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Fare thee well,  my sweet; I will forever, miss you,
out among the golden rays of the sun,
which to whom, could not come pair,
to the very shade of your curling yellow hairs.

I swore, my love,
you were right here,
not just a moment ago.
Now a memory is all which remains.

I bid you a fond adieu, my darling.
For our time has come and gone.
Another life, just maybe;
then, I will get to hold your hand anew.
© Victoria
Just Let It In


the perplexity 

of this language, 

is damaging to me.

how can there possibly

exist such an impeccably

imposing combination of

words that still manage to destroy 

a soul as wasted as mine? somehow 

words discover these fine little cracks in 

my wall, as thin as the head of a pin. words 

are like water, rushing into whatever space they 

can invade, occupying whatever volume they discover. 

this water trickles through the fragmented spaces, traveling

all the way to my heart, transforming me in the way they seem to

alter us all. it is these words that i take with me. words reverberate in my mind,

disrupt me to my core, degrade me. your  words are the ones i perpetually carry with me...

any...all of them. yours are the ones that elicit the simultaneous firing of every
single neuron in my brain. there is something about the magic of your words
flowing together...whispered into my ear. they move through me like
a stealthy, lone snake, undulating in a field, stalking its defenseless
prey; first glance, not appearing to be a perilous threat
...then piercing me all at once with fierce strength and
determination, devouring me without appearing to 

acknowledge that maybe i still...still want to be.

to be whole. and i do. my body craves 

the sensation of being complete,
not torn apart by the nonsense
of your  daunting words
disrupting my spirit
and making me
despise the
of language.

i wish i could
void your words 

from my brain, but
my mind is helplessly
inconsistent; i can never
forget what i long to,  
scarcely remember
what i must; and
my peculiar mind
certainly* will never
forget the sound
of your words, 

just like water,

flooding me.

taking me

Lost in a sea of darkness for years
A rotting corpse, eternally still
Sea of darkness born from tears
Drowning in silence so shrill

Mind gone, never ending chasm
Reach out, naught will be found
Sanity merely a phantasm
What is real, illusions abound

Wrath filled hands reaching in
Threatening to disrupt the balance
That insanity houses within
Forever feeding on malice

Look now into cold, empty eyes
Eyes of a corpse you despise
I think the thing that fascinates people the most about shooting stars is how fleeting they are. They are here one second and gone the next. They are relatable. Life is here one second and can be taken the next. Memories and moments are here one second and then gone the next. Shooting stars are rare and uncertain. They are beautiful and unique. They are a glimpse into something terrifyingly unknown. They are home to our wishes and dreams. They are far away and distant, surreal entities falling through the night sky. They are adrenaline rushing through serenity. They make us ask questions. They make us calm. They give us hope. But most importantly they bring a smile to our face, maybe when we need it the most. So make a wish.

when does familiar
become boring and mundane?

when does home
become a place we once knew?

when does life
move on?

where do we go from here?
 Nov 2012 Mahmoud Elbouhaissi
Hollow are my eyes
on cold October mornings
bare and waiting to collapse
at the slightest of provocations

Hollow grows my heart
in the dead of winters night
withered and longing for life
to be poured into it once again

But no matter how hollow or bare or tattered
whether the sun has risen or the moon has sprung
as long as there's blood left in my veins, I know
he'll always be there to make me feel whole
Here I am before you, now
A broken, hollow cast of what I once was.
I lay my life upon your alter,
Spare me.

I am entirely at your mercy, here in your arms
I give you all I am.
Please shelter what is left of me.
Love me.

Your hands are soft upon my thigh,
And lips are gentle on my neck.
I long for you to understand my fears.
Protect me.

Be my savior in this instance,
Give me a purpose to cling to in your absence.
Hold me to your body.
Save me.
About a man I'll never truly have.
I'm constantly trying to change for you
Yet no matter what I do, it's not right
I have tried every route, nothing will do
Ways to appease you are long out of sight

I do not want to hurt you so I stay
But, if I stay it will slowly **** me
Someday maybe you'll change, Oh God I pray
Someday you won't be so cold, you will see

The mask I'm wearing is cracking slowly
People see what lies beneath, it's empty
Eyes stare in darkly, mine stare out coldly
Loneliness I feel, driving me crazy

All I am asking is to understand
Why do I feel like this, I need God's hand
 Nov 2012 Mahmoud Elbouhaissi
o' turtle in your tank
why do you cry?
belly-ache or heartache;
which is it this time, turtle?

o' slow creature
idle too long
it's time to move on
moss collects upon your back

inimitable armour
to mundane pebble
you transform
in your tank

tell me what ails you
young reptile
do you long for the taste
of sweet algae in a pond?

or has it been too long?
have you forgotten
what it’s like
to be a turtle?

o' solitary being
have you given up?
the glass has bound you
these twenty-odd years

have you grown frightened
of what awaits outside?
you retreat at the sight
of the earliest light

o' forlorn prisoner
hold your breath a while longer
for freedom is bestowed
upon the patient
I'm awake at 3am.
Dreaming about you.
Blossoming like a bulb
that has just seen springs
first light.
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