hope that it would last
For love has begin the begun

The salt air at the beach
Seagulls flock overhead
Voices in my head
Telling me to go to the fare
It was there i shed a tear to numb the inner pain
Not having her in my arms was driving me insane
Carmel apples, fritters & the smell of fry doe
Vendors cheering you on
The band was playing your favorite song
Take a chance at the raffle
Sledge hammer game is my favorite
Memories like these we want to savor it
Then onto the ****** with fire works
A kiss on your boo boo cause you know it hurts
We were all created for certain times like this
Forget about your problems its quite all right to dismiss
Begin the begun is one drop in my bucket list
Aug 2017 · 121
Believe It Then Achieve It
You can't be all things to all people but you can let the sun shine in.
Choose to become a beacon of light to a lost world in need of love.
If we all pitch in and do are part we could light the inner spark to where we need to go
Stop all hatred & negativity inside many hide behind four walls that bind
Let's choose to be accountable for are actions in this life.
If we choose to live by sight we will loose the right pathway of faith towards God.
See brother faith without works is dead if not exercised.
One has to first perceive it in order to fully achieve it.
it takes baby steps one day at a time to reach the top of the mountain
If you have faith as tiny as a mustard seed you can say to the mountain move and it must move for you.
By sitting idle on the sidelines of life this will accomplish nothing
We move by actively engaged in working out our faith to fully demonstrate this accomplishment
Only one life is soon to be passed only what's done out of love will last.
Aug 2017 · 91
A Reason To Believe
out of the ground there once was a planted seed...
in time it grew to fruition
a blade os grass flows through the extreme
living in a land so very mean
he works in the most mysterious of ways
never get caust in a haze
he came to open our hearts
to turn our hearts from darkness onto light
that we may have forgiveness of sins
a great way to begin
yet we have a choice to either live or die
a soft reply in the light
never give up on the fight
dreams are made from those who believe
on what we are to achieve
in time you will shine out of the darkness with love
a message from above
Aug 2017 · 80
on a slippery ***** I will skip
flattened in bitter turmoil
with both twists and turns
one soul will soar & the other will burn
in time you shall shine out of the madness
with crystal clear gladness
sorrow must keep us at a parting stance
to lose your way in given circumstance
let us embrace each other with love
out of the hand of God
to lead is to never fall down
don't wear your head down in a frown
everyday is a different story
live in the moment to God be the glory
Aug 2017 · 464
The Merchant Handbook
When in Spring with leaves turned to green
Eyes, hands & face
There lived one man with a thirst
To live in the moment between space & time
Selling his pots and pans to get by
Although the years would pass he had every reason to grasp
The true message of his heart was found in a book

Inside was filled with a deep look on dreams
Dark conclaves of dungeons with kings & queens
Deep demonic screams
Cray's from out of the belly of Hell
What a strange way of a story to tell
Howls in the village square piercing shrieks
All found in this merchant's handbook

It will make you think perhaps take another look
One day the merchant was working
He lost his book when he wasn't looking
Inside he kept a hundred dollar bill for keep sake maybe for a cheap thrill
Now the book was gone and so went his mind
He once could see but now he's blind
The merchant was a very timid man very kind
But now the madness ensued he was in a heavy bind

A reward was posted at the local post office
Over the course of time he would find a knock on his front door
It was none other but a local minister
inviting the merchant to his home for dinner
The merchant agreed to go and at the end of their great feast
The minister confessed and admitted
For he was the one who had stolen his handbook
Was very tempted to draw insight for his sermons

