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Lyss Gia Jun 2014
Placate me
Sedate me
If you have to
I don’t trust myself
To be your steadfast girlfriend
That word is salted
It rolls around on my tongue
Love is happy Love is sound
Love is grappling hook
It cuts into my arms
Ripping spiderweb scars on my skin
I’m frail
I can’t be your rock
All my sonnets are but letters
I don’t want your responsibility
I can’t be responsible
I don’t know what love is
You’re right
He hates himself more than I hate the fact that I disagree but unfortunately we've weaved this horrible web of agreements and promises and preemptive truths.
My boyfriend wants to **** himself.
I (want) (have) (need) to let him die.
Lyss Gia Jun 2014
Was I worth the risk?
You were worth the sleepless nights
But was I worth the risk?
Of having a shoestring tie
Latch you to the world

Cut me off.
If you need.
Cut me off.
It’ll hurt
Cut me off.

Because I need you to be sound
More than I need you to be
Morality or Moral
Lyss Gia Jun 2014
The cloud are reflecting off my computer screen
Moving at a rapid pace
They have somewhere to be
They have to move on
Fading into my shadow
They’re like daggers

My head is like daggers

And my smile is like a rifle
Loops one more time
Just picking the achy strings
I think he’s exhausted
Really just ******* tired
And the way he sings

Just wants to speak

And pour all of his heart

These pitches, John, they aren’t real

They aren’t right
You aren’t right
I’m listening to this for you
Because last night was the night I took your life
I was tired too
I was tired and used your insecurities

As an excuse

To blow you off
Bryce come back please
I love you
I CAN’T SEE WHAT I’m typing anymore
It’s waterwashed
I love you I love you

I lov you please

Please trust me
My tears are ocean currents
My calves are the sand
Pull me to La Jolla please now
Hold my hand Bryce
You’ll be unconscience in 5 minutes

Fiberglass isn’t all that dependable

Fiberglass will float on
You’re heart is lead
Let it sink
Hold my hand
Let it sink
They’ll find our bodies

Eaten decayed by algae

You look just as fine with your
Skin pruned and ribcage exposed
I would kiss you all the same with your
Toes consumed by fishes
4 times over John
4 times you don’t sound anymore like an answer
My boyfriend plays with guns
Lyss Gia Jun 2014
The coffee machine filled my espresso right up to the lip
So much so that when I lifted it off the platform,
It spilled and dribbled down the side of my mug
And I though, wow
That reminds me of me

I set my jacket on the chair
But the sleeves were too deep
And it kept sliding off and falling to the ground
And I thought, wow
That reminds me of me

Galileo said that the sun was indeed the center of the universe
But no one would believe him
That sounds a lot like me

Once I put my pen to paper
And all the ink flooded and spilled out
Because it couldn’t wait to scribe down my
Own beautiful eloquent thoughts
And all know

My depth and wit
Swallows and overwhelms
Impresses and inspires
You and everyone I know

I like gazing into your still pool eyes
Because if I stare hard enough
I can see
In the reflection

And in conclusion
Me me me me
Me me
Lyss Gia Jun 2014
I was told not to fight fire with fire

And so I fought you with apathy

And turned a polite cheek

To your aggression and volatile judgment

Where your eyes are aflame with indignation

Mine have resigned

Do you feel large?

You, sermon preaching the ills of my ways

Encased in your scripture

Lead a crusade on me

Try not to upset the emotional

They can stand so high on a soapbox
Lyss Gia Jun 2014
The devil beats his wife in Louisiana
Hot wet rain
Pounds on the glassy window
And you, my friend
You sit
Brunette and brutal
Heart pounding like hot rain
Who though metal could be so heavy
Who thought guns weren’t all that hard to find
Who thought you were twisted and planning and deep
I didn’t

Slipping little things into speech
I said it was hot
You said you legs were melting into the pavement
Bones brittle and burning
I fussed about the math exam
You said about the teacher
We should just **** her
And I thought:
That’s just dark humor
I can appreciate Aronofsky and black sarcasm

Now you stand up
I sit a wall apart
Drumming my pen
Tap tap tap tap tap
The rain comes down
Tap tap tap tap tap
A gun goes off
Tap tap tap tap tap
I cannot move
My feet have melted into the floor

Your head is a grenade
And I held the pin
Between my teeth
Like an apricot pit
I didn’t speak
I said nothing
Kept you trapped
****** and dangerous
Condemned to this world that fit you so ill

Bang bang
And the locks are feeble
The kids are quiet
Funny how nothing but mass ******
Could zip their ******* mouths
Like a start gun
The panic begins

You paint the walls red
Wounded scared kids run chaos to the door
And you
You are the eye in a hurricane
A cataract in the Nile
You are still
And my feet are cemented
To the ******* ground
And hold my eye contact
And hold it

I want to say this pretty
I want to give you some glorious macabre
I want to make you gruesome poetry
But I cannot
And you blow your ******* brains out
And my feet stay cemented
Until the police come to clean up
The mess you made

The television says you’re a monster
Papers argue teenage corruption
I don’t know
I don’t know
I don’t know
As I stand
White shoes toeing the lip
Contemplating the traffic below me
And the life you shattered and left
Lyss Gia Jun 2014
I am Benadryl

I am a comfort for your sick heart

I am an excess for when you’re looking for a good time.

I am there when you’re sad and need comfort and rationale

Or kissing so you can feel 3 teaspoons of Something New

When all I wanted to do was push you against the wall and show you

I am more than a dumb drug

But I’ll subdue what I felt, for your sake, under my wishy-washy pink self

I am a prize to be won

Than left in the medicine cabinet until spring rolls around again

Or I am a lie to be told

When the suggested dosage hangs too high over your head

I am a status symbol

A fun party game

But I am more than a metaphor

More than the sum of your stories

Still you see Benadryl
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