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 Oct 2017 bea
mrs kite
dead end
 Oct 2017 bea
mrs kite
the fishtank is whispering to me
i tell it i want to go home
the filter shudders a laugh
i am throwing myself against
concrete barriers to feel
blood gasping for breath but
i drown it in the shower
punishing tender flesh with the faucet  
if this place is supposed to be beautiful
no one told my heart
and I feel the weight of my ugliness
in the pit of my stomach
an egg hatching, shredding insides,
fully deserved.
 Oct 2017 bea
whither wither
 Oct 2017 bea
no one laughs the dead houses
line the streets i
never had anything
before the ritz and lsd
funnelled into shopping malls
hypnagogic life
taught whither wither
a dying world.
corporate plazas !
police ten murderers !
food taxes disproportionately affecting the poor !
trickle down ideology !
neoimperialism !
the smashed up remains of a syrian refugee’s greenhouse !
just **** me now !
 Oct 2017 bea
Emily Dickinson

A Coffin—is a small Domain,
Yet able to contain
A Citizen of Paradise
In it diminished Plane.

A Grave—is a restricted Breadth—
Yet ampler than the Sun—
And all the Seas He populates
And Lands He looks upon

To Him who on its small Repose
Bestows a single Friend—
Circumference without Relief—
Or Estimate—or End—
 Oct 2017 bea
 Oct 2017 bea
guilt-trip myself, that's what i do
when i have spare time

instead i make origami cranes
pink and blue for the babies
green, for the envy
red for the heart

and i fill blank pages with emptiness
stainless ink, just like my feet
i try not to be shameful
and stay quiet like a spider

these silvers are rotting
when we eat we chew our own hands
gulping down everything
that has touched the palms

once was warm
twice stayed forever
everytime i look back i shiver
figuratively, because i have no body

there are things you do not own
but, still, you hold them dear

i can feel the pain this body is having
can it feel mine?
sometimes i wonder when we'll be able to rest
laying on the wet grass, giggling with the crickets
let the rain feel us as we break into a field of wildflowers
 Oct 2017 bea
I've stopped being beautiful quite a long time ago. Mirrors and selfies do not tell the truth; I actually like what I see. Little did I know the ugliness reeks from the blind spots and I shamelessly think it's the world who's at fault.

Forgive me, daughter, for I have sinned.

All I want to hear is an apology. I lift my chin and walk past the mother, idle as a bystander. I am a child bird, my beak is tired from breaking the shell. I wish I didn't have these wings. The nest is uncomfortable, I just want to touch the ground.

I have two feet. One thigh.

Ocean is my ancient dream. But all I got to taste was cold aloe vera. Hint of sweetness, eternal like a dentist's craft. I can't feel pain, so it must be joy, but why am I crying?

We got tired of the cries, the tears, the traces. It's boring, just like an authoritarian news. I don't think there's more to it. What you see is what you get.

I hide everything I can. I mask what I can't. That way, I'm never left with nothing. I hope so. I am so hopeful. I must be cured.

I fill my water bottle with starlight, but when it touches my mouth it takes away the wetness. My lips crack and I can no longer talk. I nod at the earth, and she empathizes.

A thing I can never do. My fingers still long for the colorful helium balloons. How many of it to make me float? I want to explode right on my peak. Cry for me, strangers. I want to hurt you in ways I've never imagined before.
 Sep 2017 bea
Pablo Neruda
Distancia refugiada sobre tubos de espuma,
sal en rituales olas y órdenes definidos,
y un olor y rumor de buque viejo,
de podridas maderas y hierros averiados,
y fatigadas máquinas que aúllan y lloran
empujando la proa, pateando los costados,
mascando lamentos, tragando y tragando distancias,
haciendo un ruido de agrias aguas sobre las agrias aguas,
moviendo el viejo buque sobre las viejas aguas.

Bodegas interiores túneles crepusculares
que el día intermitente de los puertos visita:
sacos, sacos que un dios sombrío ha acumulado
como animales grises, redondos y sin ojos,
con dulces orejas grises,
y vientres estimables llenos de trigo o copra,
sensitivas barrigas de mujeres encinta,
pobremente vestidas de gris, pacientemente
esperando en la sombra de un doloroso cine.