For the merchants case instead of outrage he was left in a haze
When he came to his senses he forgave him
Taking the book back, to his surprise
there was thosand dollars inside
The seed he had planted a time ago grew
He didn't really know what to do
Had bitten far more then he could ever chew
Next thing you know the merchant made a personal donation
To take a break on a long awaited vacation
Then he wrote in his book to finish his story
His book finally of dreams was bound for glory
Aug 2017 · 90
All Fall Short
To the serious seeker
To the late night watcher of a double feature
Each of us is responsible to a holy God
We can either receive or reject
I bet your sorry that we met
But no one is perfect except for the Lord
Many of us stumble at his word
Yet it all comes down to what he did on the cross
this was never meant to be a tragic loss
Our flesh hates the things of God
Wants to instead serve sin, self & Satan
It's not a one time shopping event at your local seven eleven
It's all based upon a cross
Jesus Christ died 2, ooo years ago
on the cross for all the world to see
What was his prayer what was his final plea
Father please forgive them for they know not what they do
He said the prayer now the rest is up to you
Just like after 911 we all need to come together
Until you walk in another persons shoes you have no right to sing the blues...
God is faithful to his call such as a boy with a bat and ball
Hitting it across the street at the mall
Sin is actions in which humans rebel against God
Miss their true purpose for their lives
Surrendering instead to the prince of the air more then God cause all their deeds were evil
We all fall short of the glory of God
Take some time out to smell the roses
Everyday is a gift a new start to begin again
Learn to take it one day at a time
You can't find it in the clouds or even a sign
Start to really love each other brother
No one is perfect except for the Lord
Even the best it bound to fall
So you are seeking inspiration just look around you
Heal the hurts & wounds that bind you
Learn from each of your mistakes
Choose to keep your head up & walk by faith
In time you will shine
Stop worrying and bringing yourself down
Don't ever wear your head down in a frown
We all make mistakes in this great game of life
Crisis maybe an opportunity to change
Live your life the best way you can
Look to the man who died for you with a plan
Faces your fears with sweet angelic tears
We can each do our part in society. Maybe fix a flat tire for a neighbor or offer a cup of cool water to a stranger. Go to the widow & orphans in their affliction. I'm keeping it real people. Only one life is soon to be passed only what's done out of love will last. Pray with all of your might maybe write a poem so others can read and enjoy. We each have hidden abilities and talents that we need to be putting into use. To the beggar out on the street destitude for no daily bread. To the laborer in the factory we need to be busy about the fathers business. No one knows the hour or even the day of the savior's return. But he asks us to be ready. These are the marching orders out of love within my heart to you. Stop all hate and negativity. Choose to put a big smile on your face instead of a frown. Perhaps go to a soup kitchen to volunteer your time. Believe me in time you will see the benefits & blessings flow as long as you have love in your heart. When it comes to music sing or rap on topics that will benefit the soul. Our mindsets need to be focused on a selfless agenda intead of being so selfish. Yet in the end it's our choice in how we want to proceed out of life. This is from my heart to yours & thoughts by which to ponder.
Aug 2017 · 178
Come take out your bible
Let us start a revival
Unification is the plan
Grab your bothers hand
We shall all live to  understand
The drunkard in the gutter is still are brother
This nation is drifting further apart
Blown away by Satan's fiery darts
Look to uphold one another and pray
Others may claim it ought not be that way
We all need unity you see
Let us break through all the hate & negativity
The black, brown, yellow & red
What is going on inside our heads
Stand tall with the gay, trans & straight
Stop all this violence with deep hate
While Trump is in his ivory tower
We all need to relax & take a hot shower
This is the time the moment the hour of power
Flirting faces in certain traces
Got folks out running the bases
Stand up for who you are on the inside
Many just want to play games & run away to hide
but these are desolate times yet we settle
for ill but faded rhymes
Both Jessie Jackson & Reverand Al wants you to join hands to be a pal...
Please stop the racisim my man
Seek for unification as a plan
Not a break on a long vacation
Plant seeds of kindness
Close up wounds that bind us
Learn to take baby steps in the sand
Like Obama once said, "Yes We Can".
Stop sticking it to the man
May have to reach through party lines
Lift your head up high with a face that shines
Pray with all of your might
Stop living each day by sight
With time your faith will grow
May have to knock the wind out of your sail to inflate your ego
Love will keep us together and the way we should go
Let's look above for the heavenly love
Merciful one come take this chip off my shoulder
Stop the senseless fighting as our nation grows colder
In time we shall shine
Don't turn around when your hands on the plough
Unity is where we should all be
Living in America the home of both the brave & free
Aug 2017 · 77
Let's Give A Party
Let's Give A Party

What shall we do ? said the cockatoo
Let's give a party, they all agreed
that would be fun, oh yes indeed !
We will have it soon ! said the raccoon,
Where will it be ? said the bumblebee
In the barn of course, said the horse
We shall decorate every inch, said the finch
What will we eat ? said the parakeet
Let's have steak, said the snake

