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419 · Jul 2014
20 at My Wit's Bliss
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
2 decades comes to a mellow's pacing;
Like lightning that travels at light speed,
Yet what lies ahead, not one knows facing,
Destiny is a grasp away to heed.
Then of some old stories came in to pass,
Faced from a humble beginning in life,
Of a flower that bloomed among the grass,
With raging storms & fires made stand alive.
What more of this muse be compared to?
Ave Maria, this maid is but blessed;
Such golden voice can halt men & call too,
Her heart of gold that all heavens addressed.
Pique then does this lass can do & say of,
Nothing more than wisdom, blessing, and love.
A sonnet I made before my 20th birthday last year, just to pass time while listening to my prof in Brit Am Lit.
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Cascading gently,
But with rupture as it seems;
Innocent wind
Turns to a violent storm.

How can I handle
That ache inside?
Avoid it?
It’s very hard.

It devours you,
It burdens on the inside;
Once anger heightens,
It comes out.

Nothing can stop it,
Unless you try to control it;
A shadow of you,
Alter ego so dangerous.

Now, I've passed a whole new light,
Lifted trauma off sight;
All gone away with the past,
New moniker at last.

I have locked her far away,
Secluded as they say;
Together with the trauma,
Forever in coma.

— The End —