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Manasa Besta
Monica Lara
Iowa    She said that she always wanted to be a poet, but I can tell deep down all she really wanted was to be somebody's poem.
Infamous one
Hello friend! My name is infamous1! I've been writing for years, its my voice. I'm being more creative no longer self destructive. I started writing ...
Nebulous the Poet
Would you rather re-paint the rainbow or find the pot of gold?
Nicole Ann Sandoval
Kansas (will nvr b home)    You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should've behaved better.-Anne Lamott I'm ...
Between spaces of words    Once a numerous amount of nouns
Joseph Schneider
Niki Elizabeth
F/wonderland    Happy girl, sad poems.
Ariel Baptista
Montreal, Quebec    If you like my work, find my blog at (Ariel Baptista is a pen name)
Rachel Shussett
Pittsburgh, PA    Social media and digital marketing. Journalist. Photographer. Bookworm. Lover of social justice. Wordsmith.

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