Let's have pie, said the butterfly
What about drinks ? said the lynx
Let's have beer, said the deer
How about wine ? said the porcupine
Those would make me sick, said the chick
What's good is apple cider, said the spider
For me it's water, said the otter
Kool Aid is much better, they all agreed together
We want to dance, said the ants
Let's dance a tango, said the flamingo,
I'll give it a whirl, said the squirrel
So they ate and drank and danced the whole day through
don't you wish, they invited you too ?
Aug 2017 · 96
Vegas Bitch
Vegas *****

she was born in a gutter her mother was a *****
selling junk in her trunk in back of the store
she grew up on the street
no shoes for her feet
over time although many years had passed she had every reason to grasp
the true nature of why she was born
she was being bread as a Vegas ***** to work the strip
taking in whiskey drinkers with fast thinkers
playing the slots with the wild cherries
some folk even wondered if she would ever marry
getting punched in the face more times to ever mention
but giving up her lifestyle was way far out of question
had her **** named Tommy the same as her mommy
he would often work the numbers at their local bar
getting high and then 69 that fast paced world sure did shine
still there was something lingering an emptiness inside
often she wanted to get away to run & hide
she wanted to build a solid foundation with a white picked fence & home
for years she fought the emptiness all alone
then one day she met a stranger on the street
who spoke to her the true wisdom of God
invited her to attend church but she still wanted to flirt
next thing you know her said a little prayer for her and went on his way
inside somehow that made her day
for once she had a purpose to live
a chance at which to forgive
then she spread eagle on the floor to bow her head to pray
inviting king Jesus to come into her heart to give her a brand new start
then next day she told Tommy the **** she wasn't doing tricks no more
that's when he hit the Vegas ***** & knocked her to the floor
onto her surprise the beating would subside
then a light came into her room in the late month of June
a voice from heaven to seal her fate to come to him before its too late
a full surrender was on her way & she got born again
now the moral of the story is my friend
never give up on God cause he never gave up hope on you
now I'm through with the Vegas ***** renewed
telling her story down at the shelter for everyone to hear
a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of love from God up above
Aug 2017 · 80
Bro, Work On Your Rhymes
old school new school that's how I roll

hear the beat drop on the even tempo

check it or forget we got a way to go

let the beat drop on your incredible ego

fake people that say they can rap

working creepy rhymes giving me a heart attack

the streets are as the same as the hood

got good in bad no matter what you do

have we bitten off more then we could chew

my mind is playing tricks on me

living in this land of make believe

where people today are so very mean

eating lean cuisine trying to fit in with their fake standard

as if you haven't already heard a disturbing word

soup is on & you got the bowl for your own

say there's clowns in circus nothing to disturb us

I know I got to work on my rhymes

but I ain't perfect son

perhaps I should use the back door and run

far away from this place in certain trace

rap to stay on top of the game

busting out beats driving me insane

still got to clean your room

have to be at home before noon

signs, signs, signs everywhere there's signs

do this don't do that

but we all fall short

still I'm in the game even if there's a 9 to my head

pull then trigger then I'm dead

rap is for those who want to stay in the game

keep your head up, smile & never complain
Aug 2017 · 121
What Hump Trump ?
you sit in your ivory tower
why should I even bother
your the man who said your fire
had a book art of the deal
your spinning wheel is getting to fast
lay up on the gas many in North Korea will be wearing a face mask
what **** Trump knocking at your door
are you in the theatre of the insane
lest I refrain another opened door
check this as a young child you were already loaded
your inner soul imploded
through the duration of time you learned how to rhyme
kind of a Robin Hood but you wouldn't share with the poor
you got hooked on Twitter & your hommie's none better
but always a gentleman never given the *******
still many of us hate your guts
still got lots to prove
others refrain just not in a good mood
you may have to do a make over
with your hair as in a comb over
yet you try to stand tall while working on this great wall
we maybe in store of a shot gun wedding
what are you kidding
what **** Trump maybe coming to a theatre near you
has he bitten off far more then he could chew
Ivanka still has a voice with a choice
try to pull things together if you try
we we're out busy living the lie
the lie that says I am what I do
still got to mend your ways
instead of getting lost in some purple haze
you & Pence look like the Blues Brother Reunion
are you sure you know what the hell your doing ?
perhaps you got junk in your trunk what **** Trump ?
Aug 2017 · 85
The Rebel Hippie
Free love go out and burn your bras
Let's head to Canada to avoid the draft
To hitch hike across that state line put in a bind
Shadows hung on the 70's décor onto so much more

