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Malaysia    23, I'll make your day worth it if you allow me too! ps- Bare with my irrelevant ramblings and randomness :)
Victoria Ruth
Dark Paradise    "She had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, like when you're swimming and you want to put your feet down on something …
Quirky Comedian, Writer, Poet, Reflector & a Child at heart. I am by virtue the heavenly master of poetry and my gifts come from the …
24/M/Mind to pen, pen to paper    I write stuff sometimes.
Michael M De La Fuente
Miami, FL    Accidentally introduced to poetry after combining some melodic lines with sentimental experiences. Hope you enjoy them! "Music in the soul can be heard by the …
julius alcancia
philippines    “we're fascinated by the words- but where we meet is in the silence behind them.” ram dass twitter: @_juliusalcancia
Mr X
I am not nameless, Coz' I am every name And the story behind all...
Perfection is a disease of a nation - Beyoncé And I've always liked that about me, that I know what I am fighting for - …
John Stevens
Idaho moved to Texas    Retired IT Specialist who writes to maintain sanity. Raising two grandchildren and 1 who are a delight of my life. I began writing in the …
Annie Quill
21/Gender Questioning/DC    Transformers fan, hostess.
Jessica Leigh
Dhaye Margaux
Pearl Of The Orient Seas    Hello! I am a public secondary school teacher, a passionate artist married to her dream. I've been here since May 11, 2014 so it's been …
Kaitlyn Marie
Hartford, Ohio    Kaitlyn Marie
Local Biosphere #101    Reel the liars in...train us for sins, save the skins, and kill almost everything. The cast has failed and wrought sorrow at cost, gapped out …
Giuseppi Martino Buonaiuto
Florida; Italy    Giuseppi Buonaiuto is a former commissioned officer and veteran; employed later by one of the more obscure government clandestine services. He holds numerous graduate degrees …
Frosted Flowers
20/F/Singapore    If there is one thing I can never give up, it would be my imagination. The world is so much more alive and beautiful when …
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