Las aguas exteriores de repente
se oyen pasar, corriendo como un caballo opaco,
con un ruido de pies de caballo en el agua,
rápidas, sumergiéndose otra vez en las aguas.
Nada más hay entonces que el tiempo en las cabinas:
el tiempo en el desventurado comedor solitario,
inmóvil y visible como una gran desgracia.
Olor de cuero y tela densamente gastados,
y cebollas, y aceite, y aún más,
olor de alguien flotando en los rincones del buque,
olor de alguien sin nombre
que baja como una ola de aire las escalas,
y cruza corredores con su cuerpo ausente,
y observa con sus ojos que la muerte preserva.

Observa con sus ojos sin color, sin mirada,
lento, y pasa temblando, sin presencia ni sombra:
los sonidos lo arrugan, las cosas lo traspasan,
su transparencia hace brillar las sillas sucias.

Quién es ese fantasma sin cuerpo de fantasma,
con sus pasos livianos como harina nocturna
y su voz que sólo las cosas patrocinan?

Los muebles viajan llenos de su ser silencioso
como pequeños barcos dentro del viejo barco,
cargados de su ser desvanecido y vago:
los roperos, las verdes carpetas de las mesas,
el color de las cortinas y del suelo,
todo ha sufrido el lento vacío de sus manos,
y su respiración ha gastado las cosas.

Se desliza y resbala, desciende, transparente,
aire en el aire frío que corre sobre el buque,
con sus manos ocultas se apoya en las barandas
y mira el mar amargo que huye detrás del buque.

Solamente las aguas rechazan su influencia,
su color y su olor de olvidado fantasma,
y frescas y profundas desarrollan su baile
como vidas de fuego, como sangre o perfume,
nuevas y fuertes surgen, unidas y reunidas.

Sin gastarse las aguas, sin costumbre ni tiempo,
verdes de cantidad, eficaces y frías,
tocan el ***** estómago del buque y su materia
lavan, sus costras rotas, sus arrugas de hierro:
roen las aguas vivas la cáscara del buque,
traficando sus largas banderas de espuma
y sus dientes de sal volando en gotas.

Mira el mar el fantasma con su rostro sin ojos:
el círculo del día, la tos del buque, un pájaro
en la ecuación redonda y sola del espacio,
y desciende de nuevo a la vida del buque
cayendo sobre el tiempo muerto y la madera,
resbalando en las negras cocinas y cabinas,
lento de aire y atmósfera, y desolado espacio.
 Sep 2017 bea
sweet ridicule
 Sep 2017 bea
sweet ridicule
I wash my hands constantly, as the smell of anything unnatural makes me uneasy. I smell the tips of my fingers and the palms of my hands nervously; the smell of metal, carpet, and reluctance all trapped between my fingers nauseate me. I run to the sink and pump soap into my hands before frantically rubbing them together, forming as many bubbles as possible.

I only like my hands when they smell like soap or oranges or lavender.

I have nightmares about you during the day. I sit awake and wonder how much of you was real and how much is just sound that I created in a desperate leap for love. The leap I swore I would take over and over again.

There is paint on my arms and my hands right now and all I can think about is how i wish I were an artist
I wish i could draw myself into things the way I can push myself into things that hurt

My mom told me I am brave that I am fearless that I just do things
but I think I am reckless with myself
the way I run into pain face first and tear into it with my fists over
and over again
I have never been afraid of change
The way pain rolls over you and makes your stomach convulse
your whole body week and your sobs so huge that they don’t make sound beyond the frantic gasp for air at the end

I have always been to proud of being human
for some reason I think that the way I feel the way I live is somehow monumental
running into things over and over again
 Sep 2017 bea
Barton D Smock
the boy on my shoulders says my hair is on fire. it is our longest running joke. he laughs so hard my ribs fall asleep in his childless stomach. he takes the cigarette from behind my ear...

his cough is a paintbrush. no father can **** god. the resurrected miss death.
 Sep 2017 bea
Tawanda Mulalu
 Sep 2017 bea
Tawanda Mulalu
A few more words about: coherence,
it doesn’t exist for me, I’m so hungry
for everyone else and their platitudes.
It must be nice to avoid existential breathlessness.
I like that word: breathlessness.
I resent that platitude: existential.
I am not bitter, I promise.
It’s just that the air…
it tastes so…
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