Shelter lies dormant amidst it's beckoning plow
Shades of red feelings of cosmos filled inside my head
We traveled so far not to turn back now
Haunted by the audience of the times

There's Wavy Gravy doing nothing too shady
A tug at the heart should light the spark to what it was I have been waiting for
Then there's Studio 54 with Andy Warhol's tomato soup cans
The rebel hippie knows & fully understands

The sign of the times a line drawn in the sand
Hendrix was the rage putting dudes in their purple haze
Onto Pink Floyd it's still Us & Them,
Mere creatures of habit trying to find a friend

Neil Young in his attire Old Man take a look at my life
Those bell bottom blues not to mention high healed hippie shoes
Let's learn from the poets as we are all really dust in the wind
Shades of black torn in it's unique diversion

Those were the days with you would wake up late in a daze !
Do You Want To Know Why Churches Are Empty ? Cause It's Impossible To Live Up To Their Fake Standard Of Perceived Truth. As Christians we are to base what we say backed up to what the word of God says about us. Yet people in church twist the truth & form little cliques like high school. Christians will immediately judge you when you don't live up to your fullest potential. But I got news for you people no one is perfect except for Jesus Christ. Churches should be filled every ...time you attend but people are noticing, watching & waiting. Christ said he was the way the truth & the life. But heads today want to be their own god and depart from its message. Still, church doesn't save anyone from going to Hell. Only Jesus Christ does the saving. See you can have a sincere heart but be sincerely wrong inside. People you need to go to a church where you feel eccepted & loved. Only one life is soon to be passed only what's done out of love will last. Jesus christ came to save us from are sins. If we draw near to God he will draw near to you. In the final analysis you should never go to a house of worship where your heat doesn't feel loved.
Ladies, You Need A Double Dose Of The Holy Ghost If that Don't Jell Put On Some Berry White. Kick your heels up & draw up a bubble bath. Light a nice candle with fragrance to fill the room. We need to return to our first love of romance. God didn't make us to be a stoic or a grumbling child of his. No Jesus poured down his many talents and riches upon you to be blessed. With your fine self. Then relax again with some Keith Sweat or soft tunes of Kenny G. Be the real lady that you are on the inside. Don't try to hide away your gold. Shine your full light onto everyone you see. Only one life is soon to be passed only what's done out of love will last. You were created in the very image of God. So hold your head up high & smile. Be brave when a man looks deep into your eyes then he can see his future filled up with hope for a better tommorow. Amidst the given sorrow. Amen
Aug 2017 · 229
Rap From The Heart
you can't make your heart beat something it won't

