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The red rosebud, bitterly wept,
and said" I am full of guilt
          I don't want
                   to bloom at all"
Delusion, what else, I thought
Spare me the moves
of a sligh tongue twisting
and contorting vague riddles
excuses of promises left undone
wit misused as the shadow's gun
a sad recollection when the problem was solved
a web of lies a tomb of wrong
how eloquently crafted
the lies dealt and spawned
I see you now
a fake a fraud
but no good sir I will not run
after all the fun has only begun...
and the winner takes all.
Take one more drag
of your "last" cigarette

it wasn't too long ago
that you had your first

it seems like an eternity
you disappeared and came back again
traded in your old bad habits
for new ones

constantly making choices
between evils

maybe just one more
the smoke
                   tastes like bile
the wind traps each in their own tiny room
blasts out the silence and makes all take stock
for in the morning we face one last doom

it was but yesterday we saw the bloom
pallid yet vibrant not a thing to mock
the wind traps each in their own tiny room

on this dark day when the only perfume
is bitter scent of ashes our knees lock
for in the morning we face one last doom

with no sun rising to relieve the gloom
nor to bring warmth to the hard barren rock
the wind traps each in their own tiny room

for hearts to harden and for minds to fume
while each lost traveller waits on the knock
for in the morning we face one last doom

the golden cradle will serve for a tomb
to learn that fact will not come as a shock
the wind traps each in their own tiny room
for in the morning we face one last doom
Buried the fourteenth of July,
Another life that was worth saving,
Why'd you have to risk your life,
So less people would die,
Now you're six feet under,
But I wish you were coming to my door,
That you wouldn't knock,
That you'd just come in,
And pull me in your arms,
That I could taste your love one more time,
But it would never be enough.
All I hear is your name echoed in empty spaces,
All this time, it wasn't well wasted,
Now I'm sitting here staring out the window,
And I'm waiting for you to come home,
I never lose hope,
I'll count the stars until you come back here,
I can't accept the facts,
What's a heart that doesn't beat,
And I found my beat,
My love won't die for you,
But I'll die waiting for you to come back,
Because what good is half a person,
That's why I need you.
Rain, lightning and thunder.

Let's put on some music,
curl up on the couch together
and pretend the sun's shining.
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