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liss Mar 2014
i keep repeating the same **** over and over again
i'm too full of pride and guiltless sin
to even begin thinking of how to start again
i'm fine
liss Feb 2014
this is the same familar
following a feeling
through the wafty smell of regret
and missed oppurtunities
you can't take those back
you could have taken them
back then
but this is now
and all you're left with
is some old texts
and a box of 'what ifs'
and 'why didn't i...'
u shuld move 0n
liss Feb 2014
you stay around
like cat ****
you're always there
we know it
you're pungent
we can't see you
but we know you're there
no one wants you here
abrasive chemicals are in need
dire need
my cat peed on my ******* clothes
liss Feb 2014
summer days
remind me of your gaze
those hazy memories
are all i remember
when i'm sitting alone in december

your touch was like piano keys
on the jazzy flute of my life
liss Jan 2014
my weeks go by slowly
my days seemingly centralized in one place
i don't feel like getting up
but i don't wanna stay asleep for much longer
liss Jan 2014
so far away yet i remember how good it was
you don't need to be them
you just need to embody them
touch my skirt, right near the hem
feel me through my dress
be better at your approach than your formal address.
liss Dec 2013
i adore you.
i wait for the day to call you my own.
your distinct pattern
as soft as the heart i crave.
i want you.
curly haired lover.
i beg you to want me too.

— The End —