it's either heaven or hell now I got a good story to tell

rap your rap well from the heart

this will light the inner spark to what I'm waiting for

someday's it maybe a chore

don't listen to critics cause most will bring you down

I mean they mean well if it's in the positive mode

positive reinforcement is good for the heart

rap as you dream of better days

never getting lost in a purple haze

look to the old school masters of the past

with hearts an opened door beating fast

be who you are on the inside

don't try to hide behind four walls that squeal

others may address this as being no big deal

yet there's only one life will soon be passed

only what's done out of love will last

people need to be more opened minded but their blinded

by Satan the god of this world

they twist your words to fit their fancy

gone are the days when Sid met Nancy

let the heavenly light be your guide instead we hide

shattered glass on the basement floor lest I implore

seek truth with all of your heart

then you will light the inner spark to what your waiting for

get in the zone watch a lot of Home Alone

busy as a bee rapping the rhyme as a blown up mystery

something up your sleeve people bleed

does death hurt you the most or is it fear

I shed a single tear to help numb its inner pain

still no one question anymore

no one has a voice were just the blind leading the blind

soon will fall into a great ditch feverish pitch

I'm only human after all

sin has been evident after the fall

then onto the no it all

rap to your hearts content & have a ball
Aug 2017 · 226
Stevie B
Although those many years have passed
Having every bit of reason to grasp
The true message in his songs
Seen him twice in Hartford, Ct
That brother made a dent in my true memory as a young G
Spring love made me fall in love
Then it was in your eyes what a surprise
Onto Diamond Girl that's when I smoked a lot of ****
There was no one quite like the likes of Stevie B
Many young girls had lost their virginity to his soft melody
Mr. Post Man because I love you to name a few
Back then the tunes to late night high school dances
Caught up in trances with his smooth romances
Man they don't make music like that anymore
everything is vinyl now & tapes are out the door
going to the beach with the roof top down on my car
love was never so good when Stevie B was in the hood
faces, spaces & traces
beats blowing your mind
I once could see but today's youth are blind
to get your eighties groove on just leave it to the man
In My Eyes did it come at any big surprise
The music industry today is not the same everyone it seems is insane
We need a blast from the past as Stevie B
Let's see him make a good come back
cause folks today are giving me a heart attack
from the heart let us never depart until the end its just me & Stevie B
Aug 2017 · 178
A Message Of Grace
Jesus, if your there & I know you are. Come to our needy hearts this evening. We are people of faith it's just we need another inkection of the Holy Spirit in are veins. Rain on us with the power on high. Shelter your children with fresh manna & water. Refresh are tender hearts this day it gives one cause to bow the knee to pray. Help us to discover new fond talents & aspirations to take your message further. To those empty hearts out seeking in the night. Let us learn from scripture that you are not a man that you should lie. Enfold within us wisdom to love each other. There is no other God besides Jesus Christ. Keep us pure & saved by the power of your love dear Lord. To those who are out seeking for bread in Waterbury, Ct. Those love cause they were never truly attached to your vine. Father we ask this prayer in Jesus Christ Name, Amen.
Aug 2017 · 123
Stop The Hate
Bruh, I know your up but it's getting late
I got to make peace with you
Hommie I have bitten off more then I could chew
I'm sweating from the new day's sun
now I know your in for a bit of fun
you got your trash barrels over by a raccoon
now go clean up your room
but I need to return to the basics & keep it real
many dismiss this thought as no big deal
we got hustlers on the street selling crack
working so hard today can give you a heart attack
yet my chief aim is to hold my head up high to the sky
got many thoughts & a dozen of pots in my sink
can't even dismiss this earthly bliss in a time well spent in thought
the shadows outside block my inner pain
not having love in my heart is driving me insane
who said that life was fair when your driving in the fast lane
not sense Lois Lane & Clark Kent made a dent
Stop all this hate that going around
so we got Trump comb over in his ivory tower
blind eyes of bats and wheels that squeal
got junk in your trunk saying no big deal
I'm going to keep it real start honoring your mother and father
I know what your saying why even bother
It's good to stay in school & obey the golden rule
many hustlers are in jail cause they all seem to fail
by pool sticking & kicking it where their nose don't belong
like Rodney King said can't we all just get along
got reverend Al & Jessie Jackson always looking for some action
return to your first love before its to late call this fate
merciful one come take this chip off my shoulder
stop this senseless fighting as are nation grows a bit colder
just be happy for who you are in the inside
instead we choose to hide behind a plate of glass
smoking your grass no one in this life gets by on a free pass
systems blasting & the radio's on
it's never too late to hear the end of this song
got beggars crying & I'm not lying
get fish to eat but I'm not frying
Stop listening to hells lies cause you know Satan is lying
Aug 2017 · 134
You Are The Voice
Your the voice that many of us wish we could your inner simplistic sense you evoke a revolution that is charged with a timeless gift of love. Standing further as a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of creative arts. Never relent to give up on the fight stand tall & smile !
We all could write poetry if we wish the truth is we just chose not to.
Many have a judge mental spirit that kills creativity in the arts.
Hearts must take heed to the real call of love to light the inner spark of what they are truly waiting for.
Face it, rejection is very common in the poets life but don't let that deter you in living up to your fullest potential.
There are those whop constantly look to the mistakes that other poets make & they rub it in your face for it.
Now is the time to relax & enjoy yourself in the arts & share the beauty of your latest creation to the mass populace.
Aug 2017 · 211
Life's Time
Over the hills down the plain,
The breath of the land and the smell of grain
See the horizon afar
My heart beats with awe of you

The hand that holds the secret of man
The depth of the earth and the rise of the sky
The beauty of our world
And the mystery of life

A hand so great and the power of flight
One drifts afloat searching the way
But God is there and with his hand of love & happiness
So with trust we must look above

The kindness of your heart and the look in your eye
The sweetness of touch and the feeling of warmth
The love call of the bird and the bark of the dog
The green of the tree and the spread of the land

