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I did some stuff.

Yeah I regret it.
regrets are worse than apologies.
My head is a dark place,
a crowbar could not open me up,
the secrets stuck inside me.

I've destroyed all the things I love.
 Nov 2016 Madison Elizabeth
practice love in
the midst of war
peace will be
i forgot how much i loved mythology
 Nov 2016 Madison Elizabeth
you let him in;
peeled back the layers
of your skin and
showed him your bones

you thought this would
be easy, but he is not

he takes your ribs and
breaks them apart as he
builds a home inside your

[he is no longer the breath
you exhale; he never leaves
your lungs]

he keeps you up at night;
you pray and he does not
answer and you realize that
you are so tired of all of

“how do you **** your god?”
you ask

[you get off your
a rewrite
 Nov 2016 Madison Elizabeth
your nightmares sound
like beethoven and your
demons smell like daisies;

even your darkest parts
are beautiful
i like to write in metaphors
but you're the one
i can't grasp
i just can't seem to find anything good enough to compare to you
my words fail me
and it occurs to me that all that is left
are my emotions swimming inside
 Feb 2015 Madison Elizabeth
you and i share the same skin and
because of that, i will keep you safe.

do not be afraid of your chest tightening,
i will help you breathe.
do not be afraid of failing,
i will help you succeed.
i will remind you that your scars
and your insecurities
and your emotional tremors
do not define who you are as a person.
i will let you get angry and
i will make you cry to show you
that it’s okay to be human.
i will give you space.
i will let you venture and explore
and expand your mind for
as long as you need to.

i will appreciate that you are able to forgive
even though i hate that you are too forgiving.
i will love the fact that you drink orange juice
out of the carton even though everyone else
hates it.
if you want to drop out of college and
become a starving artist on the streets of
a city that you’ve never stepped foot in
until now,
then i will support you entirely.

i will paint beautiful pictures in your mind
that your hands can gracefully translate
to paper so the entire world can see you
the way i see you —

as intelligent,
as interesting,
as important.

you and i share the same skin and
because of that, i will keep you safe.
you were mine before you were
anyone else’s, and it will
always be that way.
i wrote this a year ago // i want to write again
 Feb 2015 Madison Elizabeth
My heart
Is a happy drunk
A little too open
A little too optimistic
It's over in the corner of the bar
Playing poker
Screaming at the top of it's lungs
When it's never
To this day
Had a winning hand

My heart
Is a sad drunk
A little too lonely
A little too caught up in tears
It's over at the counter
Forcing the bartender to take its keys
Because it would rather not go home
Than go home alone again

My heart
Is a reckless drunk
A little too unbalanced
A little too impaired
It's over by the door
Making everyone nervous
A little too good at scaring people away
A little too far gone

Like you
A little too far gone
Turn your head
Shuffle away and pretend you don't notice
The breakdown of a heart
Too drunk on feelings
To know when to stop
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