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Sometimes I'm so quiet and alone
I can hear the stars scrape against the sky.
Your voice and your fingers
Crossing my heart
No longer lingers
In the noose of my throat
It hurts like a mirror
Reflecting my waste
Hated and clearer
Than the same single page
More in your mouth
Than what my hand can shake
Flowing words amount
Blackened your pity and sake
I hold you dearest
Close to my chest
Take none of my regret
Instead tell me the rest

*I'm waiting for the story
LycanTheThrope Oct 2015
“Session two;
Subject has become dependant; requires three capsules a day.
Subject has also requested for detainment.”

What is gold?
“What do you mean?”
Why can’t it stay?
Why couldn’t he stay?

“I don’t understand.”
Neither did Eden.

The window broke again.
“There are no windows.”
How could you lie to yourself like that?
“I’m not lying.”
I laid the centuries upon my hands.
“Time cannot be held.”
It can be lifted.

“How are you?”
I’m very tired.
The voices kept me up again.
“The voices?”
They told me it was my fault.
“Is it your fault?”
If it is, then why am I so proud?

“Are you feeling any better?”
Has death said his due?
“Would you like something to eat?”
I’ve already eaten.
It came like rain.
“What did?”
Their sins.

“Do you recall?”
His voice?
“Do you recall anything?”
It shifted like rubies-
-and lowered the moon.

“The moon?”
She sang a song for him.
“A song?”
It’s always darkest before the dawn, right?
“Some would say.”
I’ll follow the dawn.
Until I see the first light.

“Do you remember her?”
I am still in love with that place.
“What place?”
The stars in my skin
They danced and spiraled into amber trees
“What trees?”
Just like her heart.

“Her heart?”

Who could compare?
“Compare what?”
Love to a tragedy.
Why would they do that?
Aren’t they the same?

“End of trial.
Subject denied.”
verb: relapse; past tense: relapsed

to become ill again after a period of improvement in health
of an illness;  to return to a bad condition, form of behavior, or disease.
He is not just handsome
or tall or undeniably perfect.
Because more than anything else,
he is hers.
All along.
Ever since.
  Oct 2015 LycanTheThrope
You are tonight's breeze
The only thing worth inhaling
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