The cry of the child and its arms upheld,
The angel of mercy protecting us all
The meaning of life with the help of the Lord,
The joy of the world, we shall never be alone.
Aug 2017 · 283
Momma Of Pearls
Since there's nothing I could find
That was worth giving you,
I sat down to think a while
And write a line or two

If I had a magic wand
I'd wave it just for you,
And give you anything you'd like
No matter how many or few

If I could give you back the years
You so willingly gave to me
I'm sure that you spend them over again
The same as they used to be

Remember when those days and nights
Instead of going to the fair
I'd always say tell me again
The story of the three little bears

I tried to get a strawberry pie
But they were out of season
Then I thought of gold or pearls
But knew there was no reason

Although you are so often quiet
There's one thing we can say,
You will always be our momma of pearls
forever and a day...

So here's your gift; my sweet momma
My heart; my soul; my love,
My gift to you this Christmas day
Came strictly from above
Aug 2017 · 119
In Light Of Hope
The silence forces itself upon me
Consumes every piano note and key
It reaches its intangible hand down my throat
It forces me behind an invisible note
And this dark world of quiet

Where all the silenced voices riot
There is but one single light
That illuminates the eternal night
It is the light of the spirit of hope

That sheds light over my hopeless boat
It summons the wind to ******* to shore
Where I can live in a world of sound once more
Even in the darkest shadows of the night

It fills the silence with its brave might
I no longer sail in the sea of desperation
But fly high in the sky of a hopeful nation
Aug 2017 · 151
Trapped Within
My heart cries out;
Pain, encaged within my soul
All my images; shattered,
One touch from you tears inside,

Yet nothing can open the cage
Bearer of my key, unlock me

Unlock my cage
My war within, deep in the clefts,
No other knows
Shadows of hope I give

To those without the need
The Rose; Elegantly beautiful
Thorns that tear,

Tearing at the soul inside,
Bleeding, left to die, Please,
Bearer of my key, unleash me
Unleash my pain
Aug 2017 · 88
Have you ever liked a girl
That you hope likes you ?
You wish there was a way
For it all to come true

That you could be together
To have and to hold
Forever and ever until you both grow old
You wish she was yours

And you were hers
To spend life together
For better of for worse
For richer or for poor

You would always be there
Through sickness and health
To show you care,
To share your problems with and your good times too

And to hear those special words I love you
Is that so much to ask ? Is that so unfair ?
To want someone else, no matter what,
To always be there.
Aug 2017 · 78
Cheap Trick
blowing up pops in my socks
we think a lot from the beauty that's within
don't pretend you got magic in your potion
go to the beach & wear your tanning lotion
but I got the hook up gee in the land of glee
getting cheap trick on my stick
it's the magic wand that we are awful fond
let the music move you in your mind
rap isn't for *****'s like you they stick like glue
old school new school that how I roll
step the beat up & bust the tempo
I'm still in control with this mic in my hand
When will we ever live to understand
it's a good philosophy to stay in school
some brothers disagree saying not too cool
yet they are phonies been tripping on their wires
Cheap trick with Kid Quick taking the scene
living in a land so very mean
got Trump Comb over in his ivory tower
homeboy just bust a nut & needs to take a shower
but a ***** is a ***** & you ain't nothing better
got junk in my trunk & it's headed for nasty weather
loose lips sinks ships take some time to move those hips
There is a hero within us all
can't find them at seven eleven or even at the mall
so keep your head up high and stand ten feet tall
music is my melody to bring to the masses
no one in this life gets by on any free passes
Aug 2017 · 99
Bust A Nut In A Rut
society is tripping
they got new sport suits for the latest trend
my mind is scrambling like ham in eggs
Bust a nut in a rut some time before
many are tripping out with a two bit *****
people are people so why should it be
you & I live together so awfully
I want to scream but I got hoop dreams

Comb over Trump is president but he hasn't made a dent
we got some screws loose in our brains
not having the television clicker in hand is driving me insane
it used to mean something to hold open a door
but that was so 1974 it don't exist anymore
we still got flower power but it takes place in the shower
we honor the dead with mixed messages in our head
these are desolate times
yet we settle for ill but faded rhymes
the casualties are enormous
for a stated cause that's atrocious
so I build this sanctuary in my mind & no I'm not blind
you really **** the nation is going to hell but
I still got a great story to tell
a winner is still another loser that falls but gets up & gives it one last try..
What is my last reply ?
we all need to grow & shut the hell up !
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