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 Jan 2014 lina S
Simon Soane
Mime a fake lyric true;
i'm a relic without you.
 Jan 2014 lina S
Kelsey Greene
Kiss one:
And I’m left thinking,
“Have I found him?”
The one
Who can love this mess that I've become?
Have I found the one
Who can repair
This broken vase
I call
                                          No, it can’t be.
                                          He’s only drunk.
                                          There is no way.
                                          Not me.
Kiss two:
And I’m left thinking
"Was I wrong.
Was it not
Just the alcohol.
Have I found him.”

                                           I have.
                                           He can love me.
                                           He can.
                                           He is the kind of man
                                           That can care for something
                                           So broken.
Cold December night:
I discovered
He was no man at all.
He was a boy
Who made a broken girl fall.
          ­                                  Fall.

Until she hit the bottom.
And then buried her.
And her hope.
And her love.
6 feet under the ground.
Because he was a boy.
Who found it easier
To go back to what he knew
Than to try at something new.
So he buried
That broken girl.
6 feet under.
That cold,
Hard ground.
The sadness in your eyes

I see you on the corner
As traffic passes by
I watch as people never see
The sadness in your eyes

They all walk past pretending
That you do not exist
They will not see the sorrow
Or the life that you must live

I see you on the corner
As you hold your cardboard sign
Hoping that just one may read
And understand your life

You do not bother others
You sit there in your place
With a cup that reads spare a dime
And sadness on your face

I see you on the corner
As the traffic passes by
I watch as people never see
The sadness in your eyes

I see you on the corner

Carl Joseph Roberts**
January 2014
 Jan 2014 lina S
Cadence Musick
you were my first midnight kiss
drunk and laughing
spilling like bubbly over and over into your arms
your lips a white froth of sweets
this was the fairy tale hour,
so to speak
but i'm no cinderella
running away
with glass in my heart that aches.
no i was done with fragility;
i'm yours, rust and bolts and ticks and all
you were my first midnight kiss,
and although it did not awaken me from a century of slumber
or turn my fins into human legs
i could feel a different magic
tingling upon the cupid's bow of my lips
 Jan 2014 lina S
 Jan 2014 lina S
The only war
Is the one in your head
In a world with no sides
We're only fighting ourselves
The revolution is not ending this one
But making sure no war
Ever happens again
Fight the last good fight
The one to unite
Within and Without
Us, no them
Being the tallest tree means
Getting hit by all the lightning
Thou shalt command only thyself
Your will expression of god
The only divine inside
When Zarathustra speaks
Do not listen.
In the silence
The words will open up
Leave behind the money god
**** the man god
And leave behind the last man
Burn down the pantheon
Occupy the space with humanity
With all the pitfalls
That lead upwards
Slay the doubts and in the evil
Find an overcoming
Step over bridges,
Do not bother
Swim deep
And never come back
From down under
The nonbeliever is the most religious
Giving in to belief
On the loosing side
Of a battle without a war
Trapped behind
All the banter played out loud
Repentance is suicide
Do not sacrifice
You will not gain
If god is dead,
Perfection is too
Good for you
Listen to my command!
Don't listen to my words!
Hang on to in between,
And listen to the quiet
Crucifixion is for the weak
With no world to inherent
The meek must
Give the world to themselves  
Laugh, laugh!
As you cross over
The dead bodies
And the wishers,
But not the takers
Love at the wrong time
And hate at the right,
Are the greatest steps
To going over
Never a quiet moment
The sky hangs low
Heavy with static
The silence presses upon ears
And weighs upon souls
Souls, the meeting of the in and out
Of this world and
Everything else
The line in the sand
Also dividing but
Not changing what it is
Just sand under the division
Jump from the clouds
To mountaintops
Slide to the bottom to find truth
Forget everything you've been told
Or told yourself
And feel it
On your feet.
 Jan 2014 lina S
Angel luis
its hard being young.
not being a baby but being a teen.
its sometimes hard to get through high school.
but i promise you it gets better.
I went through depression i lost my way of who i was.
i stopped painting because i was losing parts of myself.
my poems became only about sorrow and not the light at the end of the tunnel.
but my love picked up my broken pieces.
he led me back to myself.
he made things better.
along your years you will lose friendships that were dear to you.
but it gets better.
for when that old friendship dies another is born.
this new friendship is much stronger.
you begin to realize that the old was not the right one.
boyfriends come and go.
but hear me my dear it gets better.
for i was in pain after my last relationship.
i thought it was meant to be i thought it was love.
i dealt with him but i did not love him.
i cared for him but much more than he cared for.
now though i have found love.
someone who i know its meant to be with.
i don't just deal with him because in my eyes he is perfect.
that girl she calls you names.
she tears you down and tells you that you are ignorant and ugly.
yet i still promise you lovely it gets better
he cheated on me with her.
i lowered myself and put her on a pedestal.
now my love shows me i am beautiful.
her words do not hold me back anymore.
i rip down that pedestal because she does not deserve to be in that place.
being young is hard…plain and simple.
going through high school is a journey full of tears and heart break and bullies.
but after all the bad God gives you good.
we all go through pain because when we are finally happy we appreciate more.
depression is terrible.
but now i have the best friend in the whole world and the love of my life.
now i look back and i wouldn't change one thing of what happened.
because i know my depression led to these wonderful people.
when life is rough and hard do not give in to the heart breakers and the bullies.
because darling i have seen with my own heart and eyes time heals everything and it gets better.
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