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 Jan 2019 maddy
 Jan 2019 maddy
All the moments get replayed
Every mistake I've ever made
Flashing through inside my head
Makes me wish I were dead.
Makes me wish I were dead.
Heavy are my thoughts
Hope to slow them down
Try this try that, never does it work
Now to try what I should not
Floating, flying through the clouds
Could this be the answer to my hopes and dreams
Crash, down comes the high
Thunderstorms in my mind, thoughts of pain
Give me more, end it all.
I wanted to portray the way drugs have felt in the past. using them to fix issues only to find new and worse issues.
 Jan 2019 maddy
Sad Boy
Lana Del Gay
 Jan 2019 maddy
Sad Boy
I hope I don’t see anyone I know
I need to be high to enjoy the show
It’s wearing off can we please go?
Come back to my place we’ll snort some blow
Inspired by EP
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