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Sep 2016 · 486
Moon Cycles
Maeve Cunningham Sep 2016
On the night of the black moon
You ripped my heart open.
On the night of the white moon,
You collected the shredded pieces.
On the night of the blue moon,
You strung my heart back together with silk.
On the night of the red moon,
You gave it back to me.
On the night of the yellow moon,
You tried to make it beat,
When the moon didn’t arrive,
You let out an awful scream.
Sep 2016 · 448
The Lovers
Maeve Cunningham Sep 2016
There was once a boy in a castle
Hidden in a tower,
that reached so high
He could almost touch the stars.
However, he wished to be below with the star he loved the most-
the boy who lived on the throne,
who wore a crown of bones
They called him the Boy Bone King-
Missing a soul,
Lost a smile,
And only spoke with demons.
Our castle boy was the only human
A Bone Boy King could ever love.
The soulless king locked him away,
For no one would take his star boy,
No one would lead him astray.
If this made his king happy,
Our star boy would remain loyal for all of their eternity.
Star boy creates friends with clouds and thunderstorms,
While his Boy bone King wreaks havoc below
And creates a hurricane of his own.
Their hearts forever intertwined
with love and madness- a type of peace
That only soulmates can find.
Sep 2016 · 301
Personal Thoughts
Maeve Cunningham Sep 2016
A writer is never peaceful
Sleep does not come easy
Stories and demons drown our senses
Then we can no longer breathe.
Sep 2016 · 427
The Skeleton Girl
Maeve Cunningham Sep 2016
Her skeletal frame was made of glass
She encircled her porcelain arms around herself
To keep from breaking apart
Her hair whipped and twirled in the hurricane
White as snow
Weaker than her bones
Her eyes, however, her eyes
Could destroy a nation,
Slit a throat,
and carry one to their death.
Her eyes could also love
And love and love
Until there was nothing left.
Sep 2016 · 13.7k
Maeve Cunningham Sep 2016
Power to women
Power to black women
Power to queer women
Power to the oppressed
Power to the women
Who fight
And fight
And fight
Power to the women
Who are loud
And angry
Power to the women
Who scream for freedom
Power to the women
Who wave their *******
In the face of the oppressors
Power to women

— The End —