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832 · Oct 2014
Arcade brain
Julianna Oct 2014
There's sounds around me
but they're almost muffled,
My brain is louder. 
Thoughts bounce around
All too quickly
Like a ping pong ball
in an old arcade game
Up. Down. Back and forth
To every side
Hard to keep track
Of which way the ball
Is going to go next
Swirling around all the knobs 
and fancy buttons 
Faster, and faster, 
Till I can't keep my eye 
on the ball anymore,
Or gather which thought is which,
And suddenly, the ball falls
All too quickly
Through the little space 
at the base of your game
The base, of my brain?
And I lost my thoughts, 
the ball is gone
What was I even thinking..?
But the game starts up again
Right away
Before I have time
To slow down my brain 
Or shut down the game
A new ball
With new thoughts,
My fears,
And desires
Too much paranoia 
And fabricated scenarios 
And some other ******* 
that makes no sense
Cause the ball is bouncing again
In every direction 
and dinging,
With all the flashing lights
And funny little sounds 
That no one else can hear
Cause the game is in my head.
677 · Oct 2014
Julianna Oct 2014
Does perfection exist?
Cause I think our love
Must count as perfect
At least to me
How our souls
Melt into each other 
Maybe in the form of our passion
Mixed with pleasure
Like the way I feel
With him inside me
So full, 
of love, and of him.
His eyes 
stare into mine
Silently telling my soul
That he sees perfection
When he looks at me
And his lips 
are like soft clouds 
from the heavens
That graze mine
So gently, and then rough,
And then gently again,
Cause only he 
knows what I like,
And I can feel his love, 
And the smell of his skin
Intoxicates my soul
So I pull him closer
And he touches me, 
So perfectly 
and he knows
Exactly when and where
To brush his fingers
Ever so lightly
So that I melt into his hands
And he knows 
When and where
To touch me harder
And faster
In ways that only he knows how
Cause I've given myself to him
So thoroughly, so wholly 
So vulnerable
Only for him 
Cause I like it
When he bites my shoulder 
And when he chokes me 
While he whispers
That I'm his
And that he loves me
And that I'm perfect
And to take it
And he knows 
That with those whispers 
My body will tense up
All too quickly 
With too much pleasure
Until I let go,
Over and over, 
And my legs are weak,
And he smiles at my moans,
And kisses my forehead,
And continues 
To make my world spin,
And it feels too good, 
So I lose myself
In the waves of pleasure
Crashing over me 
Over us
Until we collapse, 
Too sweaty and out of breath,
Feeling closer to him
Than I could feel
To anyone ever
Cause it was perfect
Like it always is 
Cause our love 
Takes ordinary pleasure
And turns it to perfection 
So yes, it must exist.

— The End —