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Only the strongest and the most beautiful do it.
Their are ways around it.
Yet everyone around us don't see what is happening.
Everything that may seem it is turning against you it might be for the worse or the better.
The most precious in our lives can be the worst in discretion.
Those we see everyday may think that you are "okay" but really your not..
They think that your just tired.. but in reality your not fine at all.
Speak what you are thinking. Say what you want to see. Do what you must to be heard and show them that you are not okay.
Yes I am one of those people that anyone can talk to about anything if that person is willing. I have tried to commit suicide....Many of times. For reasons I do not think I will reveal. Everyone that is considering committing suicide talk to someone about what is going on. Your are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! You are LOVED!!!!!!
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